1.5.2 Birthday exercises |
Creator: | | Taylor, Kathy |
Type: | | serial |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Genre: | | serial (sobekcm) |
“...*Nota: abo. ami. yanüari Frank 8 febrüari Lucille 25 mart Erwin 17 aprel Marta 30 mei Rudsel 13 yüni Michael 11 yüli Maria 26 ougùstùs Stephanie 12 sèptèmber Chantal 14 òktober Jonathan 20 novèmber José 1 desèmber Monique 15
Papiamentu 1.5: Hasi aña...” |
1.5.2 Birthday exercises |
Luna Vokabulario i konsepto |
Creator: | | Taylor, Kathy |
Type: | | serial |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Genre: | | serial (sobekcm) |
“...germániko. 1.3.1 Luna: Vokabulario i Aktividat Luna Tin diesdos luna den un aña. Luna yanüari febrüari mart aprel mei yüni yüli ougùstùs sèptèmber òktober novèmber desèmber aña (12 luna) awe (dia di momento)
Papiamentu 1.3 : Luna Kalendario Kalendario...” |
Luna Vokabulario i konsepto |