The celebration of the Queen's accession at St. Eustatius |
Creator: | | Valk, A |
Publication Date: | | 1899 |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | English |
Tur hende por figura rabia di Cha Cargapilon: e quier a
dal Cha Nansi abao i mat, ma prom cu e por a hasi nada,
Cha Nansi a bula foi su lomba i curre bai dilanti di Shon
Arey pa risibi di Shon Arey lo que el a gana cu e pustamenta.
The celebration of the Queen's accession at St. Eustatius |
Dos novela: E no por casa / Mester a deré, promé el a drenta na casa |
Creator: | | Kroon, Willem Eligio, 1886-1949 |
Publication Date: | | 1927 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | : ; 8° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...paleis, ni amigo di quen mi tin cu bira awor. No,
ma pensa: categoria alta i hasta mediana a bula pa mi
ayera, pues awe cu mi ta mas sint cu hopi, mi tambe ta
bula pa nan. Mi amigonan ta nan mes di ayera, cu cual
mi a tuma un Dobbel Kroon, o palo di rom, Turmicos-...” |
Dos novela: E no por casa / Mester a deré, promé el a drenta na casa |
Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña |
Creator: | | Kroon, Willem Eligio, 1886-1949 |
Publication Date: | | 1928 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | : ; 8° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...+">++2. .6+2 "# )+2%$!+1#B% #!&", 6+C2% % "$ 2 -+" *; 2 (# ."" ".#2=$#."!2% ,"2 :6,!1 %+!D23+;#, 2%#& 2+&"!"%# ,2 +! 2>+&"",E#"% 2+!2&)+"; 0!2%$%"$#+(%#,#>+2, 2#& % (#,!26#!"") 2.2!"%!!2% >+. (#/9:?)+"!"% ,+."%! 1 $/7 %(. % #," : F#,#% 1+!(.,#(+)#2"#2.+"$#"3(...” |
Giambo bieuw a bolbe na wea : novela íntima curazoleña |
Onze eilanden in Nederlandsch West-Indië en de overige eilanden van de Caraïbische Zee, Venezuela en Colombia |
Creator: | | Realino (kloosternaam van F.J.A. Janssen), Maria |
Publisher: | | St. Thomas-College ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1931 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 170 p. : ill., foto's, krt. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Aardrijkskunde; Nederlandse Antillen Aardrijkskunde; Suriname Colombia Nederlandse Antillen Venezuela
Language: | | Dutch |
“...donkergrijs rotsduifje, de ala-blanca met blauwgrijze veeren, de uiteinden der vleugels zijn wit. de ala-duroe donkergrijs.
het bula-duifi (blauwduifi) lichtgrijs, met om de hals een zwarte kring, parkieten (prikichi) veeren groen, kop geel. de chuchubi (tjoetjoebi)...” |
Onze eilanden in Nederlandsch West-Indië en de overige eilanden van de Caraïbische Zee, Venezuela en Colombia |
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories |
Creator: | |
Nederbragt, J.A, 1880-1953 Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Nederland) -- Economic Section
Publisher: | | Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Economic Section ( The Hague ) |
Publication Date: | | 1931 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | VIII, 405 p. : krt. ; 19 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | English |
“..."" *#"2'%&!"2-!''&!!)-"0-3! !)!4! 5 !16+1 ""$7 !"#$$$$%&% '( &)*$$$$$$+% ,-./$$$01./#2$$$343%**.5"$$$6'!2#"#*$$$74(",/.*$$$+#,8$$$4 /1!$$$9432!/1#$$$(633//1,/$$$2!#.$$:; #5$$$343% 1$2$$$74(2.!2$$$+"$**#$$$4 2*/$$$943#/*"*$$$(633<33 2!*#,1$$$ !##+89:::,2
PAGE...” |
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories |
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch |
Creator: | | Eybers, G.J |
Publication Date: | | 1932 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 535 p. : ; 12° |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...para y manda nan yarn’d, y nan a yama e ciégu,
bisando n’é: Tene bon animo, lamta, é ta yama„bo.
50 Y el a quita su mantel, el a bula riba, y bini ceca Jesus.
51 Y Jesus dici cu né: Quiqu bo quie mi haci pa bo ? Ye ciégu
dici cu né: Rabbuni, qu mi por mira,
52...” |
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch |
De Nederlandse Antillen en de overige eilanden van de Caraïbische Zee, Venezuela en Colombia |
Creator: | | Realino (kloosternaam van F.J.A. Janssen), Maria |
Publisher: | | R.K. Boekhandel 'St. Augustinus' ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1938 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 214 p. : ill., foto's, krt., tab. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | | Aardrijkskunde; Nederlandse Antillen |
Language: | | Dutch |
“...V¡ m hoog; in de vlakke kom bovenin liggen 1 of 2 eieren.
Familie Meeuwen :
En soort meeuw komt hier voor; de kleinere ,,witte" sterns, worden hier ook meeuwtjes" genoemd.
Familie Duiven :
De blauwduif (bula deifi) is een grote duif, leikleurig blauw; de snavel...” |
De Nederlandse Antillen en de overige eilanden van de Caraïbische Zee, Venezuela en Colombia |
Un drama den hanch'i Punda |
Creator: | | Rosario, Guillermo E. |
Publication Date: | | 1943 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 35 p. ; 20 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Curacao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curacao |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fictie Literatura Literature Literatuur Proza; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...tabata paseando gozando di luna na orilla di lama ora cu di ripíente un monstruo mahos ta bula sali for di
fondo di lamar y ta bula riba nan dos.........
Mario ta bula lamta sobresalta for di su cama, Eta cen-
de e luz den su cuarto y ta hanj'E baña den sudor...” |
Un drama den hanch'i Punda |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 112 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Edition: | | [New ed.] |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento Dutch
“...-&'&' './,-./,-''%0&'!##-#1#-2!-*###3*(##.#*+(###+(##+!2 4%5+2#--& 0#!+&(#(2!2-(!+(-!-6 ##6##7##'###2%%!##2%!2!+!+(7 #*#---"(#87"2+!%2!9:#!##.9:./9:6( #(#/(!!+#./!+##!,-,/./,7 -&--;##2;%#2!2!+ !+(!%2%+(2%./<(#%###!<##./<*####2##((%% -'--/&'/0/&(#'####--!####=->...” |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Hollandsche Boekh. ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 112 p. : ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento Dutch
PAGE 23...” |
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch |
Historia di Curaçao |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Libreria Bethencourt ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1948 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 103 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. |
Edition: | | 2a ed. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Un mucha cu a bula na awa i a salba su bida a declara cu el a mira
e canonero mayor bay na direccion di camber di polber i el a tend
bisa: pa demonio, awe nos tur ta bay desayuna na cielo, i mes in-
stante el a avisa secretario, i tur dos a bula na awa. Generalidad...” |
Historia di Curaçao |
A little guide English-Papiamento |
Creator: | | Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953 |
Publisher: | | Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Willemstad ) |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 51 p. : ; 24 cm. |
Edition: | | 3rd ed. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | | Papiamentu -- Conversation and phrase books |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
English Papiamento
“...To finish .... . Caba To keep . Tene
To fish . Pisca To kill . Mata
To flee . Hui (Hu-i) To kiss . Zunchi
To fly . Bula To kneel . Hinca rodia
To fold . Dobla To knock .... . Bati
To follow ... . Sigui To know . Conoce
To forbid . Prohibi...” |
A little guide English-Papiamento |
Cuentanan di nanzi |
Creator: | | Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954 |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 97 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | |
Anansi (Legendary character) -- Netherlands Antilles Tales -- Netherlands Antilles Blacks -- Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Nanzi a bula lamta, coge e cuch i e quier a
djump Cha Tiger cune. Ma esaqui a bula sali for di e dak di
palu di maishi, quibre i curi bai. Nanzi su tras.... 23
Te ainda Nanzi no por comprende ta di con, el a cage Cha
Tiger tene na su rabu. El a bula subi riba...” |
Cuentanan di nanzi |
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo |
Creator: | | Sociedad bíblica neerlandesa |
Publication Date: | | 1952 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 511 p. : ; 16 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Papiamento Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
“...Lamta para drechi riba bo pia Y
el a bula anba y camna. *
11 Y ora e multitud a mira, loque Pablo a haci, nan a halza
nan boz, y dici na lenga lycaöna: E diosnan a baha (fo’icielul
ceca nos na figura di hende; ' '
„’2 Ynan a yama Barnabas, Jupiter, y Pablo...” |
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo |
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu |
Creator: | |
Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997 Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
Publisher: | | Willemstad ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 139 p. : ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...4:(/,!,!#$%5$(!/,!!/#!,#$%&%(,!!,8!,!-33,#!,#$%.;(#$%5?(2,,8!,+!&!31#,(2,,/@+0#,#$?;'(2,!=!@>A##(2,,>!/B#$%$:(2,,!2,,!#!!#$%.&(2,,-C1,=333#-C1,#$%4$(!**!233723A3/3,0D#$%5'(-3@3EF!)*8G>*"!1,,#,3)!>, !3
! "#$ %&'%( %%) %$ **%+...” |
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu |
Alonso de Ojeda |
Creator: | |
Bayle, Constantino Goilo, Enrique R
Publisher: | | Hollandsche Boekhandel ( Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 107 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | | Discovery and exploration -- Spanish -- America |
Spatial Coverage: | | America |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...por a munstra pida-pida oro cu bende por a piki
na cantu di riu i na gran cantidad.
Noticia di e descubrimentunan di Colon a bula di boca pa
boca riba benter Europa, como un di e becbonan mas grandi
den bistoria bumanu. Mientras cu den su promer biaha casi...” |
Alonso de Ojeda |
Corsouw ta conta |
Creator: | | Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954 |
Publication Date: | | 1954 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 103 p. : ill. ; 18 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Subject Keyword: | |
Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles -- Curaçao Animals, Legends and stories of
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles -- Curaçao |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...riba mi
cachornan fiel.
Conforma e colebra a vega acerca, Matad a bula riba dje, ma e
pober no tabata por e s. Ta siete cabez furioso tabata manda.
Skeerd no a warda su beurt. E tambe a bula riba e animal Nan
dos tabata bringa furiosamente, ora Habrakad tambe...” |
Corsouw ta conta |
Beschermde en te beschermen vogels van de Benedenwindse Eilanden : Protected and beneficial birds of the Leeward Islands |
Creator: | |
Koelers, Henk J Hermelijn, Th.A
Publisher: | | Vereniging voor Dierenbescherming op de Nederlandse Antillen ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1957 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 32 p.:ill. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Aves [vogels]; Nederlandse Antillen Beschermde diersoorten Fauna; Nederlandse Antillen Milieu; Nederlandse Antillen Natuurbescherming; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Dutch |
“...chikitu. Su alanan ta move cu asina un velocidad cu e ta capas di para ketu den laria of bula bai un poco atrs.
E hembra s ta traha neshi i broei e webunan. E neshi ta 2 te 3 cm di diametro i generalmente trah na un taki di palu.
A rather common hummingbird...” |
Beschermde en te beschermen vogels van de Benedenwindse Eilanden : Protected and beneficial birds of the Leeward Islands |
Un macutu jen di cuenta |
Creator: | |
Garmers, Sonia M Dieleman, Wim C
Publisher: | | Van Dorp ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1960 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 126 p.;ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Kinderverhalen; Nederlandse Antillen Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen Legenden Papiamentu; vertellingen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Loque el a mira a cai e masha strao. Un homber ta grita i bula den un botter banda di un cabitu di bela. Sacami aqui for, sacami aqui for!" Martins a buk, coge e botter tee, habri'e. E homber a bula sali afor. El a queda mes chi-quitu. ,,Ai mi bon Martins,...” |
Un macutu jen di cuenta |
Curaçaoensia : folkloristische aantekeningen over Curaçao |
Creator: | |
Maduro, Antoine J. Brenneker, Paul Hubert Franz
Publisher: | | Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1961 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 244 p. ; 17 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Antropologie; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Nederlandse Antillen Volksgeneeskunde; Curaçao
Language: | | Dutch |
“...je ... een doodskist!
723. Sint Jan
Op San Guan, 24 juni, heeft op enkele plaatsen nog het vuurtje-springen plaats; dat heet bula San Guan. Daarna wordt gezongen en feest gevierd, en gaat men alle Guans en Wanitas feliciteren.
724. Sint Jan
Op de feestdag...” |
Curaçaoensia : folkloristische aantekeningen over Curaçao |