"Obrero, lànta!" : korona di soneto |
Creator: | | Rosario, Guillermo E. |
Publication Date: | | 1969 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 16 p. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Poëzie
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Lnta trempan, pa drenta den akshon uni ku bo kompaero, hasta ku bo kombles Obrero, hams i nunka faya bo obligashon 15
Obrero, hams i nunka faya bo obligashon perkur pa bo semper, na trabow, ta puntwal yega tempran, sali na ora, ta ideal no laga nada domin bo...” |
"Obrero, lànta!" : korona di soneto |
Arte di palabra |
Creator: | |
Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Wanga, Hubert R
Publisher: | | Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1973 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 55 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Papiamentu Literaire studies Schoolboeken
Language: | |
Papiamento Papiamentu
“...espiritwal, meskos ku e reakshon natural di e diferente figuranan riba loke un o mas ta hasi. Un eskritor di novela tin e obligashon di deskribi akshon, pensamentu i papiamentu di kada figura sigun e mentalidad di kada figura, pa esakinan ta aseptabel.
E tin...” |
Arte di palabra |
Arte i kultura afrikano : un introdukshon |
Creator: | |
Allen, Rose Mary UNESCO
Publication Date: | | 1990 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | V, 42 p. : ill., tek. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Afrikaanse kunst Cultuur; Nederlandse Antillen Publicaties van Antillianen Volkskunst; Afrika
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...tabata kuna di hende, kaminda balornan humano antiguo ta eksisti, kaminda tempu no ta plaka, i
relashon entre hende ta gui pa e
obligashon moral di yudansa mutuo.E ta un Afrika, kaminda hende ta biba den harmonia ku naturalesa i kaminda
kuradnan tradishonal tin...” |
Arte i kultura afrikano : un introdukshon |
Buki di proverbionan Antiano |
Creator: | |
Hoogenbergen, W Hoefnagels, Gerardus Petrus Juliana, Elis
Publisher: | | De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1985 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 157 p. ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | | Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen |
Language: | | Papiamento |
Je verlies heeft me erg gespeten en Gods wil geschiedde.
Ora bo bai un morto, ta bo obligashon pa bai kondoler tur e famianan, tantu hmber komo muh, ku e palabranan aki: Duel mi muchu di bo pierde: (Je verlies heeft me...” |
Buki di proverbionan Antiano |
Historia di 70 aña Fundashon De Jonge Wacht |
Creator: | |
Seferina, Hendrik C. Augusta-Ersilia, Merly M.C Fundashon Kas di Kultura
Publisher: | | De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 2007 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 104 p. : ill., foto's ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Jeugdvorming; Nederlandse Antillen Jeugdwerk; Nederlandse Antillen Organisatie; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...keda mi mes. P'esei mi a sali for di dia m'a kumins traha warda. Ademas, mi tabatin asina tantu tempu di obligashon ku aworak mi no ke tin obligashon mas.
-95- Entrevista No. 2: Francisco Paulina
Fecha di nasementu Pais di nasementu Okupashon
Bario ku a lanta...” |
Historia di 70 aña Fundashon De Jonge Wacht |
Koṛsou den siglo XX : desaroyo di un pueblo òf tragedia? |
Creator: | | Römer, Amado Emilio Jose |
Publisher: | | Propio ( Koṛsou Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1997 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | [V], 172 p. : ill., foto's ; 23 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Autonomie; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Curaçao Verkrijging van autonomie; Curaçao
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...tur siman, ta pidi obreronan "kumpli lo mehor posibel pa bo duna bo bnt forsa pa eksig tur bo derechonan: no tin derecho sin obligashon". Ta mustra riba situashon a-higiniko den haf, riba e sistema di atend ku kaso di aksidente, falta di toilet i bao, riba falta...” |
Koṛsou den siglo XX : desaroyo di un pueblo òf tragedia? |
Kwater "as" : e popchi paña, dos epoka, e bleki i e morkota, bon aña |
Creator: | | Rosario, Guillermo E |
Publication Date: | | 1964 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 64 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fictie Korte verhalen Literatuur
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...sikiera e tabata mas soseg. E plaka tabata ei, anke ku despues no tabata sobra muchu, pero kon-tal ku e por a kumpli ku e obligashon aki, e tabata mas ku satisfecho.
Ta un di e konsehonan di su difuntu esposo ku semper el a sigui: Perkur paga bo kas, pa bo...” |
Kwater "as" : e popchi paña, dos epoka, e bleki i e morkota, bon aña |
Kwenta pa kaminda |
Creator: | |
Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Corsen, Charles S
Publisher: | | De Wit ( Oranjestad , Aruba ) |
Publication Date: | | 1968 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | [VIII], 80 p. : ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fictie Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen Literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...pasenshi, senjora, Medardo a kontest ku un sonrisa masha simpatiko na su kara. Senjora ta mi prohimo. Esei ta nifika ku mi tin obligashon di duna senjora tempu pa solushona e difikultad aki. Despwes di tres anja, un dia no ta hasi muchu diferensha, no ta berde...” |
Kwenta pa kaminda |
Loke a keda pa simia |
Creator: | |
Henriquez-Alvarez Correa, May Joubert, Sidney M RJ Dovale Advertising
Publication Date: | | 1991 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | VI, 92 p. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamentu, taalkunde Papiamentu; woordenboeken Spreektaal; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...'Nicolas Blas, ya comiste ya te vas,' hasi fishi di indjan. Bis ora un hende kaba kome i djis atras e hisa bela bai. Si ta pa obligashon e wspet tin di bai, anto e ta skuza i echa e kuenta di Nicolas Blas. Si ta pa bobo el a hasi e akto ei, anto ta esnan ku keda...” |
Loke a keda pa simia |
Maneho riba profeshonalisashon di maestro na Korsou |
Creator: | | Manuel, Desiree |
Publisher: | | Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011. |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of Curacao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curacao |
“...mester p rkur pa akumul un total di 450 ora di profeshonalisashon, repart den 90 ora pa aa. Pa enseansa avans no ta eksist un obligashon mar na lei. Pa e tipo di skolnan ak profeshonalisashon t a sosod riba indikashon di e skolnan. Banda di esei, e skolnan por...” |
Maneho riba profeshonalisashon di maestro na Korsou |
Mi lenga (Di dos tomo) |
Creator: | | Lauffer, Pierre Antoine |
Publication Date: | | 1971 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 2 dl. : ill., foto's ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamentu; taalkunde Schoolboeken
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...prd kurashi. Brgida no ta ni grandi ni chiki.
No solamente e ta sab, ma e ta humilde tambe. Tantu nos komo boso tin e mesun obligashon.
Konhunshon subordina
Esaki ta un palabra ku ta konekt ekspreshon ku no ta di mesun rango gramatikal.
Un frase subordina no...” |
Mi lenga (Di dos tomo) |
Mi lenga (Di prome tomo) |
Creator: | | Lauffer, Pierre Antoine |
Publication Date: | | 1970 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 2 dl. : ill., foto's ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Papiamentu; taalkunde Schoolboeken
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Kompromiso, k'ompromet pa kasa.
Esta kompromiso! (Esaki si ta problema, desagradabel)
No komprometemi. (No hinkami den prt, obligashon).
El a haa esei di apa (ora kumpra algu)
apa di keshi. (Originalmente pida keshi kstra riba loke bo kumpra). Pero awendia e...” |
Mi lenga (Di prome tomo) |
Ora solo baha |
Creator: | | Lauffer, Pierre Antoine |
Publisher: | | Libreria Salas ( Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1968 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 74 p. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Papiamentu Kinderboeken Kinderverhalen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...sea pa muha hofi, roza mondi, planta o kima karbon. Chiku tambe tabata katibu, pero komo e tabata mucha ainda, e no tabatin obligashon di traha. Sinembargo e tabatin su trabow, un trabow ku e mes tabata gusta masha tantu. For di dia ku shon Cario a ripar ku...” |
Ora solo baha |
Ta asina o ta asana? : abla, uzu i kustumber sefardí |
Creator: | | Henriquez-Alvarez Correa, May |
Publication Date: | | 1988 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | XVI, 122 p. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Joden; Nederlandse Antillen Papiamentu; woordenboeken Spreektaal; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...servisio di komunidat. Bo por laga di ta kontentu ku e ordonans, ma e tabata altamente nesesario! di ordonans, di rigor, un obligashon, algu ku no por falta. Ta di ordonans pa bai Plaza Bolvar awe tardi = ta esensial, ta un must. Ya no ta di ordonans bisti flus...” |
Ta asina o ta asana? : abla, uzu i kustumber sefardí |
Un selekshon di palabra i ekspreshon (Di dos tomo) |
Creator: | |
Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
Publisher: | | Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Korsow Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1974 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 2 dl. : ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Folklore Papiamentu Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen Taalkunde Schoolboeken
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...petishon, pidimentu Suplik, prefer Konseha, avisa Prefera, preferensha Priminti, promesa
Obedesidu, disidldu Desishon, resolushon Obligashon, obligatorio Eksigi, roga
Demand, permit, prohib Forsa, domin Ta prohib (tah) pa pasa Boluntat, demanda i oferta
8 Bisti di...” |
Un selekshon di palabra i ekspreshon (Di dos tomo) |
The use of L1 in L2 vocabulary teaching to produce better results on English tests |
Creator: | | Vitalini, Rita |
Publisher: | | University of Curaçao Dr. Moises Da Costa Gomez ( Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 2018/05/30 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 52 pages ; illustrations, charts, figures |
Source Institution: | | University of Curaçao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curaçao |
Subject Keyword: | |
Second language acquisition Vocabulary Language and languages; study and teaching Secondary education; Aruba
Language: | | English |
“...effort, or oneself) to a particular task or purpose. Dediká 9 Duty a moral or legal obligation; a responsibility. Tarea of obligashon 10 Seem give the impression or sensation of being something or having a particular quality. Mustra 11 Encourage give support...” |
The use of L1 in L2 vocabulary teaching to produce better results on English tests |
Week-end di estudio : organisa pa Fundashon pa promove i propagá identidad propio i solidarismo antiyano, Hotel "Holiday Inn Curaȧo", 25, 26 i 27 di april 1969 |
Publication Date: | | 1969 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 75 p. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Congressen Ethiek Nationale bewegingen Nationalisme Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...hecho aki a pone ku 21 pais a vota pro, 10 kntra i 33 a apsten nan mes, ora ku e resolushon pa duna Hulanda decharge di su obligashon pa report kada aa tokante sitwashon na Antiyanan. (9)
Naturalmente ya tabatin partidonan politiko elig na Antiyanan, pero kur...” |
Week-end di estudio : organisa pa Fundashon pa promove i propagá identidad propio i solidarismo antiyano, Hotel "Holiday Inn Curaȧo", 25, 26 i 27 di april 1969 |