1 |
“...Salvador? Venezuela. (Symb.).
77. Polygonaceae.
2205. Antigonon Endl.
Antigonon leptopus Hook, et Arn. Bot. Beech. (1841) 808 t. 69.
B e g i s s i m a.
Cultivated. [Jamaica.] (Gris. FI.).
2209. Coccoloba Linn.
Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Enum. Syst. (1760) 19;
Coccoloba punctata Gris, (non L.) Flor. W. I. (1859) 163;
Coccoloba diversifolia Gris, (non Jacq.) pr. p. Flor. W. I. (1859)
163. (Symb.). Bessji die kalakoena, Dreifi sjimarón,
Kamaalia, Kamaari, Manggel die sabaana, Paaloe die
lam&n, Red mangel, Witte manggel.
Curasao: Mok (4827); Mh (4881); Mh (4882); H (5070); Sik3
(5240); R (5330); K (5463). . — Aschenberg, — Suringar, —
Britton & Shafer (3082).
Aruba: Jam (6306); Cank (6384). — Suringar.
Bonaire: Rk (7051); Macb (7122); Soebh (7274); Bonk (7489). —
Generally spread in parts with well developed woods; on Curasao 28
finding places noted, especially in the Western part and on the Western
border of the Eastern half; on Aruba 7 finding places noted and on Bonaire 18.