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“...demanding them, and farther to proceed as stipulated xn the eleventh article of the Militia regulations. Done at Gouvernement House, this sixth day of July one thousand eight hundred and twenty one. By a Board of officers. Additional order. All persons having certificates to be exempt from duty, shall be obliged to send a substitute, unless they should be con- fined in bed; in that case, an excuse on oath will be required, which excuse must be sent 5 hours previous to the guards mounting to the sergeant-major. . r, pllpnev Done by a board of officers held, by order of His Excellency the Governor, this eight day of December, one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. Approved, The Governor, (get.) W. A. van Spenoler. 1825. NVal* PUBLICATIE. Wii Wilhelm August van Spengler, Kolonel en Kapitein-ter-zee • j- _x 7ïiiie Maiesteit den Koning der Nederlanden, Crou- verneur der eilanden St. Eustatius, St. Martin enSaba, Opperbe- velhebber van Zijner Majesteits land-enzeemagt aldaar,enz., enz., ”7 en...”