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“...Additions The plant mentioned on pg. 3 as Andropogon brevifolius Sw. has been studied by Mi. V. Nash, who gave it the name of Schizachyrium curasavicum sp. nov. Annual. Stems 1—2 dm. tall, branched, glabrous; leaf-sheaths smooth and glabrous, keeled; blades up to 8 cm. long, 3—4 mm. wide, flat, linear, gradually narrowed above to an acute point, glabrous on the keeled lower surface, the upper surface sparingly tuberculate-hirsute with long hairs; spathes 2—3 cm. long; race- mes about 2 cm. long, the internodes oblique at the deeply cup- shaped apex, these and the pedicels appressed-hirsute with long hairs below on the back, the internodes long barbate at the base; sessile spikelets 5—6 mm. long; first scale involute, appressed- hirsute with long hairs, long-acuminate, strongly 2-nerved at the apex, these nerves and the intermediate ones very faint below; flowering scale hyaline, delicate, cleft to below the middle, the awn 8—12 mm. long, the tightly spiral deep brown column about as long...”