" Kelki na boka" : pasatempu ku ta konsisti di shete diálogo |
Creator: | |
Debrot, Nicolaas Henriquez-Alvarez Correa, May Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Smit
Publication Date: | | 1973 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 55 p. ; ill. ; 21 cm |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Toneel; Papiamentu
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...daki pali maishi, want pa algn balki i stngel algn dwars algn nt. Tin a perd forsa i ta medio
kologa.-----Na muraya tin poko prenchi hiblek
di diferente santu, entre otro un bizantino di Labirgui ku yu. Meimei dje prenchinan tin repro-dukshon di prtrt di boksd...” |
" Kelki na boka" : pasatempu ku ta konsisti di shete diálogo |
Ala blanca : dedicá na nos hubentud |
Publisher: | | Imprenta di Vicariato ( Otrabanda, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1912- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : Ill. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...esai asina bon, koe for
e dia ai el no a stop di reza pa
Papa, pa Sta. Iglesia i pa pecador.
Na es ocasion Soeur a munstr un
prenchi di Sagrado Coerazon di He-
sus. Nelly a keda mir coe atencion,
caba e dici: No ta asina ma mi-
ra Hesus.
Gom bo a mir anto ...” |
Ala blanca : dedicá na nos hubentud |
Ala blanca : dedicá na nos hubentud |
Publisher: | | Imprenta di Vicariato ( Otrabanda, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1912- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : Ill. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...munstra nan nan deber excita nan pa ricibi toer dia i coe toer debo-
cionposibel. Caba Su Santidad tabata parti un medalje f prenchi pa nan.
Na Papa Pio X pos ta gradici e fabor grandi, koe hasta muchanan
di 7 anja caba por ricibi S. Comunion, i koe boso toer...” |
Ala blanca : dedicá na nos hubentud |
Ali : Ali ta un buki prèt pa siña mucha pa nan pensa riba loke nan ta lesa |
Creator: | |
Vedder, Paul Kook, Hetty Bautista Geert, Paul van
Publisher: | | Fundashon KONDESA ( Koṛsou Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1987 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | IV, 77 p. : ill., tek. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | | Jeugdliteratuur |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...uitgeleend! *********
********* Bibliotheek UNA
imj- isig
ALI ta un buki pret pa sia mucha pa nan pensa riba loke nan ta lesa.
Paul Vedder
ku koperashon di Hetty Kook i Paul van Geert.
fjf. 7 P//3
E buki aki ta un produkshon di fundashon KONDESA, funda-shon pa konseho...” |
Ali : Ali ta un buki prèt pa siña mucha pa nan pensa riba loke nan ta lesa |
Alonso de Ojeda |
Creator: | |
Bayle, Constantino Goilo, Enrique R
Publisher: | | Hollandsche Boekhandel ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 107 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | | Discovery and exploration -- Spanish -- America |
Spatial Coverage: | | America |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Bayle S.J. di Madrid, Spana, cu quen su autori-
zacin mi tin honor di publica e buki aqui.
Curasao 1 di september di 1953.
p. s.
Apenas algn dia promer cu e buki aqui a mira luz di dia, sia cu nos tabatin
honor di haci un ehemplar jega den su...” |
Alonso de Ojeda |
Annalen van katholiek leven in de Nederlandse Antillen |
Publisher: | | Boekcentrale Aquinas ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Dutch |
“...Debocion pa S. Anna
Rosario ta nos consuelo
Christmas Hymns
Nobena na honor di San Jos
La Birgen di Fatima
Debocion pa S. Curazon
Buki di Adoracion
Santa Monica
Santa Camina di Cruz
La Birgen di Altagracia
Hesus mi Refugio (Kerkboek 4000 ex.)
La Birgen di Coromoto...” |
Annalen van katholiek leven in de Nederlandse Antillen |
Arte di palabra |
Creator: | |
Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Wanga, Hubert R
Publisher: | | Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1973 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 55 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Papiamentu Literaire studies Schoolboeken
Language: | |
Papiamento Papiamentu
“...ritmo. Sin ritmo idioma ta kasi imposbel. S un hende papia sn ritmo, sin variashon, lo e ta papia sin grasia. Algu paresido ta buki-nan di lei, kaminda inteligensia ta domin, sin aga luga pa sintimentu.
Tempu i meloda ta hasi ritmo di un poema mas riku. Tempu...” |
Arte di palabra |
Arte i kultura afrikano : un introdukshon |
Creator: | |
Allen, Rose Mary UNESCO
Publication Date: | | 1990 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | V, 42 p. : ill., tek. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Afrikaanse kunst Cultuur; Nederlandse Antillen Publicaties van Antillianen Volkskunst; Afrika
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Juliana i Pader Brenneker a logra haa hende ku tabata produs sierto forma di arte tradishonal.Nan a logra dokument na tempu. Tres buki di e seri Sambumbu di Pader Brenneker tin algn potrt di nan. 29
Algn pea di simaronnan
Srnam.(E pueblonan Saramaka i Djuka) 30...” |
Arte i kultura afrikano : un introdukshon |
Asina Korsow a nase : historia de Korsow i cuadro |
Creator: | | Hoyer, Augusto R. |
Publication Date: | | 1975 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 62 p. : ill., foto's ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fotoboeken; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...pais. Ta tristu cu awe gran parti di nos pueblo i principalmente nos Hubentud cu no conose Historia di su mes pais. Ta pa esei e buki Asina Korsow a nase ta di gran interes pa nos hubentud. Actualmente tin gran interes pa nos cultura, i idioma, obranan i tur loke...” |
Asina Korsow a nase : historia de Korsow i cuadro |
Awe ta sópi |
Creator: | |
Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Zefrin, Ruth E.D.
Publisher: | | Fundashon Pierre Lauffer ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | [1985] |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 21 p. ; ill. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Jeugdliteratuur Proza; Papiamentu Kinderverhalen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Awe ta spi
*0311 Bibliothi Fundash on Pierre Lauffer a turna enkargo pa edit e buki aki.
Derecho di outor reserv
Bibot I<000 -
Diseo i ilustrashon: Ruth Zefrin.
y/ordt n.* -1,y Awe ta sopi
Pierre Lauffer Esaki ta mamai ku bon trempan...” |
Awe ta sópi |
Bibliografie van het Papiamentu : bevattende titels en beschrijvingen van de meeste werken die in het Papiamentu verschenen zijn vanaf het vroegste begin tot heden, religieus en profaan, alsmede een lijst van toneelstukken en toneelgroepen, met voorts een geselcteerde bibliografie van studie en artikelen over het Papiamentu |
Creator: | | Martinus, Efraim Frank |
Publication Date: | | 1972 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | XXXXIII, 98 bl. ; 30 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Bibliografie, Papiamentu Papiamentu; bibliografieën
Language: | | Dutch |
“...samengesteld en uitgegeven door Brenneker. Daarna in het papiarnentu vertaald door Latouro
(BW o)
BUKI di confesion Aruba, 19^80' l^f blz0
Boek voor do biecht.
BUKI di Cantica religioso
Curacao, Boekcentrale Aquinas,
1962. 190 biz, index inbegrepen. Religieuse...” |
Bibliografie van het Papiamentu : bevattende titels en beschrijvingen van de meeste werken die in het Papiamentu verschenen zijn vanaf het vroegste begin tot heden, religieus en profaan, alsmede een lijst van toneelstukken en toneelgroepen, met voorts een geselcteerde bibliografie van studie en artikelen over het Papiamentu |
Bon Papiamentu : (i un Appendix interesante) |
Creator: | | Maduro, Antoine J |
Publication Date: | | 1971 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 57 p. ; 23 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamentu Papiamentu; spelling Papiamentu; uitspraak Taal Taalkunde
Language: | |
Papiamento Papiamentu
“...komplemento. Ehemplo: Ate buki, si bo mira Pai dunele pa mi. Ke men: duna e (Pai) e (buki) ta bira: dunele. Foi aa 1918 W. M. Hoyer a fiha atenshon riba e asuntu aki; ma parse nos kabes ta
duru Shon Wein ta skirbi na pginanan 9 i 10 di su
Bon Papiamentu : (i un Appendix interesante) |
Bou dje pal'i flamboyan : diez cuenta corticu |
Creator: | |
Jongh, de, G.M Jongh, de, Eddy
Publisher: | | Eddy de Jongh ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1962 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 40 p. :ill., tek. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fictie Korte verhalen Literatuur
Language: | | Papiamento |
pa.- G. M. de Jongh Scirb y public den LA UNION na aa 1962
Ganashi dje buki aki ta bai pa algn hende pober
Bibliotheek UNA
0339309 c. M. WINKEL
Zen uw^5 CURAAO
Bou dje pal'i flamboyan : diez cuenta corticu |
Buki di proverbionan Antiano |
Creator: | |
Hoogenbergen, W Hoefnagels, Gerardus Petrus Juliana, Elis
Publisher: | | De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1985 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 157 p. ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | | Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...no sa gaba su mes. E buki no ta un kopia di kalke otro eskritor di proverbio ma e ta komplet e trabou di pater Brenneker di e proverbionan ku el a haa na Krsou. Tantu e proverbionan mes komo e splikashon di kada un ta diferente. E buki aki ta turna un lug humilde...” |
Buki di proverbionan Antiano |
Canta cantica contentu |
Creator: | |
Simon, R.D. Provence, E.C.
Publication Date: | | 1968 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 59 p.: ill., muz. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Folklore Liederen Muziek; Curaçao Volksliederen; Curaçao Zangmuziek
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...bundel zonder toestemming auteurs over te nemen of te bewerken. Introduccin
Cu mucho gusto mi kier introduci na nos scoolnan un buki di cantica nobo cu a worde special compone pa nos muchanan na Antiyas.
Dos di nos maestronan hoben esta Richard Simon y Etzel...” |
Canta cantica contentu |
Catecismo di Vicariato Apostólico di Antillanan Holandes |
Publisher: | | Boekhandel St.Augustinus ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | [1950] |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 128 p. : ; 17 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...di saca un serie di
catecismo mas adecuado na inteligencia di tur
bende, tanto grandi como chiquito.
A sali for di prensa tres buki di catecismo, es
ta, un grandi cu yama Catecismo di Vicariato
Apostlico di Antillanan Holands i dos otro
mas cortico, uno pa tercer...” |
Catecismo di Vicariato Apostólico di Antillanan Holandes |
The challenge of translating in Papiamentu |
Creator: | |
Suares, Wernher Berry-Haseth, Lucille
Publisher: | | Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011. |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of Curacao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curacao |
“...on di Idioma ( The Institute for Language Planning or FPI ) prepared a publication Ortografia i Lista di Palabra Papiamentu (Buki di oro) to accompany a proposal to get the Papiamentu spelling officialized In this document published in 2009 some changes were...” |
The challenge of translating in Papiamentu |
Changa |
Creator: | |
Tronco, Franciso Victoria, E.A
Publication Date: | | 1972 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 32 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Papiamentu Poëzie
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...mir casi un profesora. 10
Apesar di ta nervioso,
E tin gestonan gracioso.
Na buki, radio i televishon,
Novela ta su mas dibertishon.
E ta sinta den un huki,
Lesando novela foi buki.
E ta weita uno na televishon,
Sintonis otro via ear-phone.
I si bo ke mira...” |
Changa |
Con bo di? : Etao-gids voor opleiding winkelpersoneel |
Creator: | |
Goedhart, M.A.W Voss, A.L
Publisher: | | St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1976 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 68 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Binnenlandse handel Engelse taal; leerboeken Papiamentu Spaans Taal
Language: | | Dutch |
el papel para escribir
e tabla di ariba e tabla di abu mapa di stad
stampla di 10 cent
buki di prenchi
novela di amor komic
novela barata
eskritor di un novela
tas di skol
papel pa skibi
Dank U...” |
Con bo di? : Etao-gids voor opleiding winkelpersoneel |
Corsow di otro tempu : coleccion di cuadro i historia di Corsow : W.M. Hoyer a nace 17 juni 1862, a muri 30 juli 1953 di otro tempu : coleccion di cuadro i historia di Corsow |
Creator: | |
Hoyer, Augusto R. Hoyer, Willem M.
Publication Date: | | 1969 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 84 p. : ill., foto's ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fotoboeken; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Curaçao Papiamentu
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...publikashon di cosnan cu ta realmente di nos, ta un mestr. Ta pesei e kolekshon di e gran yu di Korsow Shon Wein Hoyer cu den e buki aki a mira lus, mester haa un lug den tur cas di e tres islanan di habla papiamentu.
I ta di spera cu ta un empuhe pa kwalke otro...” |
Corsow di otro tempu : coleccion di cuadro i historia di Corsow : W.M. Hoyer a nace 17 juni 1862, a muri 30 juli 1953 di otro tempu : coleccion di cuadro i historia di Corsow |