Rapport betreffende de gevolgen der opening van het Panama-kanaal voor Nederland en koloniën (1912)

Rapport betreffende de gevolgen der opening van het Panama-kanaal voor Nederland en koloniën (1912)  

Creator:  Cremer, J.T, 1847-1923
Commissie voor de Handelspolitiek ('s-Gravenhage)
Publication Date: 1912
Type: Book
Format: 9 stukken. : ; 34 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...upon the canal, the railways and auxiliary works, tugs and other vessels employed in the service of the canal, storehouses, workshops, offices, quarters for labourers, factories of all kinds, warehouses, wharves, machinery and other works, property, and effects...”
Rapport betreffende de gevolgen der opening van het Panama-kanaal voor Nederland en koloniën (1912)
Daniel De Leon : the man and his work : a symposium

Daniel De Leon : the man and his work : a symposium  

Creator:  Socialist Labor Party (New York) -- National Executive Committee
Daniel de Leon, the man and his work
Publication Date: 1920
Type: Book
Format: 2 dl in 1 bd (85, 177, XV p) : ill. ; 19 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...movement and, who, thereupon, force- fully reacted upon his environment. I, on the other hand, a proletarian, taken from the workshop and put into an office, still plastic, eager to learn, with some practical experience in the Labor movement, both in its economic...”
Daniel De Leon : the man and his work : a symposium
Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña

Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña  

Creator: Kroon, Willem Eligio, 1886-1949
Publication Date: 1928
Type: Book
Format: : ; 8°
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...cansd ; \ despues el a bisa lo sigiente : Mi yiunan. ma caba di haci un bon negocio, E casnan banda pabao di Sr. Pierot su workshop a bira di nos, mas o menos un diez minuto di aqui. Apropos Juan, quico ta di Pedrito? mi no a mir ainda, tur luna dia 2 ya el...”
Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories

Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories  

Creator:  Nederbragt, J.A, 1880-1953
Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Nederland) -- Economic Section
Publisher: Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Economic Section ( The Hague )
Publication Date: 1931
Type: Book
Format: VIII, 405 p. : krt. ; 19 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...regulation of working hours was adopted. These have now been fixed for factories and workshops at a maximum of 8% hours per day and 48 hours per week, and outside factory, workshops, workroom or office at 10 hours per day and j 5 hours per week. As regards work...”
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories
Publicatieblad van Curaçao en onderhoorigheden, behelzende de publicatien, notificatien, reglementen ... voor die bezittingen uitgevaardigd in de jaren ..

Publicatieblad van Curaçao en onderhoorigheden, behelzende de publicatien, notificatien, reglementen ... voor die bezittingen uitgevaardigd in de jaren ..  

Publication Date: 1932
Type: serial
Format: v. : ; 25 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword:  Recht
Nederlandse Antillen
Overheidspublicaties (vorm)
Wetteksten (vorm)
Spatial Coverage: Nederlandse Antillen
Genre:  Overheidspublicaties (vorm) (gtt)
Wetteksten (vorm) (gtt)
serial (sobekcm)
periodical (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...exclusively charged: the technical official charged with the inspection of boilers, the technical official chief of the Govern ment workshop, and the engineer of the waterworks in Cu- rasao. The officials meant in the preceding paragraph, have, in the exercise of the...”
Publicatieblad van Curaçao en onderhoorigheden, behelzende de publicatien, notificatien, reglementen ... voor die bezittingen uitgevaardigd in de jaren ..
De missie in tropisch Nederland

De missie in tropisch Nederland  

Creator: Mulders, Alph, 1893-1981
Publisher: Teulings ( 's-Hertogenbosch )
Publication Date: 1940
Type: Book
Format: IX, 242 p. : krt. ; 25 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword:  Missions, Dutch -- Indonesia
Nederlandse koloniën
Spatial Coverage:  Indonesia
Nederlandse koloniën
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...Certain international conventions on labour conditions have already been accepted, with some reserva- tions, however, for larger workshops. These include Conventions relating to the employment of women on night work and of children 40 NETHERLANDS INDIA Railways...”
De missie in tropisch Nederland
Suriname : rapport

Suriname : rapport  

Creator: Walle, Johan van de, 1912-2000
Publisher:  Gouvernements Pers Dienst Suriname ( Paramaribo )
Publication Date: 1945
Type: Book
Format: 123, [29] bl. : ; 35 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Subject Keyword: Suriname (land)
Spatial Coverage: Suriname (land)
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...Agriifulture in relation to Population and Public Health, dat "the need of the African is training upon the land and in the workshop rather than in the school". Eenerzijds kan voor West Indi in het algemeen en voor Suriname zeker evenmin deze stelling in haar...”
Suriname : rapport
The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people

The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people  

Creator:  Poll, Willem van de, 1895-1970
Dolman, Joop
Publisher: Van Hoeve ( The Hague )
Publication Date: 1951
Type: Book
Format: 60, [63] p.pl. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword: Pictorial works -- Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: Netherlands Antilles
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  English

“...magic into one sparkling fairyland of breathtaking beauty. Apart from establishing branch industries, laboratories, instrument workshops, repair shops, crate and tinplate factories, etc. etc., the Com- pany has also looked well after the employees by setting up...”
The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people
Aanvulling op het literatuuroverzicht van Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen, Januari-Juni 1953

Aanvulling op het literatuuroverzicht van Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen, Januari-Juni 1953  

Creator: Ministerie van Overzeese Gebiedsdelen -- Bibliotheek
Publisher:  het Ministerie ( 's-Gravenhage )
Publication Date: 1953
Type: Book
Format: 22 p. : ; 29 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...38(1953)1876 pag.376/7 A-3409 FISHER, N.G./The Caribbean problem/ Col.Rev.8(1953)1 pag.16/17 A-4906 FRANCIS, Sybil/Home improvement workshop camp, organised by the Social Welfare Branch of the Lands Department, Jamaica, 3-17 March 1952/ Comm*Dev.4(1952)1 pag.6-10 18623...”
Aanvulling op het literatuuroverzicht van Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen, Januari-Juni 1953
The pocket guide to the West Indies and British Guiana, British Honduras, Bermuda, The Spanish Main, Surinam, the Panama Canal

The pocket guide to the West Indies and British Guiana, British Honduras, Bermuda, The Spanish Main, Surinam, the Panama Canal  

Creator:  Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
Dash, J. Sydney
Publisher: Methuen ( London )
Publication Date: [1954]
Type: Book
Format: XX, 475, 22 p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Edition: 10th ed., rev. and reset -- rev. by J. Sydney Dash.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword:  Guidebooks -- West Indies
Guidebooks -- Guyana
Guidebooks -- Belize
Guidebooks -- Bermuda Islands
Guidebooks -- Canal Zone
Spatial Coverage:  West Indies
Bermuda Islands
Canal Zone
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...supported the roof of the boathouse. On the right of the dockyard gates is the Porter’s Lodge with, behind it, the Engineers’ Workshop and Blacksmith’s Forge. Near by are the Master Shipwright’s House and a large saw-pit, adjoining which is the Admiral’s House...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies and British Guiana, British Honduras, Bermuda, The Spanish Main, Surinam, the Panama Canal
A short natural history of Curacao

A short natural history of Curacao  

Creator: Van Buurt, Gerard
Publisher:  Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2010.
Type: Book
Source Institution: University of Curacao
Holding Location: University of Curacao

“...150. Gast, Gert Jan (1998). Nutrient Pollution in Coral Reef Waters, with data from Curaao water s. Syllabus Reef Care Curaao Workshop, October 1998. Available at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eNr1z2gHDYYJ:www .nacri.org/greylit/GastN...”
A short natural history of Curacao
The need for a renewed health emphasis on physical and health education in Aruban elementary schools

The need for a renewed health emphasis on physical and health education in Aruban elementary schools  

Creator: Maduro, N.C.
Publisher: Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011.
Type: Book
Format: Book
Source Institution: University of Curacao
Holding Location: University of Curacao

“...s. Part of change lies in educating people. The spec ialists mentioned in the previous paragraph are also trained to offer workshops in which regular teachers can obtain information and training about how to create healthier schools. This can involve simple...”
The need for a renewed health emphasis on physical and health education in Aruban elementary schools
Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.

Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.  

Creator:  Faraclas, Nicholas ( Editor )
Severing, Ronald ( Editor )
Weijer, Christa ( Editor )
Echteld, Elisabeth ( Editor )
Publisher:  Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2010.
Type: Book
Source Institution: |University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao

“...150. Gast, Gert Jan (1998). Nutrient Pollution in Coral Reef Waters, with data from Curaao water s. Syllabus Reef Care Curaao Workshop, October 1998. Available at: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:eNr1z2gHDYYJ:www .nacri.org/greylit/GastN...”
Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.
The instituto pedagogico Arubano: What we have already achieved, and what we would like to achieve in the future

The instituto pedagogico Arubano: What we have already achieved, and what we would like to achieve in the future  

Creator: Thode, Ava
Publisher: Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011.
Type: Book
Format: Book
Source Institution: University of Curacao
Holding Location: University of Curacao

“...Spanish, English, Papiamento, Geography, History Accounting and Physical E ducation We also instituted professional development workshops for existing teachers who had not had any type of in service or other continuing professional training since grad uating from...”
The instituto pedagogico Arubano: What we have already achieved, and what we would like to achieve in the future
A dream come true... About acquiring a positive evaluation: A brief history

A dream come true... About acquiring a positive evaluation: A brief history  

Creator: Schaap, Gert
Publisher: Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011.
Type: Book
Format: Book
Source Institution: University of Curacao
Holding Location: University of Curacao

“...computer center) of the UNA and interested parties from outside the UNA were present to attend a full program of lectures and workshops delivered by relevant expert guests from The Netherlands. The conference, at which the quality policy ( entitled There is always...”
A dream come true... About acquiring a positive evaluation: A brief history
Leerplan en Leidraad Deel 2

Leerplan en Leidraad Deel 2  

Creator:  Prins, Franciscus Wilhelmus
Nieuwenhuis, H.
Gielen, J.J
Aarnoutse, Cornelis Antonius Jozef
Publisher: Dijkstra ( Zeist )
Publication Date: 1970
Type: Book
Format: 2 dl. ; 25 cm.
Source Institution: University of Netherland Antilles
Holding Location: University of Netherland Antilles
Subject Keyword:  Benedenwindse Eilanden
Dutch Leeward Islands
Language: Dutch

“...b. Dergelijke cursussen zouden eventueel in het werk van enige reeds actieve buurtcentra kunnen worden gencorporeerd en als workshops kunnen worden georganiseerd. c. Deze cursussen, die op vrijwillige basis worden bezocht, zouden als discussiebijeenkomsten...”
Leerplan en Leidraad Deel 2
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap.

Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap.  

Creator:  Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap (Delft)
Koninklijk Nederlands Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap
Publisher: Boek- en Kunstdrukkerij v/h Mouton ( 's-Gravenhage )
Publication Date: 1949-1968
Type: serial
Format: v. : ; 26 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Subject Keyword:  Geology -- Periodicals
Mines and mineral resources
Genre:  serial (sobekcm)
periodical (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...Boengamas, even has given rise in prehistoric times to the manufacturing of stone implements, witnessed by the find of an old workshop with numerous remains of flint weapons and knives, all made of silicified corals (Tobler, 1912, pag. 33). According t the mode...”
Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Nederlandsch Geologisch-Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap.
The Netherlands West Indies : Holland carries on

The Netherlands West Indies : Holland carries on  

Creator: Netherlands Informatian Bureau (New York)
Publisher: The Netherlands Information Bureau New York ( New York )
Publication Date: [ca. 1943]
Type: Book
Format: 54 p. : ill., portr. ; 31 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Subject Keyword: Nederlands West-Indië
Spatial Coverage: Nederlands West-Indië
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...as possible, the aim has been to make the refinery self-sufficient. It has its own private power and water sup- plies, great workshops and drydocks, factories for the making of cans and barrels for the packing of oil products. The company has given as much attention...”
The Netherlands West Indies : Holland carries on
Maandblad voor den handel op Aruba : officieel orgaan van de Vereeniging van Handelaren op Aruba

Maandblad voor den handel op Aruba : officieel orgaan van de Vereeniging van Handelaren op Aruba  

Creator: Vereeniging van Handelaren op Aruba.
Publisher: Vereeniging van Handelaren op Aruba ( Oranjestad )
Publication Date: 1947-1951
Type: serial
Format: v. : ; 31 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre:  serial (sobekcm)
periodical (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...applied on the hands and allowed to dry, fits like a glove. The purpose is to keep hands clean while working in the house or workshop. The glove can he removed by washing in the ordinary way. P.O. Box 137. Vertegenwoordigers van: Unilever Export N.V. Rotterdam...”
Maandblad voor den handel op Aruba : officieel orgaan van de Vereeniging van Handelaren op Aruba
De passaat : maandblad voor geemployeerden van de Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij en de Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Mij en de Koninklijke Shell Groep. Afdeling Industrial Relations

De passaat : maandblad voor geemployeerden van de Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij en de Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Mij en de Koninklijke Shell Groep. Afdeling Industrial Relations  

Creator:  Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij.
Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Mij
Koninklijke Shell Groep -- Afdeling Industrial Relations
Publisher: Koninklijke Shell Groep ( Willemstad )
Publication Date: 1943-
Type: serial
Format: v. : ; 27 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre:  serial (sobekcm)
periodical (marcgt)
Language:  Dutch

“...National Photo Colouring School of Chicago. Also married during his recent holiday in St. Lucia was Mr. Peter Adonai of the Workshop who returned to Curasao on February 8. His bride was formerly Miss Martha Blanchard of Castrries. They were united at the Castries...”
De passaat : maandblad voor geemployeerden van de Curaçaosche Petroleum Industrie Maatschappij en de Curaçaosche Scheepvaart Mij en de Koninklijke Shell Groep. Afdeling Industrial Relations