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“...het Caribisch gebied. Curaao werd in 1634 genomen. Rond 1700 bloeide de nederlandse slavenhandel waarbij Curaao de belangrijkste marktplaats was. De huidige bevolking bedraagt ongeveer 141.000 personen. Curaao is the largest of the six islands in the Caribbean Area which jointly constitute one of the three partners of the Netherlands Kingdom. Curaao lies off the Venezuelan coast between 68 and 69 West Longitude and 12 North Latitude and is separated from the South American continent by only a stretch of sea about 45 miles wide. It has an area of 182 square miles. Its largest length is 40 miles and its width varies from 8 to 3 miles. The northwestern section is predominantly hilly terrain, with Saint Christoffelberg as the highest peak (1250 feet). The rest of the island is less elevated and displays in many places plateau formations (limestone) of varying heights. The island has a number of deep, handshaped, inland bays, of which Schottegat serves as a harbor and Spaanse Water as a recreation...”