No. Title Date
1 Marginal languages: a sociological survey of the Creole languages and trade jargons
2 Leerplan en leidraad voor het basisonderwijs op de Benedenwindse Eilanden der Nederlandse Antillen
3 Crossing shifting boundaries : language and changing political status in Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao / ed. by Nicholas Faraclas, Ronald Severing, Christa Weijer, Elisabeth Echteld.
4 Towards an evidence based Caribbean Community of knowledge, how the Aruban Multilingual model may provide a solution
5 Boiling water, or the process of systematic development of a common understanding
6 African agency in the emergence of the Atlantic Creoles
7 Marginalized peoples and Creole Genedid: Sociétés de cohabitation and the Founder Principle
8 Conscious choice and constructed identities a study of written codeswitching between Crucian and standard English in St. Croix
9 Language variation as 'verbal resourcefulness and aesthetic completeness': the sociolingistics of Derek Walcott
10 Students from the Dominican Republic in the public schools of St. Croix
11 Re-centering the 'Islands in between': re-thinking the languages, literatures and cultures of the Eastern Caribbean and the African diaspora
12 In a sea of heteroglossia: pluri-lingualism, pluri-culturalism, and pluri-identification in the Caribbean
13 Valorization of Papiamento in Aruban society and education, in historical, contemporary and future perspectives
14 Papiamento, un herment clave den enseñansa di matematica? : scol primario multilingual y su efecto riba matematica den scol secundario
15 Papiamento i consenshi metalinguistico na IPA : con pa saca probecho di e potencial multilingual di nos studiantenan