Ewanhelie di San Matheo

Ewanhelie di San Matheo  

Creator: Conradi, Cornelis, 1807-1876
Publication Date: 1844
Type: Book
Format: 75 p. : ; 22 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...bini hoentoe soe dilanti. I ora koe nan a kita soe panja, 29 nan a ponee ariba dje oen mantel di scharlak. I nan a ha- si oen korona di soempina, i nan a ponee ariba soe kabees, i deen soe man oen ritji, deespuees nan a hienka roedia soe ( 71 ) dilanti, i nan...”
Ewanhelie di San Matheo
Boekie di orasjon pa moetcha katolieka nan di Curaa̜o

Boekie di orasjon pa moetcha katolieka nan di Curaa̜o  

Creator: Putman, J.J, 1812-1883
Publisher: A.L.S. Muller i J.F. Neuman ( Curaa̜o )
Publication Date: 1849
Type: Book
Format: 72 p. : ; 14 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...nan a boeta tras di Barrabas, I -------— ki nan a soeta kroeëelnreentoe, I ki n an a biesde oen biestier di bofon, ■ ki nan a korona koe soenpienja, -------- ki a karga ëes kroes pisaar, - ;-ki nan a boeta sien biestier di-' lanti di pueblo^ ——; ki nan a klaba...”
Boekie di orasjon pa moetcha katolieka nan di Curaa̜o
Dia di Kriestiaan : santifikaar pa orasjon

Dia di Kriestiaan : santifikaar pa orasjon  

Creator: Frederiks, B.Th.J, 1826-1902
Publisher: Illm̃o i Rvm̃o Senjor Vic. Apost. ( Curaçao )
Publication Date: 1856
Type: Book
Format: 124 p. : ; 13 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: srn

“...afin koe nos poor keeda oenier koe bo. O Poereesa infinieta basic nos poero i goestoso na bo woowo ; alimenta nos, saiba nos i korona nos. Amen. Soe Santidaad Pio IX a doena oen Indul- fencia di 40 dia na toer hende, kada b hoe Iq nan resa koe dcrosjon es orasjon...”
Dia di Kriestiaan : santifikaar pa orasjon
Evangeli segoen Marko : the gospel according to Mark

Evangeli segoen Marko : the gospel according to Mark  

Creator: Dissel, S. van, 1806-1878
Publisher: American Bible Society ( New York )
Publication Date: 1865
Type: Book
Format: 68 p. : ; 17 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword:  Papiamentu -- Texts
Creole dialects, Spanish -- Texts
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Creoles and Pidgins (Other)

“...di boestiesji, i nan a jama hoentoe binteer e resjiment. 17. I nan a biesti eel oen mantel di purper, ï ora nan a traha oen korona di soempina, nan a pone ees abi ariba soe kabees. - 18. I nan a koemiensa koemiendee, bisando: noos ta koemienda bo, rei di Hoedioe...”
Evangeli segoen Marko : the gospel according to Mark
Woordenlyst der in de landstaal van Curaçao meest gebruikelyke woorden; vermeerderd met eenige gemeenzame zamenspraken

Woordenlyst der in de landstaal van Curaçao meest gebruikelyke woorden; vermeerderd met eenige gemeenzame zamenspraken  

Publisher: Apost. Vicariaat ( Curaçao )
Publication Date: 1869
Type: Book
Format: 136 p. : ; 17 cm.
Edition: 2e dr.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  Dutch

“...kweeken , kwellen , kwijtschelden : Koesjina. bini. koempra. kosta. hientsja kwinta. kanta. kraak. ofend. haja. krimp. dobla. korona. lastra. toc. por (poor.) zoentsje, besa. raoermoera. kria. torments, terg. pordona. Laden, Lagchen, Laken , Lasteren, Laten...”
Woordenlyst der in de landstaal van Curaçao meest gebruikelyke woorden; vermeerderd met eenige gemeenzame zamenspraken
Ciento cuenta corticoe : boeki di leza pa uso di school

Ciento cuenta corticoe : boeki di leza pa uso di school  

Publisher: Imprenta Vicariato ( Curazao )
Publication Date: 1881
Type: Book
Format: 106, IV p. : ; 14 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Subject Keyword: Linguistics -- Papiamento -- Texts
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  Papiamento

“...le; Ta bon! Ma larga mi sinja bo awor tamb (;om bo mes- ter haci, pa nunca na muncloe iin ciuz cai pisar pa bo, Mira bon: koe palue dwars no tai, of bo ta pon un banda di paloe largoe, nunca bo no tien un cmz; ma asina bo ta pon di dwars, ta semper un cruz...”
Ciento cuenta corticoe : boeki di leza pa uso di school
Een nieuwe cultuur voor de kolonie Curaçao

Een nieuwe cultuur voor de kolonie Curaçao  

Creator: Hamelberg, J.H.J
Publication Date: 1898
Type: Book
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...in E) Gras yerha uit het S Bloem flor S onveranderd Boon honchi H boontje Mas manshi uit H en S Oranje laraha P laranja Boom palu in S is palo hout. Bosch mondi in S is monte gebergte. Mier vruminga P. formiga Vlieg musquita S mosquito (mosca) Vlinder of kapel...”
Een nieuwe cultuur voor de kolonie Curaçao
The celebration of the Queen's accession at St. Eustatius

The celebration of the Queen's accession at St. Eustatius  

Creator: Valk, A
Publication Date: 1899
Type: Book
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...keire den cunucu, el a pasa banda di un palu di tamaryn Ora el a hisa su cara pa weita CU no tawatin tamaryn hechu den e palu pe kohe pa Shi Maria, su muh, traha awa-i papa di tamaryn, el a ripara un hombre, sinta den e palu. E hombre su cara tawata tapa CU un...”
The celebration of the Queen's accession at St. Eustatius
The pocket guide to the West Indies

The pocket guide to the West Indies  

Creator: Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
Publisher: Stanford ( London )
Publication Date: 1907
Type: Book
Format: XX, 316 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword: Guidebooks -- West Indies
Spatial Coverage: West Indies
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...Barbados. Rate for the round trip $100 {£20, 16s. 8d.) to $I25 (£26, os. rod.). Fleet:—Pretoria, 3300 tons; Parima, 3000 tons; Korona, 3000 tons; Trinidad, 2500 tons, and Manoa, 3000 tons, for freight only. As the line is operated without any subsidy, it is largely...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies
The pocket guide to the West Indies

The pocket guide to the West Indies  

Creator: Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
Publisher: Duckworth ( London )
Publication Date: 1910
Type: Book
Format: XVI, 317 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
Edition: New and rev. ed.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword: Guidebooks -- West Indies
Spatial Coverage: West Indies
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...is an extra charge of $5 (£1 xod.). Return tickets are double the above rates. Fleet: Guiana, 3600 tons; Parima, 3000 tons ; Korona, 3000 tons ; and Trinidad, 2500 tons. From America and Brazil. The Booth Steamship Company, Ltd. (Liverpool, Tower Building;...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories

Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories  

Creator:  Nederbragt, J.A, 1880-1953
Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Nederland) -- Economic Section
Publisher: Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Economic Section ( The Hague )
Publication Date: 1931
Type: Book
Format: VIII, 405 p. : krt. ; 19 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: English

“...3000 mm) is observed in several mountain regions of Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Celebes. The smallest amount on record is 5 30 mm (Palu), the highest amount, 6829 mm, is measured at Kranggan (Java) in the mountain-saddle West of Mount Slamat. When leaving the equator...”
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch

Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch  

Creator: Eybers, G.J
Publication Date: 1932
Type: Book
Format: 535 p. : ; 12°
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...druif di sumpina, ó figu di caduahi? , 17 Asina cada bon palu ta produci bon fruta, ma un palu fofo ta duna mal fruta. 18 Un bon palu no por duna mal fruta, ni un palu fofo por duna bon fruta. 19 Tur palu, qu no ta duna bon fruta, ta worde corta, y tira den candéla...”
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch
Plantkunde van Curaçao voor M.U.L.O.

Plantkunde van Curaçao voor M.U.L.O.  

Creator: Realino, Maria
Publisher: "St. Augustinus" St. Thomas-College ( Curacao )
Publication Date: 1935
Type: Book
Format: 133 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. +
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...Vertegenwoordigers van deze familie zijn: Palu dushi (Chlorophora tinctoria. Gaudich). Broodboom (Artocarpus incisa. L.f.). Mata palu (Ficus Brittonii Bold.) ook gekweekt. Ficus elastica Roxb. gekweekt. Bij de Palu dushi staan de meeldraadbloetnpjes tot katjes...”
Plantkunde van Curaçao voor M.U.L.O.
Bonaire volksgeneeskunde

Bonaire volksgeneeskunde  

Creator: Brenneker, Vitus
Publisher: Curaçaosch Museum ( Willemstad )
Publication Date: 1947
Type: Book
Format: 17 p. : ; 17 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Dutch

“...beet. Men krijgt dan geen infectie, en de wonde geneest prachtig. Hoofdpijn (dolor di cabez). Maak een paar blade- ren van de palu-santu schoon, plak ze met slaolie te- gen het voorhoofd, en bind ze met een doek vast. Hoofdpijn. Wrijf wat bladeren van temetica...”
Bonaire volksgeneeskunde
Historia di Curaçao

Historia di Curaçao  

Creator: Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953
Publisher: Libreria Bethencourt ( Curaçao )
Publication Date: 1948
Type: Book
Format: 103 p. : ill. ; 21 cm.
Edition: 2a ed.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...mand pa capitan Corter a hundi inmedia- tamente; lam a ranca e barconan chiquito fo'i nan ancia, i dal nan quibra contra Klip. Palu i heru di e barco destrui a salta te na un gran distancia i o quibra tur cas, cu nan a cayi ariba. A haya pieza di e barco tras...”
Historia di Curaçao
The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people

The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people  

Creator:  Poll, Willem van de, 1895-1970
Dolman, Joop
Publisher: Van Hoeve ( The Hague )
Publication Date: 1951
Type: Book
Format: 60, [63] p.pl. : ill. ; 26 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword: Pictorial works -- Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: Netherlands Antilles
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  English

“...*^k MS BBSS ease PM M Dye-wood trees, suppliers of purple and bright red dyes Rincón, quiet little village in the valley The “palu di sieja”, as hoorible as a huge polyp Back from the well Brandaris, Bonaire’s highest peak Goto Lake, salt and treacherous quicksands...”
The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people
A little guide English-Papiamento

A little guide English-Papiamento  

Creator: Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953
Publisher: Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Willemstad )
Publication Date: 1952
Type: Book
Format: 51 p. : ; 24 cm.
Edition: 3rd ed.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword: Papiamentu -- Conversation and phrase books
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  English

“...Funnel .. Trekter Cock .. Kramchi Cork-screw . .. Korketrek Match .. Lucifer Fire .. Candela Coal .. Carbon Wood .. Palu Ashes .. Shinishi Smoke .. Huma Food, etc. Cuminda, etc. Bread .. Pan Flour .. Harifla di pan Corn-meal .. Hariria di...”
A little guide English-Papiamento
Cuentanan di nanzi

Cuentanan di nanzi  

Creator: Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954
Publication Date: 1952
Type: Book
Format: 97 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Subject Keyword:  Anansi (Legendary character) -- Netherlands Antilles
Tales -- Netherlands Antilles
Blacks -- Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: Netherlands Antilles
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...POPCHI Dl BREUW Shon Arey tabatin un hoffi masha bunita. Tur sorto di palu di fruta tabata crece aden. Palu di mango, di schubappel, di guyaba, di sorsaca, di mispel, enfin, bo no por corda un palu di fruta, cu Shon Arey no tabatin den su hoffi. Tur dia Nanzi tabata...”
Cuentanan di nanzi
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo

E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo  

Creator: Sociedad bíblica neerlandesa
Publication Date: 1952
Type: Book
Format: 511 p. : ; 16 cm.
Source Institution: Leiden University
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language:  Papiamento
Greek, Ancient (to 1453)

“...druif di sumpina, ó figu di cadushi? 17 Asina cada bon palu ta produci bon fruta, ma un palu malu ta duna mal fruta. 18 Un bon palu no por duna mal fruta, ni un palu malu por duna bon fruta. 19 Tur palu, qu no ta duna bon fruta, ta worde corta, y tira den candéla...”
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu

Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu  

Creator:  Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
Publisher:  Willemstad ( Curaçao )
Publication Date: 1953
Type: Book
Format: 139 p. : ; 21 cm.
Source Institution: Universiteit Leiden
Genre: non-fiction (marcgt)
Language: Papiamento

“...(velyo) viejo bieu vetus inferno infiemo firnu infemus puro puro puru purus duro duro duru durus mau malo malu malus pau palo palu palus i) Den hopi caso e terminacionnan cin, sin, ancia i encia a cam- bia pa shon, ansha i ensha. Manera a queda stipula den Gap...”
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu