Your search within this document for 'krak' resulted in five matching pages.

“...4 Gramineae. 140. Anthephora Schreb. Anthephora hermaphoditica 0. Ktze. Rev. II (1891) 759; Anthephora elegans Schreb. Beschr. Gras. Ill (1810) 105 t. 44; Gris. FI. 556. Curasao: Vw (4713); W (49265); Hk (5320); Kit (5500); Huk (5569). — Suringar, — Lens 828, — Versluys 1412,' — Britton & Shafer 2918. Aruba: Mankz (6278); Siw (6329). — Suringar. Bonaire: R (7025e); Rk (7095a); Rt (7154); Rt (7159); Krak (7445). Of general occurrence; 30 finding places noted. Margarita. (Johnston). Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.). 143. Tragus Hall. Tragus racemosus Haller Hist. Stirp. Helv. II (1768) 203; Lappago aliena Spreng. Neue Entd. III (1822) 15; Gris FI. 557. Curasao: Cas (4790); W2 (5065); Yat (5372). - Suringar, — Britton & Shafer 2960. Aruba: Ok2 (6236); Siv (6313a). — Suringar. Bonaire: R (70255); R (7380). Pretty scarce; of the 18 finding places only 5 were noted on lime. Margarita. (Johnston). Antill., trop. and subtrop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 161. Paspalum Linn. Paspalum glabrum...”

“...(5319); Pik (5327a); Zt (5381); Zt (53835); Huk (5569a). — Suringar, — Britton & Shafer 2958. Aruba: Ok2 (6235); Bakh (6333). Bonaire: R (7009); Macb (7120); Lash (7227); PRw (7355); Bol ko (7366); Krak (7443a); Bact (7473c). — Suringar. Over a hundred finding places noted. Jamaica. (Steud. PI. Gram.); St. Eustatius, Saba, St. Martin. (Bold. I). 230. Sporobolus.R. Br. Sporobolus argutus, Kth. Enum. 1.(1833). 215.Brakgras, Jeerba fieni. Curasao : Rud (4608); Vw (4717); Blw (4754); B (4779); Mok (4825); Pit (4835); Mt (4862); W (4927); Sk (5044); Hk (51315); Bat (5210); Bat (5230); Vat (5365a); Ent (5433d). — Aschenberg, — Suringar, — Versluys 1415, — Britton & Shafer 3051. Aruba: Mankz (6280); Bushir (6342); Bek (6424). - Suringar, - Koolwijk. Bonaire: R (7025a); R (7025c); R(7091);'R(7183a); Krak (7443c); Lac k (7477). — Suringar. Noted in 82 finding places. Brasilia. (Kunth. Enum.) (Symb.)....”

“...dactylon Pers. Syn. I (1805) 85; Gris. FI. 540. Brak- gras saaloe. Curasao: Suringar, — Versluys 1417. Bermud., Baham., Antill., trop. and warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 288. Chloris Sw. Chloris leptantha Hitchc. in Symb. Antill. YII (1912) 166. Curasao : H2 (5115); Beh (5531); Dh (5686); Be (5556); Huk (5569); Krk (55915). — Britton & Shafer 2906. Aruba: Siw (6322); Ok2 (6233); How (6(560); Bek (6421a); Beh (6428 h)\ Mirh (6445a); Savw (6520); Savh (6535a). Bonaire: R (7031); Joh (7208); Krak (7444). Chloris paraguaiensis Steud. Gram. (1855) 204; Chloris barbata Sw. Flor. I (1797) 200; Gris. FI. 549. Curasao: Sik (5188); Bat (5232c); Zt (5383). — Suringar, — Lens 829, — Versluys 1410, — Britton & Shafer 2989. Aruba: Siw (6305). , Bonaire: Rt (7152); Bact (7473). Noted in 17 finding places; Scarce. Baham., Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). Chloris Suringar! Hitchc. in Symb. Antill. VII (1912) 167. Curasao: Mk (4888); Mk (4895); Sik (5187); Pek (5281). 304. Eleusine...”

“...Cynodon—Eragrostis. 9 Krk (5591). — Aschenberg, — Suringar, — Went 1102, — Lens 811, — Yersluys 1403. Aruba: Ok2 (6231); Siw (6331); Siw (7342d). — Suringar. Bonaire: R (7025d); R (7059); Rt (7151); Krak (7443); Krak (7444a). — Suringar. Of general occurrence in the three islands. Margarita. (Johnston). Baham., Antill., trop. and warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). 307. Leptochloa Beauv. Leptochloa filiformis Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 71; Leplochloa mucronata Kth. Rév. Gram. I (1829) 91; Gris. F|. 537. Curasao: St (5054v); St (5054h); Wa3 (5101a); A (5145); Bat (5232a); Ent (5433c). — Aschenberg, — Suringar, — Lens 830, — Yersluys 1411, 1421. Bonaire: Rh (7035). Occurring scattered outside the lime on Curasao and Bonaire. Margarita. (Johnston). Bermud., Antill., Amer. sept., Nova Granata, Asia and Afr. trop. (Symb.). 310. Pappophorum Schreb. Pappophorutn alopecuroideum Vahl. Symb. bot. Ill (1794) 10. t. 51; Gris FI. 537. Bonaire: Fh (7253); (7424); Skr (7438). Trinidad, La Tinta, Bras...”

“...(6342). Bonaire: Zout kg (7501). Mexico. (Ind. Kew.). Eragostis pilosa Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 71; Gris. FI. 532. Curasao: Krk (5590). — Suringar. Aruba: Suringar. Bonaire: Boiko (7375); Bact (7473a). Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.). Eragrostis Urbaniana Hitchc. in Symb. Antill. YII (1912) 167. Curasao: Nask (4692); Pek (5285). — Suringar, — Britton & Shafer 2939, 3058. Aruba: Mankz (6277); Nick (6495); Font k (6565). Bonaire: Rk (7064); Grk (7170); Soebkr (7258); Tolkz (7277); Krak (7446). — Suringar. Baham.: (South Caicos). (Symb.). 20. Cyperaceae. Cyperus elegans Linn.- Spec. (1762) 68; Cyperus viscosus Swartz. Prod. (1788) 20; Gris. FI. 563. Curasao: Suringar. Bonaire: Suringar. Florida, Antill., Amer. centr., Argentinia. (Symb.). Cyperus esculentus Linn. Spec. ed. II. 67; Gris. FI. 565. Jeerba die kooko, Kooko die amiena. Curasao: Blw (4747); St (5054w>). Aruba: Bakk (6342); Ajw (6343a). Bonaire: R (7131); R (7140);Rt(7148); Brw(7314);Tk(7333).— Suringar. Southern parts...”