Compendio de la gramática del papiamento ó sea método para aprender á hablarlo y á escribirlo en corto tiempo |
Creator: | | Evertsz, N.J |
Publisher: | | Bethencourt ( Curazao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1898 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 107 p. : ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | | Papiamentu |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Esperanto |
“...Cuarto, cuartoe, ktun-
ber ()
Chimenea, scoorsteen ()
Despensa, provishi ()
Dintel, parti ariha di
Escalera, trapi ()
Escaln, peldano, gra-
da, treed ()
Escusado, secreet ()
Gallinero, cas di ga-
Homo, forn.
Llave, yabi.
Marco, kozein...” |
Compendio de la gramática del papiamento ó sea método para aprender á hablarlo y á escribirlo en corto tiempo |
Historia di Testament Bieuw : I |
Publisher: | | Vicariato Apostolico ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1911 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 124 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“... el ' V ,7r>jK;
a cai droemi ri-
ba un piedra ;
den sonj el a
mira un trapi,
koe SU punta
tabata jega te
na cieloe.
Angelnan a
subi i baba i
Dios mes tabata
riba e trapi di
mas ariba. Dios
a repeti e pro-
mesanan, koe El a jega di haci coe su tatanan...” |
Historia di Testament Bieuw : I |
Dos novela: E no por casa / Mester a deré, promé el a drenta na casa |
Creator: | | Kroon, Willem Eligio, 1886-1949 |
Publication Date: | | 1927 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | : ; 8° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Josefa cu Gui-
llermo por subi pa tuma midi, segun Josefa a pidi.
Mi jiu, e ta contesta, bo ta purd pa Guillermo no
perde su djap; corda despues cu boso casa 1 Bis subi
numa 1
Cecilia ta yama na trapi i Henry i Guillermo ta subi.
Despues di a saluda i sinta...” |
Dos novela: E no por casa / Mester a deré, promé el a drenta na casa |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak Hollandsch-Papiamentsch-Spaansch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1931 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 79 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 3e dr. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Dutch Spanish Papiamento
De sleutel Jabi La Have
De grendel Grendel El cerrojo
De drempel Drempi El umbral
De gang Coredor El corredor
De trap Trapi La escalera
De treden Treed Los escalones
Een venster Un bentana Una ventana
Een balk Un balki Una viga
Het kozijn Kozijn El...” |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak Hollandsch-Papiamentsch-Spaansch |
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch |
Creator: | | Eybers, G.J |
Publication Date: | | 1932 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 535 p. : ; 12° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Ora el a subi den haltura, el a biba e
prishon mes como prishonéru, y el a duna donnan na hende.
9 Awói qu el a subi, ta quiqu esei ta nifica, sino qu el a baha
promé den e luganan di mas abao di tera?
10 Esnn, qu a baha, ta esun mes tambe, qu a subi riba tur...” |
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak : Hollandsch, Papiamentsch, Spaansch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1946 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 86 p. ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 5e dr. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Dutch Papiamento Spanish
Eene schilderij
Een spuugbak
Een kapstok
Een tapijt
Eene klok
Un bentana
Un balki
Un rampi di glas
Coeshina...” |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak : Hollandsch, Papiamentsch, Spaansch |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 112 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Edition: | | [New ed.] |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento Dutch
Het Huis
Sleutel Bell Timbre Bel
Staircase Trapi Trap
Winding-staircase Wenteltrap W'enteltrap
Window Bentana Raam
Balcony Balcon Balkon
Parlor, hall Sala Zaal, huiskamer
Room...” |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Hollandsche Boekh. ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 112 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento Dutch
“...Roof Dak Dak
Tile Panchi Dakpan
Door Porta Deur
Bolt Grendel Grendel
Lock Yabl Slot
Key Slot Sleutel Bell Timbre Bel
Staircase Trapi Trap
Winding-staircase Wenteltrap W'enteltrap
Window Bentana Raam
Balcony Balcon Balkon
Parlor, hall Sala Zaal, huiskamer
Room...” |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch |
Historia di Curaçao |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Libreria Bethencourt ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 103 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Edition: | | 2a ed. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...despues di a haya, cu poco resistenoa, nos
barconan di guerra den nan poder, nan a pone nan tropa na tera,
CU pa medio di trapi a subi i ocupa fortinan, cu nan a haya sin defensa.
E fragata Arethusa a drenta sin haci un tiro, i a coloque cerca
Waaigat entre...” |
Historia di Curaçao |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak, Hollands-Papiaments-Spaans |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1950 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 87 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 6e druk. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamentu -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Spanish language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | |
dictionary (marcgt) non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: | |
Dutch Papiamento Spanish
“...Een spiegel
Een schilderij
Een spuugbak
Een kapstok
Een tapijt
Een klok
Un bentana
Un balki
Un rampi di glas
Coeshina...” |
Woordenlijst en samenspraak, Hollands-Papiaments-Spaans |
A little guide English-Papiamento |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Willemstad ) |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 51 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 3rd ed. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | | Papiamentu -- Conversation and phrase books |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento
“... Slot Brush Scuier
Key . Yabi Lantern Lanterne
BeU . Timbre Table-cloth .... Taflak
Staircase . Trapi Towel Serbette
Stair . Tred di trapi Napkin Serbette di boca
Window . Bentana Knife Cuchiu
Balcony . Balcon Fork Forki
Parlor, hall ....” |
A little guide English-Papiamento |
Cuentanan di nanzi |
Creator: | | Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954 |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 97 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Anansi (Legendary character) -- Netherlands Antilles Tales -- Netherlands Antilles Blacks -- Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...yame. El a yega un tiki mas acerca.
Si, ta Shon mes mi ta yama. Subi trapi numa.
Nanzi a weita un porta bao di e bentana. Masque e no por
a compronde quico Princesa mester a puntre, el a subi. Prin-
cesa tabata warde.
Shon, siguimi.
Nanzi a camna tras di Princesa...” |
Cuentanan di nanzi |
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo |
Creator: | | Sociedad bíblica neerlandesa |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 511 p. : ; 16 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Papiamento Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
“...Ora el a subi den haltüra, el a hiba e
prison mes como prisonéru, y el a duna donnan na hende.
9 Awó: qu el a subi, ta quiqu esei ta nifica, sino qu el a
baha promé den e luganan di mas abao di tera?
10 Esun, qu a baha, ta esun mes tambe, qu a subi riba tur...” |
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo |
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu |
Creator: | |
Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997 Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
Publisher: | | Willemstad ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 139 p. : ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...dilanti e
atono; angel, mangel, sanger. sabi, casca, mescos
dashi, ansha, pacenshi, obligacin,
omisin, abundancia, penitencia
trapi, ritmo, tumba
victoria, vence, vruminga
wea, wowo, warawara
exacto, excelente, existencia
yabi, yuda, ensayo
zona, zoya, zeta...” |
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu |
Alonso de Ojeda |
Creator: | |
Bayle, Constantino Goilo, Enrique R
Publisher: | | Hollandsche Boekhandel ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 107 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | | Discovery and exploration -- Spanish -- America |
Spatial Coverage: | | America |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...bao di nan pesu. Mas o menos mil a bai na landamentu te na e barcunan i nan a subi abordo,
sorprendi di tur loque nan por a mira bordo di un canoa
asina grandi cu tantu riguel, trapi, master, bela, etc. etc.
Mientras nan tabata camna manera bobo ta admira tur...” |
Alonso de Ojeda |
Corsouw ta conta |
Creator: | | Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954 |
Publication Date: | | 1954 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 103 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles -- Curaçao Animals, Legends and stories of
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles -- Curaçao |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Papachi, bisa Prins: No tin cos mas liher den mundu cu pensa-
Ora e cunuquero a yega palacio el a topa su ruman ta subi trapi.
Nan dos a presenta dilanti di Prins.
Bosonan a logra di descubri loque ta mas liher den mundu?
E ricu a contesta: Mi tin un...” |
Corsouw ta conta |
Nos ta canta : un coleccion di canticanan di pueblo Antiyanu |
Creator: | |
Castro, Sonia de Alexius, Frère Kamps, W. Delft, Th. van
Publisher: | | Samson ( Alphen aan den Rijn ) |
Publication Date: | | 1962 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 145 p. : ill. ; 12 x 16 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Benedenwindse eilanden Folklore Volksliederen Zangmuziek Muziek
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...mama nami sincuri, nan ta mustra cu nan sincu dedenan i na mi ta cumpra un bon sombr, nan ta mustra na nan cabes.
A ya na cer i tra p¡, Ta bi-ba un sa pa t. Su
<^-p J> j) J I p p~ p I J) J) J) I J. :|| fEg
nom-ber ta Don Pan cho, Su fam ta...” |
Nos ta canta : un coleccion di canticanan di pueblo Antiyanu |
Kantika pa bjentu |
Creator: | | Lauffer, Pierre Antoine |
Publisher: | | De Wit ( Oranjestad , Aruba ) |
Publication Date: | | 1963 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | IV, 26 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen Poëzie; Papiamentu; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...den tera, ni ol di nan sod pa rekord.
Tur echado di kwenta pa kaminda, unda nan spiritu ta ?
Pakiko tur a bira lomba, skupi, subi trapi, pa mi s, manera ju sin mama, keda bati boka den trank di datu ?
Esta un pik, ku magasina jen ta pidi man pa dakun bagas, i...” |
Kantika pa bjentu |
Kwater "as" : e popchi paña, dos epoka, e bleki i e morkota, bon aña |
Creator: | | Rosario, Guillermo E |
Publication Date: | | 1964 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 64 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fictie Korte verhalen Literatuur
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...diskulp Mathias..., pero e por a komprende s.
Mientras tantu, Shon Moshe a keda para na pia di e trapi, ja ku dokter Semmy tabata bahando na momentu ku 57
e ke a subi.
Drenta bo tambe no, Steve... E bos di Shon Eva ta kibra hilu di pensamentu di e hoben i e ta...” |
Kwater "as" : e popchi paña, dos epoka, e bleki i e morkota, bon aña |
Cuentanan di Nanzi |
Creator: | | Geerdink-Jesurun Pinto, Nilda Maria |
Publisher: | | Stichting Jeugdcentrale Curaçao ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1965 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 76 p. ; ill., tek. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Kompa Nanzi-verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen Orale literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen; Papiamentu Orale volksliteratuur; Nederlandse Antillen; Papiamentu Fabels
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...yame. El a yega un tiki mas acerca.
,,E, ta Shon mes mi ta yama. Subi trapi numa.
Nanzi a weita un porta bao di e bentana. Masque e no por a compronde quico Princesa mester a puntre, el a subi. Princesa tabata warde.
Shon, siguimi.
Nanzi a camna tras di Princesa...” |
Cuentanan di Nanzi |