No. Title Date
1 Woordenlijst en zamenspraak in de Nederlandsche en Curaçaosche landstaal
2 Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch
3 Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch
4 Apakah Indonésianja? = : (Hoe zeg je 't in 't Indonesisch?)
5 Woordenlijst en samenspraak, Hollands-Papiaments-Spaans
6 The ABC of teacher language proficiency
7 Arawak versus Lokono, what's in a name?
8 Towards real cultural dialogue in Caribbean education
9 Evangelio di nos señor Jesu-Christo segun San Mateo
10 African agency in the emergence of the Atlantic Creoles
11 St. Croix a pluri-lingual and pluri-cultural island
12 Language variation as 'verbal resourcefulness and aesthetic completeness': the sociolingistics of Derek Walcott
13 About the editors/authors
14 The power of the word - the evaluative functions of prefabricated language
15 Queens of the Virgins: ancestral visions in contemporary Virgin Islands folkore and drama
16 There's always the other side: agency and authority in creole initiation
17 Jamaica Kincaid: image, manipulation and perception
18 Bolom symbolism in Derek Walcott, Dionne Brand, and Robert Antoni
19 Does a thread of magical realism pervade Roderick Walcott's Malfinis?
20 Affiche met titel 'Ayera Awe y Manan. - Dedika na mi amigu di semper: Dobru (Robin Ravales)'