Ewanhelie di San Matheo |
Creator: | | Conradi, Cornelis, 1807-1876 |
Publication Date: | | 1844 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 75 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...no a hier
noos. I eel a bisa nan: bai tambee na mi koenoekoe di
8 weindreif, i lo bosonan risibi kikoe ta rasoon. I ora koe a*
tardi a jega, donio di konoekoe di weindreif a bisa nees, koe
tabatien eenkarga ariba soe koos : jama trahadoor nan ipa*
ga nan nan...” |
Ewanhelie di San Matheo |
Compendio de la gramática del papiamento ó sea método para aprender á hablarlo y á escribirlo en corto tiempo |
Creator: | | Evertsz, N.J |
Publisher: | | Bethencourt ( Curazao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1898 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 107 p. : ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | | Papiamentu |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Esperanto |
“...mediodia. Medio
Mes, loena.
mitad], met.
centro], meimei.
Esta noche, aiv nochi. Minuto, minuut {)
Esta tarde, awe tardi.
Hora, ora.
Mitad, mitar.
Momento, momentoe.
Noche, anochi.
Horas del reloj, orana7i Pasado manana, otro
di olosji :
la...” |
Compendio de la gramática del papiamento ó sea método para aprender á hablarlo y á escribirlo en corto tiempo |
Historia di Testament Bieuw : I |
Publisher: | | Vicariato Apostolico ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1911 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 124 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
desierto. Ai el a
^ bene awa di dos
^ fuente i Senjor a
aliment pa me-
\ dio di algun pa-
hara, koe toer
mainta i toer a-
tardi a trecepam
coe carni p.
Despues di algun tem e luente a seca i es
ora ai Dios a manda profeta cerca un biuda na
Sarepta. Profeta...” |
Historia di Testament Bieuw : I |
Dos novela: E no por casa / Mester a deré, promé el a drenta na casa |
Creator: | | Kroon, Willem Eligio, 1886-1949 |
Publication Date: | | 1927 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | : ; 8° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...a duda cu lo n ta
berd, el a drai puntra e voorlezer:
Bo ta sigur di a dera e senor cu nos ta scirbi su
nomber aqui antayera tardi ? Bo a mira nan pone pie-
dra tapa su kelder?
E Bomber a bira lomba pa mi, i cu lenga pisd el a
Si meneer, mi ta sigur...” |
Dos novela: E no por casa / Mester a deré, promé el a drenta na casa |
Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña |
Creator: | | Kroon, Willem Eligio, 1886-1949 |
Publication Date: | | 1928 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | : ; 8° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...nan, percura pa
boso yuda mi den mi lucha, si alomenos tin! i e
ta drenta den sala unda su mama i tata ta com-
,,Bon tardi mama, papa! Awe nochi mi tin
un asunto serio di papia cu mamanan !
Bam mira, bini afor cu ne, awor mes ta 131
awor V Antonio...” |
Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña |
Publicatieblad van Curaçao en onderhoorigheden, behelzende de publicatien, notificatien, reglementen ... voor die bezittingen uitgevaardigd in de jaren .. |
Publication Date: | | 1929 |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : ; 25 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Recht Nederlandse Antillen Overheidspublicaties (vorm) Wetteksten (vorm)
Spatial Coverage: | | Nederlandse Antillen |
Genre: | |
Overheidspublicaties (vorm) (gtt) Wetteksten (vorm) (gtt) serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Dutch |
“...mai toccare
la terra (o 1’acqua). L’atterramento sark
1°. Fermando definitivamente il mo-
tore o i motori al piu tardi quando 1'aero-
mobile tocca il suolo (o 1’acqua);
2°. Fermando definitivamente il veli-
volo a una distanza minore di 50 metri...” |
Publicatieblad van Curaçao en onderhoorigheden, behelzende de publicatien, notificatien, reglementen ... voor die bezittingen uitgevaardigd in de jaren .. |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak Hollandsch-Papiamentsch-Spaansch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1931 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 79 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 3e dr. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Dutch Spanish Papiamento
Dat doet er niet toe, wij
zijn hier alleen
Pakico a laga sali ?
Nos ta kere koe el a bai
tras di un. auto
Si no haj te awe tardi,
majan nos lo laga bisa
koe el a perde
Mi ta spera koe lo haj
Com bo ta haja e dibuho
aki ?
E ta masha boenita, ta
kn a haci...” |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak Hollandsch-Papiamentsch-Spaansch |
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch |
Creator: | | Eybers, G.J |
Publication Date: | | 1932 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 535 p. : ; 12° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...tawata manera carne sin
wardadó, y el a cuminza sina nan bopi cos. _ _
35 Y ora a bira tardi, sn discipelman a bini ceca djé y dici: e
luga aqui ta solitario y ya ta tardi caba.
36 Manda nan, qu nan por bai na e luga rondnan aqui, y
cumpra pan pa nan mes come...” |
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch |
Marginal languages: a sociological survey of the Creole languages and trade jargons |
Creator: | | Reinecke, John E, 1904-1982 |
Publication Date: | | 1937 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 2 dl. (X, 880 p.) : krt. ; 20 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Creole dialects Languages, Mixed Creooltalen Pidgintalen Sociolinguïstiek
Genre: | |
Proefschriften (vorm) (gtt) theses (marcgt) non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: | | English |
°f such a nature as to render more precarious the buccaneers*
°0oupatlon of the saacoast In this region. ... Hence the
hors tardy colonisation of the country which came to bo peop-
led afterwards with colonists from ell the provinces of France
"banka to Its...” |
Marginal languages: a sociological survey of the Creole languages and trade jargons |
Marginal languages: a sociological survey of the Creole languages and trade jargons |
Creator: | | Reinecke, John E, 1904-1982 |
Publication Date: | | 1937 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 2 dl. (X, 880 p.) : krt. ; 20 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Creole dialects Languages, Mixed Creooltalen Pidgintalen Sociolinguïstiek
Genre: | |
Proefschriften (vorm) (gtt) theses (marcgt) non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: | | English |
“...servitors. They wore ae-
cordlngly subjected to many hard atorlas by their neighbor»
°h the main land» who declared that» when the tardy hews of
Napoleon’s exile to St. Helena, one hundred years ago,
Reached Ediato, the young islanders, believing their neigh-
boring...” |
Marginal languages: a sociological survey of the Creole languages and trade jargons |
The Netherlands Commonwealth and the future : important statements of H.M. Queen Wilhelmina on post-war aims ; together with statements by the Netherlands Government, the Dutch press, as well as some American comments |
Creator: | |
Wilhelmina, 1880-1962 Logemann, J.H.A, 1892-1969
Publisher: | | The Netherlands Information Bureau ( New York City ) |
Publication Date: | | 1945 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 49 p. : ; 23 cm. + |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | | Politics and government -- Indonesia |
Spatial Coverage: | | Indonesia |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | English |
promising a new “Commonwealth” type
constitution for the Kingdom of the
Netherlands and its overseas possessions
is no tardy repentance of a deposed ruler.
It is a project toward which she and her
advisers were working long before the
Dutch empire was...” |
The Netherlands Commonwealth and the future : important statements of H.M. Queen Wilhelmina on post-war aims ; together with statements by the Netherlands Government, the Dutch press, as well as some American comments |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak : Hollandsch, Papiamentsch, Spaansch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1946 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 86 p. ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 5e dr. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Dutch Papiamento Spanish
wel uit
O, si, ta hopi tempoe koe
Pakico a logo sali?
Nos ta kere koe el a bai
tras di un auto
Si no haj te awe tardi,
majan nos lo laga bisa
koe el a perde
Mi ta spera koe lo haj
Com bo ta haja e dibuho
E ta masha boenita, ta
kn a haci?...” |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak : Hollandsch, Papiamentsch, Spaansch |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 112 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Edition: | | [New ed.] |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento Dutch
I believe you Mi ta querbo Ik geloof je
All right Ta bon In orde
Good morning Bon dia Goede morgen
Good afternoon Bon tardi Goede middag
Good evening. Good night Bonochi Goede avond
How are you? Com bay? Hoe maakt u het ?
How do you do? Que tal? Hoe...” |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Hollandsche Boekh. ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 112 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento Dutch
“...cu si
Mi ta quere cu no
Ta berdad
Bo tin razon
Bo no tin razon
No ta berdad ?
Sin duda
Mi ta querbo
Ta bon
Bon dia
Bon tardi
Com bay ?
Que tal?
Com bo ta sinti?
Bon. Masha bon.
I com bay bo?
I bo familia?
I bo tata i bo ruman ...” |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak, Hollands-Papiaments-Spaans |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1950 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 87 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 6e druk. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamentu -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Spanish language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | |
dictionary (marcgt) non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: | |
Dutch Papiamento Spanish
“...tempoe koe
O, si, ta hopi tempoe koe
Pakico a laga sali?
Nos ta kere koe el a bai
tras di un auto
Si no ha j te awe tardi,
ma jan nos lo laga bisa
koe el a perde
Mi ta spera koe lo ha j
Com bo ta ha ja e dibuho
E ta masha boenita, ta
kn a haci...” |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak, Hollands-Papiaments-Spaans |
A little guide English-Papiamento |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Willemstad ) |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 51 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 3rd ed. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | | Papiamentu -- Conversation and phrase books |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento
“...quere cu si
Mi ta quere cu no
Ta berdad
Bo tin razn
Bo no tin razn
No ta berdad ?
Sin duda
Mi ta querbo
Ta bon
Bon dia
Bon tardi
Com bay ?
Que tal ?
Com bo ta sinti ?
Bon. Masha bon. Perfectamente
I com bay bo ?
I bo familia ?
I bo tata i bo ruman...” |
A little guide English-Papiamento |
Cuentanan di nanzi |
Creator: | | Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954 |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 97 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Anansi (Legendary character) -- Netherlands Antilles Tales -- Netherlands Antilles Blacks -- Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
macutu, pe bai bende nan na march.
Un dia, cu e tabata yenando un macutu. un yiu di Nanzi
a bini cerca dje.
Bon tardi, Cha Tiger.
Bon tardi, Nanzi Poposu, cumbai Papa cu Mama?
Tur ta bon danki. Papa a manda pidi Cha Tiger un pida
Sigur no, mi yiu...” |
Cuentanan di nanzi |
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo |
Creator: | | Sociedad bíblica neerlandesa |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 511 p. : ; 16 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Papiamento Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
“...nan tawata manera carné
sin wardadó, y el a cuminza sina nan hopi cos.
35 Y ora a bira tardi, su discipelman a bini ceca dié y
dici: e lugd aqui ta solitario y ya ta tardi caba.
36 Manda nan, qu nan por bai na e lugdnan rond diaqui y
cumpra pan pa nan mes come...” |
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo |
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu |
Creator: | |
Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997 Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
Publisher: | | Willemstad ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 139 p. : ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...rinones. El
Cast, en Ven. 123
tanta, tantan
tapacaminda (para)
tatu (p.), taptoe (c.)
taquiya, taquia
(awe) tardi
te (prep.)
tebenc (bomber i mvib)
(Pectis ciliaris,
Pectis prostata) (end)
ti (v.; ma ti dje cos...” |
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu |
Raspá |
Creator: | | Lauffer, Pierre Antoine |
Publication Date: | | 1962 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 71 p. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Korte verhalen Literatuur Papiamentu Poëzie
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...abuzu. Kon bo por gana plaka ku ignoransja di hende?.
Ki bo tin ku nes, hombr, el a grita hari den telefn, pueblo ke ta ganj. Awe tardi mes mi ta trese sjs pa bo kumins bende ku bo konosnan. Mi kjer a kumins zundrele, pero ja el a sera telefn den mi orea kaba....” |
Raspá |