Conquered by a creole

Conquered by a creole  

Creator: Taylor, Kathy
Publisher:  Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2010.
Type: Book
Source Institution: University of Curacao
Holding Location: University of Curacao

“...den bo bida i bo meres mas ku sirbi kuminda. s, diskurso profundo i serio den su bos ku tur e bunitesa ku e por a ekspres. Bokabulario diverso, struktura lgiko historia fasinante, skritura fontiko orguyo kresiente pa brasa identidat i bira konsiente di su propio...”
Conquered by a creole
Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.

Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.  

Creator:  Faraclas, Nicholas ( Editor )
Severing, Ronald ( Editor )
Weijer, Christa ( Editor )
Echteld, Elisabeth ( Editor )
Publisher:  Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2010.
Type: Book
Source Institution: |University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao

“...den bo bida i bo meres mas ku sirbi kuminda. s, diskurso profundo i serio den su bos ku tur e bunitesa ku e por a ekspres. Bokabulario diverso, struktura lgiko historia fasinante, skritura fontiko orguyo kresiente pa brasa identidat i bira konsiente di su propio...”
Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.
Tempu tempu (Tomo 1) : tomo 1 : un seri di lès tokante Herensia Kultural pa Enseñansa di Fundeshi Siklo 2

Tempu tempu (Tomo 1) : tomo 1 : un seri di lès tokante Herensia Kultural pa Enseñansa di Fundeshi Siklo 2  

Creator:  Stichting Nationaal Archeologisch-Antropologisch Museum Nederlandse Antillen (Stichting NAAM)
Baetens, Eddy H
Publisher: De Curaçsosche Courant ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2007
Type: Book
Format: 28 p. : ill., foto's, tek. ; 21 cm.
Source Institution: University of Netherland Antilles
Holding Location: University of Netherland Antilles
Subject Keyword:  Maatschappijleer
Language: Papiamento

“...ekstend? ? 2. Wela Altagrasia ta pertenes na famia di kas di Wesley? ? 3. Kiko bo ta pensa di un famia di kas sin tata of mama? Bokabulario o famia di kas o famia ekstend o palu di famia Karchi 3 LES 2 Trabado di boto Kiko mi ta sia? Mi ta sia kon indjannan kaketio...”
Tempu tempu (Tomo 1) : tomo 1 : un seri di lès tokante Herensia Kultural pa Enseñansa di Fundeshi Siklo 2
Tempu tempu (Tomo 2)

Tempu tempu (Tomo 2)  

Creator:  Stichting Nationaal Archeologisch-Antropologisch Museum Nederlandse Antillen (Stichting NAAM)
Baetens, Eddy H
Publisher: De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2007
Type: Book
Format: 28 p.; ill., foto's, tek. ; 21 cm.
Source Institution: University of Netherland Antilles
Holding Location: University of Netherland Antilles
Subject Keyword:  Maatschappijleer
Language: Papiamento

“...kasi no tin blekero mas na nos islanan? ? 3. Kiko ta hasi bleki frusa? ? 4. Lo bo ke ta blekero? Splika di kon s f di kon no. Bokabulario o blekero o skr di krta bleki o slderbout o feilu o artefakto di uzu o opheto di arte Opheto di arte trah di brns pa Hortence...”
Tempu tempu (Tomo 2)
Tempu tempu (Tomo 3)

Tempu tempu (Tomo 3)  

Creator:  Stichting Nationaal Archeologisch-Antropologisch Museum Nederlandse Antillen (Stichting NAAM)
Baetens, Eddy H
Publisher: De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2007
Type: Book
Format: 28 p. ; ill., foto's, tek. ; 21 cm.
Source Institution: University of Netherland Antilles
Holding Location: University of Netherland Antilles
Subject Keyword:  Maatschappijleer
Language: Papiamento

“...herensia kultural? ? 4. Di kon bo ta kere hende a bin biba na Krsou? ? 5. Bo ta kere ku tin diskriminashon na nos islanan? Bokabulario o migrantenan o kultura o herensia kultural o gruponan di poblashon o diskriminashon 5 LES 2 Krtad di sentebibu Kiko mi ta...”
Tempu tempu (Tomo 3)