1 |
68. Doryopteris J. Smith.
Doryoptheris concolor Kuhn, v. Deck. Reis. 33. Bot. (1879) 19.
Bonaire: Brh (7319); Brh (7321).
In tropical countries of both hem. (C. Christensen).
72. Cheilanthes Swartz.
Cheilanthes microphylla Sw. Syn. Fil. (1806) 127; Gris. FI. 667.
Curasao: Heh (5647). — Britton & Shafer.
Bonaire: Rk (7049); Rk (7053); Zkr (7387).
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.).
100. Polypodium Linn.
Polypodium aureum Linn. Spec. (1753) Ï087; Gris. FI. 698.
Curasao: C (5012); C (5020). — Suringar.
Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.).
9. Typhaceae.
49. Typha Linn.
Typha domingensis Pers. Synops. II (1807) 532.
Typha angustifolia (3 domingensis Griseb. FI. Br. W. I. Isl.
(1864) 512.
Curasao: Kr (5586).
Antill., Americ. cont. (Graebner 1900)....”
2 |
“...2 Potamogetonaceae—Gramineae.
II. Potamogetonaceae.
59. Ruppia Linn.-
Ruppia maritima Linn. Spec. I (1753) 127; Gris. FJ. 506.
Curasao: Hawt (5348a). — Britton & Shafer 2952.
Aruba: Font (6440).
Bonaire: Plh (7288); Plh (7290).
Trop. and temp, zones. (Symb.).
60. Cymodocea Ch. Koenig.
Cymodocea manatorum Aschers. in Sitsber. Ges. naturf. Fr.
Berlin (1868) 19.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 3128.
Bermud., Key West, Antill. (Symb.).
12. Najadaceae.
64. Najas L.
Najas guadalupensis Moröng. in Mem. Torr. bot. Club III. 2 (1893)
p. 60. t. 67;
Najas microdon A. Br. var. curassavica A. Br. in Sitzungsber.
ges. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin (1868) 17.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 3083.
Cuba, Florida, Mexico, Venezuela. (Symb.).
15. Alismaceae.
75. Echinodorus Engelm.
Echinodorus cordifolius Gris. Kar. (1857) 109; Gris. FI. 505;
Echinodorus rostratus Engelm. in Gray Man. of Bot. II. ed.
(1856) 438; Buch. in Eng. Pflanzenr. Heft 17 (Alismataceae) 31.
Curasao: Md (4893); Malpais. — Britton & Shafer 3115.
3 |
92. Thalassia Banks.
Thalassia testudinum Sol. in König. Ann. of Bot. 11 (1805) 96;
Gris Fl. 507. Jeerba die kaania.
Curasao; v. Breemen. — Britton & Shafer 3094.
Key West, Baham., Antill., Venezuela. (Symb.).
19. Gramineae.
102. Zea. Linn.
Zea Mays Linn. Spec. (1753) 971. Maisji grandi.
Cultivated. [Amer. austr. Peru?] (Symb.).
111. Saccharum Linn.
Saccharum officinarum Linn. Spec. (1753) 54. Kanja.
Cultivated. [Asia austro-orient.?] (Symb.).
134. Andropogon Linn.
Andropogon brevifolius Sw. Prodr. (1788) 26; Gris. Fl. 558.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 3101.
Trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.).
Andropogon contortus Linn. Sp. (1753) 1045.
Andropogon secundus Willd. ex Nees Agrost. Bras. (1829) 346.
Gris. Fl. 558.
Curasao: Caz (4784); Zt (5382).
St. Eustatius. (Bold. I); Domingo, Haiti, Antigua, Guadeloupe.
(Herb. Krug et Urban).
Andropogon Ischaemum Linn. Spec. I. p. 1047. var. americanus
in Hack. D C. Mon. Ph. VI. 476.
Curasao: Vd (4742); Bh (4762).
Venezuela, Antigua...”
4 |
140. Anthephora Schreb.
Anthephora hermaphoditica 0. Ktze. Rev. II (1891) 759;
Anthephora elegans Schreb. Beschr. Gras. Ill (1810) 105 t. 44;
Gris. FI. 556.
Curasao: Vw (4713); W (49265); Hk (5320); Kit (5500); Huk
(5569). — Suringar, — Lens 828, — Versluys 1412,' — Britton &
Shafer 2918.
Aruba: Mankz (6278); Siw (6329). — Suringar.
Bonaire: R (7025e); Rk (7095a); Rt (7154); Rt (7159);
Krak (7445).
Of general occurrence; 30 finding places noted.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.).
143. Tragus Hall.
Tragus racemosus Haller Hist. Stirp. Helv. II (1768) 203;
Lappago aliena Spreng. Neue Entd. III (1822) 15; Gris FI. 557.
Curasao: Cas (4790); W2 (5065); Yat (5372). - Suringar, —
Britton & Shafer 2960.
Aruba: Ok2 (6236); Siv (6313a). — Suringar.
Bonaire: R (70255); R (7380).
Pretty scarce; of the 18 finding places only 5 were noted on lime.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Antill., trop. and subtrop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.).
161. Paspalum Linn.
Paspalum glabrum...”
5 |
“...Panicum paspaloides Pers. Syn. I (1805) 81; Gris. Fl. 545.
Curasao: Mt (4868); St (4963); St (5054wi); Mrt.
Aruba: Bakk (6342a). — Suringar.
Florida, Bermud., Baham., Antill., trop. countries of both
hemisph. (excl. Australia). (Symb.).
Panicum hirticauie Presl. in Rel. Haenk. I. 308.
Curasao: Vat (5094); Hk (5322); Zt (5379); Jt (5423).
Mexico. (Hitche.).
Panicum insulare G. F. W. Mey. Prim. Esseq. (1818) 60.
Tricholaena insularis Gris. Fl. W. I. (1864) 557.
Curasao: W (49270); Hh (51317/-); Hh (51310); Krh (5600); W (4929);
Huk (5569).
Aruba: Beaujon.
Bonaire: Bolko (7362).
Margarita. (Johnston).
Florida austr., Baham., Amer. cont. from Texas to Patagonia.
Panicum iachnanthum Torr. Pac. Rail. Rep. VII. 3. 21.
Valota saccharata A. Chase in Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington
XIX (1906) 188.
Aruba: Serk (6483). — Suringar.
Bonaire: Joh (7209).
Western parts of North. America. (Ind. Kew.).
Panicum maximum Jacq. Ic. pi. rar. I (1781) z. t. 13; cult. Gris.
Fl. 549. Guini gras.
Cultivated. [Baham...”
6 |
“...Digitaria seti-
gera Roth. ap. R. et Sch. Syst. II (1817) 474?; Gris. FI. 544-, Piea
die galienja sjimarón.
Curasao: St (5054k); Zt (5383a>; Ent(5438 5). - Versluys 1413.
Aruba: Font t (6475a). — Suringar.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.).
Panicum stenodes Gris. FI. W. I. (1864) 547.
Curasao: Rih (4654); Yd (4737); Ms (4897); H2 (5110).
Bonaire: Rk (7070); Soehh (7261a); Soebh (7272); Bonk (7485). —
Jamaica, Cuba, Brasil. (Gris. FI. W. I.).
Panicum velutinosum Nees. Agrost. bras. 121.
Maisji totalieka.
Curasao: Mok (4819); W (4927/); St (5054e); Aw (5163);
Bah (5169); Bat -(52325); Be (5398); Jh (5428); ih (54285); Krh
(5597). — Aschenberg, — Suringar, — Versluys 1401,1404,1405, —
Britton & Shafer 2986, 3004.
Aruba: How (6362).
Bonaire: R (70955); R (7384). — Suringar.
Brasil., Mexico. (Steud. Plant. Glum.).,
171. Setaria Beauv.
Setaria setosa Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 51; Gris. FI. 555.
Curasao: C (4995).
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.)...”
7 |
Aruba: Siw (6325); Savk (6523). — Koolwijk.
Bonaire: Rt (7155). — Suringar.
Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.).
195. Bouteloua Lag.
Bouteloua aristidoides Gris. Fl. Br. W. I. 537.
Aruba: Ajw (6344); Andh (6395); Mirh (6455). — Suringar.
Arizona. (Herb. Utrecht); Mexico. (Hitchc.).
Bouteloua Humboldtiana Gris. PI. Wright II (1862) 532;
Heterostega juncifolia H. B. K. Nov. Gen. I (1815) p. 1751.54.
Curasao: Bh (4769); W2 (5067); Sik3 (5262c); Pih (5327).
Aruba: Mankz (6297); Altavista (6340). — Suringar.
On Curasao 6 finding places of which one on lime soil; on Aruba scat-
tered, 7 finding places; on Bonaire not found at all.
Portorico, Cuba, Hispaniola. (Symb.).
208. Aristida Linn.
Aristida Swartziana Steud. Syn. PI. Gram. (1855) 137;
Aristida purpurascens Poir. Encycl. Supp. 1.452; Gris. Fl. 534.
Curasao: Bh (4763); Bh (4772); Cas (4782); Cas (4783); Mah (4852a);
W (4927a); H (5069); Wag (5103a); Hk (5131m); Si k2 (5264); Hk (5319);
Pik (5327a); Zt (5381); Zt (53835);...”
8 |
282. Cynodon Pers.
Cynodon dactylon Pers. Syn. I (1805) 85; Gris. FI. 540. Brak-
gras saaloe.
Curasao: Suringar, — Versluys 1417.
Bermud., Baham., Antill., trop. and warmer countries of both
hemisph. (Symb.).
288. Chloris Sw.
Chloris leptantha Hitchc. in Symb. Antill. YII (1912) 166.
Curasao : H2 (5115); Beh (5531); Dh (5686); Be (5556); Huk (5569);
Krk (55915). — Britton & Shafer 2906.
Aruba: Siw (6322); Ok2 (6233); How (6(560); Bek (6421a); Beh
(6428 h)\ Mirh (6445a); Savw (6520); Savh (6535a).
Bonaire: R (7031); Joh (7208); Krak (7444).
Chloris paraguaiensis Steud. Gram. (1855) 204;
Chloris barbata Sw. Flor. I (1797) 200; Gris. FI. 549.
Curasao: Sik (5188); Bat (5232c); Zt (5383). — Suringar, —
Lens 829, — Versluys 1410, — Britton & Shafer 2989.
Aruba: Siw (6305). ,
Bonaire: Rt (7152); Bact (7473).
Noted in 17 finding places; Scarce.
Baham., Antill., trop. countries of both hemisph. (Symb.).
Chloris Suringar! Hitchc. in Symb. Antill. VII (1912) 167.
Curasao: Mk (4888); Mk...”
9 |
Baham., Antill., trop. and warmer countries of both hemisph.
307. Leptochloa Beauv.
Leptochloa filiformis Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 71;
Leplochloa mucronata Kth. Rév. Gram. I (1829) 91; Gris. F|. 537.
Curasao: St (5054v); St (5054h); Wa3 (5101a); A (5145); Bat
(5232a); Ent (5433c). — Aschenberg, — Suringar, — Lens 830, —
Yersluys 1411, 1421.
Bonaire: Rh (7035).
Occurring scattered outside the lime on Curasao and Bonaire.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Bermud., Antill., Amer. sept., Nova Granata, Asia and Afr.
trop. (Symb.).
310. Pappophorum Schreb.
Pappophorutn alopecuroideum Vahl. Symb. bot. Ill (1794) 10.
t. 51; Gris FI. 537.
Bonaire: Fh (7253); (7424); Skr (7438).
Trinidad, La Tinta, Bras, to Uraguay. (Gris. FI.).
341. Eragrostis Host.
Eragrostis ciliaris Lk. Hort. Berol. I (1827) 192; Gris. FI. 532.
CuraQao: Rif (4024a); Mt (4864); W (4927e); Wa3 (5103&);
Pe (5305); Beh (5529); Huk (5569e); Dh (5637). — Suringar, -
Went 1097, — Britton & Shafer 2908, 3139.
Aruba: (6205); Siv (6334);...”
10 |
“...Herb. I
(1893) 285.
Aruba: Crr; Jabh (6275); Bakk (6342).
Bonaire: Zout kg (7501).
Mexico. (Ind. Kew.).
Eragostis pilosa Beauv. Agrost. (1812) 71; Gris. FI. 532.
Curasao: Krk (5590). — Suringar.
Aruba: Suringar.
Bonaire: Boiko (7375); Bact (7473a).
Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.).
Eragrostis Urbaniana Hitchc. in Symb. Antill. YII (1912) 167.
Curasao: Nask (4692); Pek (5285). — Suringar, — Britton &
Shafer 2939, 3058.
Aruba: Mankz (6277); Nick (6495); Font k (6565).
Bonaire: Rk (7064); Grk (7170); Soebkr (7258); Tolkz (7277);
Krak (7446). — Suringar.
Baham.: (South Caicos). (Symb.).
20. Cyperaceae.
Cyperus elegans Linn.- Spec. (1762) 68;
Cyperus viscosus Swartz. Prod. (1788) 20; Gris. FI. 563.
Curasao: Suringar.
Bonaire: Suringar.
Florida, Antill., Amer. centr., Argentinia. (Symb.).
Cyperus esculentus Linn. Spec. ed. II. 67; Gris. FI. 565.
Jeerba die kooko, Kooko die amiena.
Curasao: Blw (4747); St (5054w>).
Aruba: Bakk (6342); Ajw (6343a).
Bonaire: R (7131); R (7140);Rt(7148);...”
11 |
“...Jamaica, Equador, Guiana. (Symb.).
Cyperus rotundus Linn. Spec (1762) 67; Gris Fl. 564.
Curasao: Aschenberg, — Lens 822, — Versluys 1402, —
Britton & Shafer 3097.
Aruba: Fontt (6475); Fontt (64755).
Baham., Antill., warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.).
Cyperus uncinatus Poir. in Lam. Encycl. VII (1806) 247;
Cyperus cuspidatus H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Sp. I (1815) 204.
Curasao: Krk (5590a).
Aruba: Bek (6424c).
Bonaire: Tolkz (7277c).
In all tropical and warmer countries. (Symb.).
459*. Mariscus Gartn.
cf. 459. Cyperus Linn. sect. 6.
Mariscus brizaeus C. B. Clarke in Symbolae Antillanae II (1900) 52;
Kamoe, Korta man, Jeerba die koetsjóe.
Curasao: C (5004); Pez (5289); Be (5558). — Suringar.
Aruba: Bakk (6342c). — Suringar.
Bonaire: Grkz (7176); Skz (7435).
Baham., Antill., Florida. (Symb.).
Mariscus bruneus C. B. Clarke in Symb. Antill. II (1900) 51;
Cyperus brunneus Sw. Fl. Ind. Occid. I (1797) 116 partim;
Gris. Fl. 565.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 2938.
Trop. America. (Symb.).
12 |
“...Jamaica, Hispaniola. (Symb.).
Mafiscus iigularis Urb. Symb. Antill. II (1900) 165;
Mariscus rufus H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Spec. I (1815) p. 216. t. 67;
Cyperus Iigularis Linn. Amoen. Acad. V (1759)391; Gris. FI. 566.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 3017.
Margarita. (Johnston).
In trop. countries of Africa and America. (Symb.).
Mariscus planifolius Urb. in Symb. Antill. II (1900) 165;
Mariscus purpurascens C. B. Clarke in Symb. Ant. II (1900) 51;
Cyperus bruneus Gris. Flor. (1864) 565 p.p.
Curasao: Suringar.
Aruba: Suringar.
Bonaire: Zoutz (7498). — Suringar.
Portorico, Antigua, Guadeloupe, Dominica, Martinique, St. Vin-
cent, Grenada, Trinidad. (Symb.).
459**. Torulinium Desv.
cf. 459. Cyperus sect. 5.
Torulinium ferax Urb. in Symb. Antill. II (1900) 165;
Cyperus odoratus Linn. Spec. I (1753) 46; Gris. FI. 565.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 3114.
Aruba: (Symb.).
In all warmer countries of both hemisph. (Symb.)....”
13 |
“...Mariscus—Fimbristylis. 13
Torulinium filiforme C. B. Clarke in Symbolae Antillanae II
(1900) 57;
Cyperus filiformis Swartz Prodr. (1788) 20; Gris. Fl. 565.
Curasao: Wh (5573).
Aruba: Bek (6428).
Baham., Antill. (Symb.).
468. Scirpus Linn.
Scirpus micranthus Vahl. Enum. II (1806) 254;
Hemicarpha subsquarrosa Nees in Mart.. Fl. Bras. II pars I
(1843) p. 61. t. 4 fig. 1; Gris. Fl. 372.
Aruba: Mankz (6279a); Ajw (6341); Ajw (6343); Savw (6519).
Bonaire: R (7139); Grkz (7174a); Tolkz (7277a); Brw (73145).
Not seen on Curasao; on Aruba and Bonaire together 16finding places noted.
In all parts of America, Angola. (Symb.).
469. Heleocharis R. Br.
Heleocharis capitata R.Br. Prod. (1810) 225;
Scirpus capitalus Linn. Spec. (1762) 70; Gris. Fl. 570 partim.
Curasao: Mt (4867); Asc (5296); Krt (5584). — Aschenberg, —
Britton & Shafer 8014, 3078.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Tropical and subtropical countries. (Symb.).
469*. Bulbostylis Kunth.
cf. 469. Heleocharis R. Br.
Bulbostylis floccosa var. /3 pumillio...”
14 |
Fimbristylis monostachya Hassk. PI. Jav. Rar. (1848) 61;
Cyperus monostachyus Linn. Mant. (1771) 180; H. B. et K. Nov.
Gen. et Spec. I. 203;
Abildgaardia monostachya Vahl Enum. II (1806) 296; Gris.
FI. 569.
Curasao: Mah (4852); Mb (4883); Krh (5596).
Bonaire: Soebh (7280); Boiko (7367).
In all warmer and tropical countries. (Symb.).
Fimbristylis ferruginea Vahl Enum. II (1806) 291; Scirpus ferru-
ginous Linn. Spec. Ed. II 74; Gris. FI. 572.
Curasao: Asc (5293); Krt (5585). — Aschenberg, — Britton &
Shafer 3018.
In warmer and tropical countries of America. (Symb.).
21. Palmae.
528. Phoenix Linn.
Phoenix dactylifera Linn. Spec. (1753) 1188. Daader.
Cultivated. [Afr. sept.] (Symb.).
549. Copernicia Mart.
Copernicia tectorum Mart. Hist. Nat. Palm.III. 243. Palmiet.
Cultivated. [N. Granata.] (Kunth).
613. Oreodoxa Wild.
Oreodoxa regia H. B. K. Nov. Gen. et Spec. I. 305.
Cultivated. [Antill.] (Ind. Kew.).
663. Cocos Linn.
Cocos nucifera Linn. Spec. (1753) 1188. Kokos...”
15 |
“...Gray Man. Bot.
Y. ed. (Jan. 1868) 681;
Lemna minor Gris. FI. W. I. (1864) 512. (p.p.) (Symb.).
Curasao: Noord. — Britton & Shafer 2993.
Antill., Amer. cont., Afr., Asia austro-orient., Japon., Australia.
796. Wolffia Hork. et Schleid.
Wolffia punctata Gris. FI. Br. W. I. (1864) 512.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 2994.
Jamaica. (Gris. FI.); Americ. sept. (Thompson. Amer. Lemn.).
32. Bromeliaceae.
840. Bromelia Linn.
Bromelia lasiantha Willd. ap. R. et Sch. Syst. VII (1830) 1233.
Curasao: 0 (4991); Sik3 (5249); Sik3 (5250); Wah (5256); Sik3
(5257); Siks (5258). — Britton & Shafer 3093.
Aruba: Cam.
On Curasao especially occuring in the Western part with 11 finding
places; in the remaining part 2. Not observed on Bonaire.
Venezuela. (Mez. Bromeliac.).
851. Ananas Adans.
Ananas sativus Schuit, f. in R. et Sch. Syst. VII (183Ö) 1283.
Cultivated. [Brasilia]. (Symb.).
890. Tillandsia Linn.
Tillandsia fasciculata Sw. Prodr. (1788) 56; Gris. FI. 595.
Curasao: locality unknown.
Florida austral...”
16 |
“...finding places noted; on Curasao and Bonaire especially
in the Western parts.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Baham., Antill., warmer countries of America. (Symb.).
Tillandsia usneoides Linn. Spec. (1762) 411; Gris FI. 598.
Curasao: seen on the Christoffel Mountain.
Antill., warmer countries of Amer. (Symb.).
Tillandsia utriculata Linn. Spec. (1758) 286; Gris. FI. 596.
Teekoe die paaloe.
Curasao: Wo (4939); C (5010); C (5053); Beh (5525); Mirh (6448).
Bonaire: Lash (7223).
On Aruba also 2 finding places noted, occuring especially in the wooded
parts, 11 finding places in all.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Florida austral., Baham., Antill., Mexico, Venezuela, Guiana.
33. Commelinaceae.
896. Commelina Linn.
Commelina virginica Linn. Spec. (1762) 62;
Commelina elegans H. B. K. Nov. Gen. I (1815) 259; Gris. FI.
525. Maisji grandi sjimarón.
Curasao: Bit (4903); Wk (4958); Kit (5499); Be (5551). -
Suringar, — Lens 813, — Versluys 1420.
Aruba: Ok2 (6241); Beh (6428). — Suringar.
Bonaire: R (7093); R (7385)...”
17 |
“...1618. Schomburgkia Lindl.
Schomburgkia tibicinis Batem. Orchid. Mex. et Guat. t. 30.
Banana sjimarön.
Curasao: C (5005). — Aschenberg.
Bonaire: Lash (7225).
Honduras. (Walp. Ann. Bot. VI).
1619. Brassavola R. Br.
Brassavola nodosa Lindl. Gen. and Sp. Orch. (1831) 114, in Bot.
Reg. XVIII t. 1465; Gris. FI. 621.
Curasao: locality unknown. — Aschenberg.
Antill., Mexic. austr., Amer. centr., Columbia, Venez., Peru.
53. Piperaceae.
1866. Peperomia Ruiz, et Pav.
Peperomia petiolaris C. DC. in Seem. Journ. of Bot. IV (1866) 138.
Cultivated. [Cuba, Paraguay.] (Symb.).
63. Ulmaceae.
1898. Celtis Linn.
Celtis Iguanaea Sarg. Silva VII (1895) 64;
Celtis aculeata Sw. Prodr. (1788) 53; Gris. FI. 149. Bessji
igoeaana, Jeerba igoeaana, Raambessji.
Curasao: Sh (4970); H2 (5113). — Suringar, — Britton & Shafer
Aruba: Bek (6432); Bek (7055)....”
18 |
Bonaire: Bonk (7492). — Suringar.
On Curasao in the wooded part 11 finding places outside the lime district;
on Aruba 2 finding places noted, on Bonaire 7.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.).
64. Moraceae.
1919. Chlorophora Gaudich.
Chlorophora tinctoria Gaudich. in Freyc. Voy. Bot. (1829)508;
Maclura tindoria D. Don ex Steud. Nomencl. II ed. II (1814)
87; Gris. FI. 153;
Madura xanthoxylon Endl. Gen. Suppl. IV. II (1847) 34;
Gris. FI. 153. Paaloe die moora, Paaloe doesji.
Curasao: Vw (4702). — Suringar, — Went 1330.
Bonaire: Suringar.
On Curasao alone. 13 finding places noted, nearly always in courts and
not on lime soil.
Antill., Amer. cont. trop. (Symb.).
1961. Ficus Linn.
Ficus Brittonii Boldingh. (n. sp.) ramulis tenuibus, in sicco subrugoso-
sulcatis; stipulis glabris caducis; foliis membranaceis vel subper-
gamaceis, glabris, oblongis ovato-oblongis usque ellipticis, basi
cuneato-subacutis, apice apiculatis usque mucronatis, basi triner-...”
19 |
Pilea herniarioides Lindl. Coll. bot. (1821) sub tab. 4.
Cura$ao: H2 (5114); Wh (5573); Heh (5648). — Suringar, —
Britton & Shafer 2949.
Aruba: Camk (6371); Camk (6379); Bek (6433); Nick (6500).—
Bonaire: Rk (7041).
Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Costarica. (Symb.).
Pilea tnicrophyila Liebm. in Yidensk. Selsk. Skr. Kopenh. V.
Ser. Yol. II (1851) 286; Gris. FI. 155.
Cultivated. [Florida austr., Bermud., Baham., Antill., Amer.
cont. trop.] (Symb.).
Pilea nummularifoiia Wedd. in Ann. Sc. nat. Ill Ser. XVIII
(1852) 225.
Cultivated. [Antill.] (Symb.).
67. Loranthaceae.
2089. Phoradendron Nutt.
Phoradendron trinervium Gris Flor. W. I. (1860) 314.
Curasao: Hk (5123).
Bonaire: Montkz (7394).
Antill., Costarica. (Symb.).
72. Olacaceae.
2129. Schoepfia Schreb.
Schoepfia Schreberi J. F. Gmel. Syst. (1791) 376.
Curasao: Moh (4853); Bah (5181); Pew (5277); Ms. —Britton
& Shafer 3086....”
20 |
“...808 t. 69.
B e g i s s i m a.
Cultivated. [Jamaica.] (Gris. FI.).
2209. Coccoloba Linn.
Coccoloba diversifolia Jacq. Enum. Syst. (1760) 19;
Coccoloba punctata Gris, (non L.) Flor. W. I. (1859) 163;
Coccoloba diversifolia Gris, (non Jacq.) pr. p. Flor. W. I. (1859)
163. (Symb.). Bessji die kalakoena, Dreifi sjimarón,
Kamaalia, Kamaari, Manggel die sabaana, Paaloe die
lam&n, Red mangel, Witte manggel.
Curasao: Mok (4827); Mh (4881); Mh (4882); H (5070); Sik3
(5240); R (5330); K (5463). . — Aschenberg, — Suringar, —
Britton & Shafer (3082).
Aruba: Jam (6306); Cank (6384). — Suringar.
Bonaire: Rk (7051); Macb (7122); Soebh (7274); Bonk (7489). —
Generally spread in parts with well developed woods; on Curasao 28
finding places noted, especially in the Western part and on the Western
border of the Eastern half; on Aruba 7 finding places noted and on Bonaire 18.
Baham., Antill. (Symb.).
Coccoloba uvifera Jacq. Enum. Syst. 19; Gris. FI. 161. Dreifi
die laman, Zeedreifi.
Curasao: Suringar...”