No. Title Date
1 The influence of labor intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction on job satisfaction and intent to stay at Birgen di Rosario
2 The contribution of Human Resource Informtion System im order to optimize performance managment in ForenSys
3 How does a lack of independence affect the internal auditor's objectivity?
4 Constraints influencing the growth of small enterprises in Curaçao
5 Low-balling: een onderzoek naar het effect van het onder kostprijs aanbieden van accountantscontroles op Curaçao
6 Micro financing : a solution for potential entrepreneurs
7 Creating value for the internal customer: a conceptual framework for the assessment and implementation of IT/IS projects
8 A fundamental study on the relationship between the level of satisfaction and employee motivation in entities on Bonaire in the public and private sector
9 How can CPost International market the service to convert visitors into buyers
10 Service level as a satisfaction instrument : a trade-off between low inventory levels of merchandise and custormer satisfaction at a local retail fashion store
11 Corporate governance: a study on the independence of the Supervisory Board in local health care organizations
12 What drives the market of Aeropost?
13 Which marketing strategy can help Naturals Curaçao increase sales and attract more customers using social media, website and brand awareness?
14 Effects of customer service on loyalty
15 Evaluating the attractiveness of the B2C e-commerce market for Interall Group's products on sites such as Alibaba and Amazon
16 Does supply chain management improve customer satisfaction
17 'How can local SME's in the cosmetic sector enter the US market through E-commerce by taking into consideration the marketing aspects for entering this market?
18 Dollarization of a Central Bank
19 Business boost
20 Risk management and social media : achieve risk management plan in Insel Air Curaçao