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“...337 Art. 69 (S.) Hij toont een volk aan, dat was langzaam „struggling up from a basis sf barbarism to the plane of an orderly and intelligent civilisation. The negro is not a terminal point, but is fundamentally equal with the white man. Troughout his life-story can be traced the thin withe thread of evolution. His progress may be slow, but is possible. The history of Jamaica proves how much can be done when conditions are even moderately favourable....... „The race as it exists to day is a product of sixty years of freedom; on the whole, a plain, honest Anglicised people with no peculiarity except a harmles ignorance and superstition. Looking at it in contrast with what it was at the beginning of the period, one cannot but be impressed with the wunderful progress it has made. And where there has been steady progress in the past there is infinite hope for the future Het is dus onze taak hem deze hoogere ontwikkeling te doen bereiken, door hem te doen deelnemen in de burgerrechten en door...”