No. Title Date
1 Roro reader : stories in the Roro language, Central district, Papua
2 How to begin healing a long festering wound: Papiamento, community and education in Aruba
3 The need for a renewed health emphasis on physical and health education in Aruban elementary schools
4 The ABC of teacher language proficiency
5 Towards real cultural dialogue in Caribbean education
6 Nursery school teachers' attitudes toward Guyanese Creole
7 Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij (C.P.I.M.) / Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij (C.S.M.)
8 Adult education group meeting
9 This is the way we does talk! Perceptions of Caribbean English in Aruban education and society
10 Curaçao krijgt eigen conservatorium
11 Conservatorium klaar voor de start
12 UOC ta kuminsa Konservatorio : edukashon musikal na e nivel akadémiko mas haltu awor posibel na Kòrsou
13 Education in Britain
14 Valorization of Papiamento in Aruban society and education, in historical, contemporary and future perspectives
15 The use of L1 in L2 vocabulary teaching to produce better results on English tests
16 Language attitudes in Bonaire : attitudes towards Dutch and Papiamentu among students
17 Collaborative writing in a 21st century Aruban English classroom
18 Conferentie 'Education with Technology' UoC
19 Papiamento, un herment clave den enseñansa di matematica? : scol primario multilingual y su efecto riba matematica den scol secundario
20 La competencia comunicativa intercultural a través del entorna de videocomunicación : ¿Cómo se manifiesta la competencia comunicativa intercultural en el intercambio de contenidos culturales a través del entorno de videocomunicación?