Die Ansiedelung von Europäern in den Tropen

Die Ansiedelung von Europäern in den Tropen  

Creator:  Sapper, Karl Theodor, 1866-1945
Sering, Max
Publisher: Duncker & Humblot ( München etc. )
Publication Date: 1912
Type: Book
Format: V, 171 p. : ; 24 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  German

“...), gegen bie fie fidj beftanbig gu roeljren fatten, ermorbet roorben finb. Sadf) San Sreen maren 1751 nid)t mebr alê fieben Scanner unb Dier fjrauen übrig oon 87 Serf onen, bie 1749 angefommen roaren. Qm 3af)re 1756 frfjeiterte abermals ein Serfud), am Oranjepab...”
Die Ansiedelung von Europäern in den Tropen
De munten van de Nederlandsche gebiedsdelen overzee : 1601-1948

De munten van de Nederlandsche gebiedsdelen overzee : 1601-1948  

Creator: Scholten, C.
Publisher: Schulman ( Amsterdam )
Publication Date: 1951
Type: Book
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Subject Keyword:  Geschiedenis
Koloniale geschiedenis
Munt- en penningkunde
Spatial Coverage: Nederlandse Antillen
Language: Dutch

“...TO DO: scan again BACK TO QC ---------------------------------------------------- 207v = PLXV vuil aan de binnenkant van de scanner bij 1218 -KK =========== YA QC Final2 23may16 8:29-9:29 welke uren KK gescaned? 136 = p. 134 137 = p. 134 => TO DO: rename...”
De munten van de Nederlandsche gebiedsdelen overzee : 1601-1948
Designing a Digital Community Repository Infrastructure for the Dutch Caribbean From the Perspective of a Small Island Developing State

Designing a Digital Community Repository Infrastructure for the Dutch Caribbean From the Perspective of a Small Island Developing State  

Creator: Yunette N. Aniceta
Publication Date: 2015
Type: Book
Format: PDF
Source Institution: University of Curacao
Holding Location: University of Curacao
Subject Keyword:  Digital Learning Material
Small Island Developing States
Language: English

“...be scanned to reduce reflection Is there too much shadow effect visible? Press the book harder on the scanner bed, making as much contact with the scanner bed as possible Are al l pages properly cropped? Do not crop too much or too little. Remember that scanned...”
Designing a Digital Community Repository Infrastructure for the Dutch Caribbean From the Perspective of a Small Island Developing State
BIM in het beheer : hoe BIM gebruikt kan worden bij het opstellen van een meerjarenonderhoudsplan van een monument

BIM in het beheer : hoe BIM gebruikt kan worden bij het opstellen van een meerjarenonderhoudsplan van een monument  

Creator: Woobenson, Morigène
Publisher:  University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2018/06/15
Type: Book
Format: 82 pagina's : illustraties, figuren.
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Language:  English

“...daarom adviseer ik in de toekomst PAGE 5 W oobenson Morigne BIM in het Beheer 4 om laser 3D scanner toepassen binnen Monumentenzorg De aanschaf van de 3D scanner is echter nog prijzig. Dit dus ter overweging. In dit onderzoek ben ik hier verder ni et op ingegaan...”
BIM in het beheer : hoe BIM gebruikt kan worden bij het opstellen van een meerjarenonderhoudsplan van een monument
ISO 27001 implementation for Information Security Management System

ISO 27001 implementation for Information Security Management System  

Creator: Girigorie, Bryan D.
Publisher:  University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2018/12/06
Type: Book
Format: 116 bladen : illustraties, tabellen.
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Language: English

“...Management 2 ManageEngine ManageEngine Patch Manager Plus 3 SolarWinds SolarWinds Patch Manager 4 GFI GFI LanGuard Network Security Scanner and Patch Management 5 Automox Automox Patch Management Software 6 Symantec Symantec Patch Management Solution 8.1 7 OneComodo...”
ISO 27001 implementation for Information Security Management System
Ontwikkeling van een toegangsbewaking systeem

Ontwikkeling van een toegangsbewaking systeem  

Creator: Devere, Jean-Philippe Gaston
Publisher:  University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2019/08/24
Type: Book
Format: 57 pagina's : illustraties, figuren.
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Language: Dutch

“...volgende apparaten worden aan elkaar gekoppeld: DSX ( access control system ) optioneel Combo scan (ID scanner/passport scanner) Freewaycam (kenteken scanner) Camera (screenshot) optioneel Het DSX access controlesysteem zal als hoofd schakelaar van het gehele...”
Ontwikkeling van een toegangsbewaking systeem
IT Solutions N.V.

IT Solutions N.V.  

Creator: Lourens, Jazir
Publisher:  University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2021/04/12
Type: Book
Format: 51 pages : illustrations.
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Language: English

“...Scan. 3 Assign Credentials At Start Assign Credentials to the Job relevant to the systems that will be scan in order for the scanner to log into the systems successfully. Keep in mind only one credential can be entered per scan, so it is preferred for all the...”
IT Solutions N.V.
Structuring & standardizing mobile application development within MedIT Solutions

Structuring & standardizing mobile application development within MedIT Solutions  

Creator: Meghan D. Stakenburg
Publisher:  University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2021/09
Type: Book
Format: 42 pages : illustrations, figures.
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Language: English

“...the ability to use the camera to scan a barcode. This was made possible by installing a package from Expo called expo barcode scanner , which already contained a working code, which only needed to be styled and implemented in the desired way . An essential ...”
Structuring & standardizing mobile application development within MedIT Solutions
RFID inventory management system

RFID inventory management system  

Creator: Aveiro, Anthony de
Publisher: (University of Curaçao) ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
Publication Date: 2023/08/23
Type: Book
Format: 61 pages; illustrations
Source Institution: University of Curaçao
Holding Location: University of Curaçao
Subject Keyword:  Electrical engineering
Radio frequency identification systems
Language: English

“...technology. RFID implementation is best done in stages, un like basic barcoding, where you can start by connecting your USB scanner to your computer. The adoption and use of RFID requires careful preparation even if it is a sophisticated technology. PAGE...”
RFID inventory management system