" Kelki na boka" : pasatempu ku ta konsisti di shete diálogo |
Creator: | |
Debrot, Nicolaas Henriquez-Alvarez Correa, May Lauffer, Pierre Antoine Smit
Publication Date: | | 1973 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 55 p. ; ill. ; 21 cm |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Literatuur Toneel; Papiamentu
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...El a skohe Frans Cijntje.
: E komershante ku ta bende paa djabou mef. E komershante barike tamb. E smelap ku sifilis na terser grado.
: (Hariendo) Danki, Doriana, danki ku bo ta sim-
patisa asina ku mi.
Tende, te orei e milager a sosode.
: Ha, ha. Ba topa Clementina...” |
" Kelki na boka" : pasatempu ku ta konsisti di shete diálogo |
(Re)Visiting Dominica's past, (Ad)Venturing into her future: interrogaring identity formation in Marie-Elena John's Unburnable |
Creator: | | Ali, Tyrone |
Publisher: | |
Fundashon di Idioma (FPI) ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) University of the Netherlands Antilles (UNA)
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of Curaçao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curaçao |
Subject Keyword: | |
Dominica literature Identity Caribbean literature
Language: | | English |
“...whose mother was somewhat influenced by a Lebanese lifestyle. Removed far from Dominica at an early age, Lillian is physically, mentally and emotionally cut off from her history and as such, her real identity and sense of self remain hid den and suppressed, with...” |
(Re)Visiting Dominica's past, (Ad)Venturing into her future: interrogaring identity formation in Marie-Elena John's Unburnable |
Ala blanca : dedicá na nos hubentud |
Publisher: | | Imprenta di Vicariato ( Otrabanda, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1912- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : Ill. ; 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...cumpll un bida largoe.)
E doctor di Iglesia, San Tomfis di Aquino ta bisa, koe mester
conta' perfection di bida cristiana, segun grado di perfeecion di amor
dibino, koe un hende tini.
Ta paree koe Dios kier a confirm*! e berdad ai den e obra mila-
groso koe El...” |
Ala blanca : dedicá na nos hubentud |
Album-guía de Curazao |
Creator: | | Henriquez, Emilio L |
Publication Date: | | [ca. 1946] |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 89 p. : ill. ; 21 x 24 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Spanish |
Orden del Libertador, en el grado de
Comendador- Venezuela.
Orden Honneur et Merit, en el grado
de Comendador- Haiti.
Orden de la Cruz de Balboa, en el gra-
do de Comendador- Panama.
Orden de Francisco de Miranda, en el
grado de Comendador- Venezuela.
Orden...” |
Album-guía de Curazao |
Alchemy Banking App |
Creator: | | Onofra, Dion |
Publisher: | | University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 2018/08/30 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 73 pages : illustrations, figures. |
Source Institution: | | University of Curaçao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curaçao |
Language: | | English |
“...chang es can be taken into account immediately. Which means that developers save a lot of time. So, this also has a positive mental effect on the team that keeps them motivated.
Roles in Scrum A Scrum team consist of a slightly different formation...” |
Alchemy Banking App |
Almanaque de Curaçao para el año .. |
Publication Date: | | 1919?]- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : Ill. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Spanish |
“...agosto 30, invisible.
VI. Transito del planeta Mercurio por el disco del
Sol, mayo 7, visible en parte.
Primer contacto : 58 grados del punto norte del
Sol hacia el Este.
Entrada : 5 boras i 7 minutos de la tarde. El Sol
se pone con el planeta sobre su disco...” |
Almanaque de Curaçao para el año .. |
Almanaque de Curaçao para el año .. |
Publication Date: | | 1919?]- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : Ill. ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Spanish |
“...kilmetros; su
anchura minima entre Costa de Hato i Bahfa de Bullen es de 4
El termmetro registra de 72 a 90 grados Fahrenheit.
ciudad de Curasao conocida oficialmente por Willemstad
esta situada en la hahfa de Santa Ana (puerto de Curasao)...” |
Almanaque de Curaçao para el año .. |
ANP Westindische documentatie dienst |
Creator: | | Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau ('s-Gravenhage) |
Publisher: | | Algemeen Nederlands Persbureau ( 's-Gravenhage ) |
Publication Date: | | 1953- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : ; 34 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Dutch |
stelligste te worden ontkend. Nu is het wel owallenr dat het
Saf eer moeterdouwren Zou
dan inderdaad de theorie van de "mental inferioritv''
ilweflSef?Lfwd danks alle
^ worden uitgeoefend ?. In de krineen der
Si Sai?HN'' laatste wel eens gedacht en mSS...” |
ANP Westindische documentatie dienst |
Antilliaans juristenblad |
Creator: | |
Vereniging van Praktizijns der Nederlandse Antillen. Vereniging van Advocaten der Nederlandse Antillen
Publisher: | | Vereniging van Praktizijns der Nederlandse Antillen ( Willemstad ) |
Publication Date: | | 1951-1975 |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : ; 21 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Subject Keyword: | | Law reports, digests, etc -- Netherlands Antilles |
Spatial Coverage: | | Netherlands Antilles |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | | Dutch |
“...consequenties leiden. Een Nederlander, die in de V.S. gewoond hèeft, aldaar
gehuwd is en vervolgens gescheiden op grond van „mental cruelty”, zou in
Nederland niet kunnen hertrouwen, omdat deze echtscheidingsgrond aldaar
niet erkend wordt, maar in de Nederlandse...” |
Antilliaans juristenblad |
Añoranzas de una vida meritoria |
Creator: | | Henriquez, Emilio L |
Publication Date: | | [1937] |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 52 p., [18] p. pl. : ill., portr. ; 28 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | |
Spanish Dutch
“...gentes, es sin duda alguna la mas elevada y
recomendable cualidad del espiritu, en las modernas sociedades. Quien lo posea en
alto grado, como la muy apreciable Senorita Rebecca Cohen Henriquez, contara
siempre con efusivas simpatias, con amigos verdaderos y con...” |
Añoranzas de una vida meritoria |
Apoteosis universal del libertador : las ofrendas de Curaçao, Aruba y Bonaire |
Publication Date: | | 1930 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 1 p. : ; 30 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | | non-fiction (marcgt) |
Language: | | Spanish |
“...hasta la Pla-
za Bolivar, la inauguracin del pavi-
mento de mosaico de la Santa Iglesia
Mat'-iz, los solemnes funerales consa-
grados en dicho templo a la memoria
del Hroe, la Inauguracin del monu-
mento del Padre de la Patria, el acto
de las ofrendas y el minuto...” |
Apoteosis universal del libertador : las ofrendas de Curaçao, Aruba y Bonaire |
Asina Korsow a nase : historia de Korsow i cuadro |
Creator: | | Hoyer, Augusto R. |
Publication Date: | | 1975 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 62 p. : ill., foto's ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | |
Fotoboeken; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Curaçao Geschiedenis; Nederlandse Antillen
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...Libertador den grado di comandeur Venezuela Orden Honneur et merit den grado di comandador Haiti i orden di Cruz di Balbao den grado panama. Orden di Francisca di Miranda den grado di Comandador Venezuela. Orden di Intruccion Pblica den grado oficial Venezuela...” |
Asina Korsow a nase : historia de Korsow i cuadro |
Associatie UoC en GZE uitgewerkt : De Faculteit der Technische Wetenschappen zal een bijdrage leveren met een drietal projecten |
Publisher: | | Michael Willemse |
Publication Date: | | 2017/07/08 |
Type: | | newspaper |
Format: | | Kranten artikel |
Source Institution: | | ABCourant N.V. |
Holding Location: | | ABCourant N.V. |
Genre: | |
newspaper (sobekcm) newspaper (marcgt)
Language: | | Dutch |
“...oce an)' voor Curaao en de regio. Het tweede project is het starten van een bachelor opleiding Sus tainable Energy and Environ mental Engineering' die in nau we samenwerking met de CUPB opgezet zal worden. Het derde project richt zich o p de 2 1st cen tury skills...” |
Associatie UoC en GZE uitgewerkt : De Faculteit der Technische Wetenschappen zal een bijdrage leveren met een drietal projecten |
The Barber socio-cultural center for the arts |
Creator: | | Isenia, Ruviëndel A. |
Publisher: | | University of Curaçao ( Willemstad, Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 2023/06/18 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 95 pages : illustrations |
Source Institution: | | University of Curaçao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curaçao |
Subject Keyword: | | Cultural center |
Language: | | English |
“...3. þ en-USConstruction Waste:en-US en-US necessitating proper waste management practices to minimize its environen-US -en-US mental footprint.en-US In summary, concrete masonry construction, supported by local industry players en-US such as Beton Brievengat...” |
The Barber socio-cultural center for the arts |
Between love and terror: Having a sense of belonging is no joke |
Creator: | | Ansano, Richenel |
Publisher: | | Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011. |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of Curacao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curacao |
“...my dismay when I found out that some of the people I knew did come back from the Netherlands to be institutionalized in the mental health clinic or else were walking the streets with a vacant look, muttering to themselves, totally unkempt, rude and sometimes...” |
Between love and terror: Having a sense of belonging is no joke |
Bida den Laman 1 |
Creator: | | Stinapa |
Publisher: | | Stinapa |
Publication Date: | | 1976 |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
“...asina intensivamente preokup ku produkshon di nos alimento? Danki Dios ku nos, ser umano, ta dispon di tal kapasidat, tanto mental komo fisiko, ku nos por kumpli ku e tarea enorme aki, pasobra di e preokupashon pa kuminda un gran kantidat di animal, i pa prom...” |
Bida den Laman 1 |
![Bijlage bij het verslag van de commissie van onderzoek naar de opvattingen in Nederland omtrent de plaats van de overzeesche gebiedsdeelen in het koninkrijk : ingesteld bij ministerieel besluit van 30 augustus 1945 / [voorzitter: W.H. van Helsdingen]](https://dcdp.uoc.cw/content/AA/00/00/04/72/00003/NL-0200050000_UBL10_00060thm.jpg) |
Bijlage bij het verslag van de commissie van onderzoek naar de opvattingen in Nederland omtrent de plaats van de overzeesche gebiedsdeelen in het koninkrijk : ingesteld bij ministerieel besluit van 30 augustus 1945 / [voorzitter: W.H. van Helsdingen] |
Type: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | Leiden University |
“...„They must know”, zeide De Valéra, „that the
occupation of the Six Counties by Britain was a flagrant violation of the funda-
mental national rights and sovereignty of the Irish people; they must know that
they have no more right to occupy these Six Counties...” |
Bijlage bij het verslag van de commissie van onderzoek naar de opvattingen in Nederland omtrent de plaats van de overzeesche gebiedsdeelen in het koninkrijk : ingesteld bij ministerieel besluit van 30 augustus 1945 / [voorzitter: W.H. van Helsdingen] |
Bovenwindsche stemmen |
Creator: | | Netherwood, Wilhelm |
Publisher: | | Netherwood ( Philipsburg ) |
Publication Date: | | 1933- |
Type: | | serial |
Format: | | v. : ; 29 cm. |
Source Institution: | | Universiteit Leiden |
Genre: | |
serial (sobekcm) periodical (marcgt)
Language: | |
English Dutch
“...footing orith Phil-
ipsburg as regards educational
facilities, and this should be at
tended to if any real improvement
in the mentality of the Simpson
Bay people is to become a. reality
On the grounds tha,t there is no
further need^for their existence...” |
Bovenwindsche stemmen |
Buki di proverbionan Antiano |
Creator: | |
Hoogenbergen, W Hoefnagels, Gerardus Petrus Juliana, Elis
Publisher: | | De Curaçaosche Courant ( Willemstad , Curaçao ) |
Publication Date: | | 1985 |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | 157 p. ill. ; 22 cm. |
Source Institution: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Holding Location: | | University of Netherland Antilles |
Subject Keyword: | | Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen |
Language: | | Papiamento |
“...mensen hebben meer ervaring.
Hende bieu (hende grandi) tin mas eksperensha ku hobennan. Nan tin mas eksperensha tantu fisiko komo mental. Pesei un muh tin mas na un hmber poko grandi ku na un hmber ho-ben. Un grupo di komedia a yega di trese un komedia masha grasioso...” |
Buki di proverbionan Antiano |
Calypso music and the hidden narratives of Aruba |
Creator: | | Richardson, Gregory |
Publisher: | | Willemstad , Curaçao : Fundashon pa Planifikashon di Idioma / Universiteit van de Nederlandse Antillen, 2011. |
Type: | | Book |
Format: | | Book |
Source Institution: | | University of Curacao |
Holding Location: | | University of Curacao |
“...Caribbean which portray it as the happy go lucky tourist. Many Caribbean scholars also describe this identity as the One Love Mentality. Dutch Cultural Anthropologist Francio Guadeloupe ( 2009) drawing on the works of pragmatist William James, describes this...” |
Calypso music and the hidden narratives of Aruba |