No. Title Date
1 Program of events on the occasion of the inauguration of the Clubhouse of the Curaçaosche Sport Club
2 C.S.C. sport-picnic
3 Programme of the display of Scottish national dances to the music of pipers by the Queen's own Cameron Highlanders
4 50 jaar CSC 1919 - 1969
5 C.S.C. Sport pic nic
6 Programma van C.S.C.'s unieke sport-picnic
7 Modeshow
8 Programma van de sportnummers en atletiekwedstrijden
9 Programma ten bate van de getroffenen in Nederland in de Curacaosche Sport Club
10 Programma viering 40-jarig bestaan Curacaosche Sport Club
11 CSC 45 jaar 1919-1964
12 Programma van de feestelijkheden Curaçaosche Sport Club 1919-1944
13 C.S.C.'s sport pic-nic
14 Programma van de te houden sportwedstrijden tegen de Aruba Tivoli Club
15 Programme of music Curaçaosche Sport Club
16 35 jaar CSC (Curaçaosche Sport Club)
17 Programma van C.S.C.'s unieke sport-picnic
18 Programma van C.S.C.'s unieke sport-picnic
19 E.T.S., Esso Tennis Club v/s C.S.C., Curacaosche Sport Club
20 Programma van C.S.C. vaderdag sport picnic