Een nieuwe cultuur voor de kolonie Curaçao
- Creator:
- Hamelberg, J.H.J
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...Hiel hielchi H hieltje
Teen dede pia P dedo do pe
Been wesu S hueso
Brein sesu S seso
Maag stoma S estmago
Tand djente S diente
Bloed sanger S sangre
Speeksel scupi uit het S werkwoord escupir (spuwen) 86
Wond hirida S herida
Pijn dol S dolor
Dood morto P morte...”
The celebration of the Queen's accession at St. Eustatius
- Creator:
- Valk, A
- Publication Date:
- 1899
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...no por wanta di sinti Cha Cargapilon
su wesu di lomba: i mi pianan no por queda cologa asina,
mester di un cos, masqu ta un cuero di carn, pa mi sinta
arriba i un cos pa mi pianan pa tin un sostenimentu. I tamben
mi mannan mest tin un cos di tene riba Cha...”
Nieuw Testament in het Papiamentsch
- Creator:
- Eybers, G.J
- Publication Date:
- 1932
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 535 p. : ; 12°
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...v den tavó-
pa nan banda di pafo tambe bira limpi * y ’
27 Ay! di boso, escriba y fariseo, hipocritanan, pasoba boso ta
mescos qu e grafnan gepleister blancu, qu djafó ta mustra wèl
bunrte ma paden nan ta yen di wesu di morto y di t “sSidL
m„28 tambe’ djafo...”
Bonaire volksgeneeskunde
- Creator:
- Brenneker, Vitus
- Publisher:
- Curaçaosch Museum ( Willemstad )
- Publication Date:
- 1947
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 17 p. : ; 17 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
Graat in de keel (wesu di piscar den garganta). Gor-
gel met water waarin een scheutje azijn.
Hoest (tosamentu). Drink een thee van de blaadjes
van de calbas-di-mondi.
Hoest. Pers het binnenste van een calbas-di-mondi
vrucht uit, en kook dit tot...”
A little guide English-Papiamento
- Creator:
- Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Willemstad )
- Publication Date:
- 1952
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 51 p. : ; 24 cm.
- Edition:
- 3rd ed.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamentu -- Conversation and phrase books
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
- Papiamento
“...ta sona o. Boat, boto; coal, carbon. Den broad, ancho, e tin sonido di o
di bol.
oe tin sonido di u den shoe, zapato; canoe, canoa; oe tin sonido di o den
toe, dede di pia; foe, enemigo; i di eu den he does, e ta haci.
oi, oy ta sona oi. Noise, boroto; boy,...”
Cuentanan di nanzi
- Creator:
- Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954
- Publication Date:
- 1952
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 97 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Anansi (Legendary character) -- Netherlands Antilles
- Tales -- Netherlands Antilles
- Blacks -- Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...cu e wea a yena cu aroz, boon-
chi i un bon pida di wesu di spekki.
Nanzi a baha- hambra riba e wea di cuminda. El a pone e
wea riba su pia i el a zembla tur sin sobra ni moster. Ni riba
su casa i su yiurian el a corda. Barica yen, corazon contento.
E Testament nobo di nos Señor y Salbador Jesu-Christo
- Creator:
- Sociedad bíblica neerlandesa
- Publication Date:
- 1952
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 511 p. : ; 16 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Papiamento
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
“...nan a troca gloria di Dios, qu no ta caba nunca na
imagennan di hende qu ta caba, y di paranan y di animalnan
di quater pia, y di animalnan, qu ta lastra.
[ 24 P esei tambe Dios a entrega nan den braza di impureza,
segun deséonan desonesto di nan curazon, pa...”
Ensayo pa yega na un ortografía uniforme pa nos Papiamentu
- Creator:
- Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
- Maduro, Antoine Johannes, 1909-1997
- Publisher:
- Willemstad ( Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1953
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 139 p. : ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...procd originaria-
mente di idioma span i sufri metaplasmo bou di infuencia
portugus i gayego. Respecto di e tesis aqui ta existi sin
embargo opinionnan divergente. Ta notable qu e palabra-
nan: suerte, suela, cueba, cueru, curd, webu, wesu, welga,
wrfano, suegu...”
Alonso de Ojeda
- Creator:
- Bayle, Constantino
- Goilo, Enrique R
- Publisher:
- Hollandsche Boekhandel ( Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1953
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 107 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Discovery and exploration -- Spanish -- America
- Spatial Coverage:
- America
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...pober ciruhanu tabatin di scoge den su mes bida of e
di Ojeda. Pesey mes ora el a cuminza quenta e herunan.
Ojeda a sinta den un stul. El a troce na e promer contacto.
E candela a sigui quima i consumi e musculonan di su pia.
Hasta su wesu a quima na tur dos banda...”
Corsouw ta conta
- Creator:
- Pinto, Nilda, 1918-1954
- Publication Date:
- 1954
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 103 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Folklore -- Netherlands Antilles -- Curaçao
- Animals, Legends and stories of
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles -- Curaçao
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...ma el a trece un koppie di sanger. Jos
,,Ai no, koffie mi quier i no sanger. E Mosa a trece es ora ey
koffie pe. Tambe e Mosa a trece e pida wesu di morto pe huma
na lugar di un Havana. Jos di: Ta ciga bo a ofrecemi i no un wesu.
,,Bam weita cas. Camna...”
Un macutu jen di cuenta
- Creator:
- Garmers, Sonia M
- Dieleman, Wim C
- Publisher:
- Van Dorp ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1960
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 126 p.;ill. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Kinderverhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Legenden
- Papiamentu; vertellingen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...porta, e di, ,,bon dia wela;
E wela di ,,bon dia mi Shon".
Mes ora candela a sali for di e wela su boca pero e mucha di, ,,ta kico esaki."
Despues e wela di cun', drenta", i mes ora e Mosa a bini cu un lomba di wesu di morto p'e sinta.
Na e mes ora e di cu Mosa:...”
Curaçaoensia : folkloristische aantekeningen over Curaçao
- Creator:
- Maduro, Antoine J.
- Brenneker, Paul Hubert Franz
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1961
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 244 p. ; 17 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Antropologie; Curaçao
- Geschiedenis; Nederlandse Antillen
- Volksgeneeskunde; Curaçao
- Language:
- Dutch
“...largu, tribon caranjitu, tribon casad, tribon cor, tribon crusai, tribon cruz, tribon cuchibanu, tribon di hundu, tribon di piedra, tribon di wesu, tribon di santu, tribon djente cach, tribon habon, tribon hala secu, tribon martn, tribon nocente, tribon mul,...”
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publication Date:
- 1962
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 71 p. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Korte verhalen
- Literatuur
- Papiamentu
- Poëzie
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...hombr. E ta biba den e kldu di mosajko blanku banda di kas di wesu. Hahaha, ora tin luna kla e sa sinta konta nos un kan-tidat di chiste bow di e palu di barbi jonkuman. Pero bo n sa kiko amigu. Ta basta kombrs awor si. Mi tin gana di drumi un ratu. Bo ta dunami...”
Pekelé cu pikel
- Creator:
- Brenneker, Paul Hubert Franz
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1962
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 44 p. ; 14 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Etnografie; Nederlandse Antillen
- Folklore; Nederlandse Antillen
- Morele vorming
- Volksgebruiken; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...bebed nunca no ta bebe hopi. Un drachi cabei peper so. Pe kita ol di trabao. Mala lenga a dune e mal nomber. Ma tur pisc tin wesu, te so ta e macab cu ta carga e fama di bu-tishi rom i di halado di awa. Un hom-ber mester dal un beter de bez en cuando, nta nada...”
- Creator:
- Brenneker, Paul Hubert Franz
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1963
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 91 p. ; 17 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Folklore; Nederlandse Antillen
- Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...227. Cach bieuw sa ki banda wesu to molli
Een oude hond weet waar het bot zacht is.
228. Pa sab cu cach ta, e ta camna pia abao
Hoe verstandig een hond ook is, hij loopt op blote poten.
229. Si bo duna pam na cach di hende, e di bo ta gritabo Als je andermans...”
Dede pikiña : dedica na nos muchanan
- Creator:
- Juliana, Elis
- Publisher:
- Drukkerij Scherpenheuvel ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1964
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 32 p. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Literatuur
- Papiamentu
- Poëzie
- Kinderboeken
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...pida wesu i puntr pa esun di Maril. MIHO COJON, CU DIOS PORDON
Un ratn di cunucu a stow den un macutu pa bin conoce ta kico ta e Punda tantu gab.
E tabata pober bist.
Su sombr di cabana, carson di sacu di haria, camisa di sacu di sucu, sambarcu na pia i su...”
Cuentanan di Nanzi
- Creator:
- Geerdink-Jesurun Pinto, Nilda Maria
- Publisher:
- Stichting Jeugdcentrale Curaçao ( Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1965
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 76 p. ; ill., tek. ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Kompa Nanzi-verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Orale literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen; Papiamentu
- Orale volksliteratuur; Nederlandse Antillen; Papiamentu
- Fabels
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...Nanzi a sinj.
Largami weita cu mi wesu di lomba tambe tin tantu manteca i sustancia manera esun di Compa Nanzi.
Coma Kriki a hiza tapadera di wea di cuminda i Compa Kriki a bula bon confiado aden.
Shon! El a grita, cu tur hende di cas a curi bin weita, ta quico...”
Wazo riba rondu
- Creator:
- Juliana, Elis
- Publication Date:
- 1967
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 3 dl. : ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Fictie
- Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen
- Papiamentu
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...lug cu cada cach ta lembe su mes wesu. Aja
su edeanan a forma bira un imagen grandi di glas pa bin dal
kibra na filingrana contra e muraja bieu di piedra di su patria.
E ta keda desapunt, descontrol, ta drif riba restonan di su soonan. Esaki ta rabu dje estudio...”
Ora solo baha
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Libreria Salas ( Willemstad, Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1968
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 74 p. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Literatuur
- Papiamentu
- Kinderboeken
- Kinderverhalen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...spanta. Rondo di nan tentnan tabatin mrka di pia den tera. Di un hende pia abow.
Mario, bo por a tende algu den anochi?
Nada. Abo a tende algu?
Tampoko. Bo sa kiko nos ta hasi? Asina nos kaba di desajuna, nos ta bai sigui e mrkanan di pia, pa weta di unda nan ta...”
Morde supla
- Creator:
- Brenneker, Paul Hubert Franz
- Publication Date:
- 1968
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 500 p. ; 14 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Proza; Papiamentu
- Stichtelijke lectuur; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...mosaiconan, nan ta kritica pia di sirbid di misa su dede chiki.
Tata den cielu, kico nan no ta kritica Anto sin haci nada. Tende un cos aki, shonnan. Alfin bo ta sirbi Dios, i ni pastoor, ni su tanta bieuw. Sea homber. Cumpra un wesu di lomba, i buta man na obra...”