Compendio de la gramática del papiamento ó sea método para aprender á hablarlo y á escribirlo en corto tiempo
- Creator:
- Evertsz, N.J
- Publisher:
- Bethencourt ( Curazao )
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 107 p. : ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamentu
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Esperanto
Dedo pulgar, dede gran-
di, deim duim ()
Encia, carni di djente,
tandfiees ()
Entranas, intestinos,
Espaldilla, hombro,
scuder ()
Espinazo, luesoe di
Estmago, stoma.
Elema, sleim, sluim ()
Frente, frenta.
Garganta, pescuezo,
Wazo riba rondu
- Creator:
- Juliana, Elis
- Publication Date:
- 1967
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 3 dl. : ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Fictie
- Korte verhalen; Nederlandse Antillen
- Literatuur; Nederlandse Antillen
- Papiamentu
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...pica, lo mi rank na mala rdu pone af y pas bou di mukel di burdugu pa garn na pujru.
Ainda mi tin sustu di corda kico un djente a haci cumi ocho-nuebe aa pas, tempu mi tabata biba na Rancho.
Ma nota un djente parti abou prom cu mi ferstandukis cu a haa un...”
Fiesta di Idioma A2
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
“...skohe for di:
baa feila flos flsh krta laba shampu skeiru djente Awor
8. Awendia tur hende sa ku bo mester... tur dia.
9. Bo kabei bo tin ku laba ku ...
10. Tambe bo mester... tres biaha pa dia ku pasta di djente.
11. Bo tin ku ... ku ilu di djente.
12. Ku un...”
Un selekshon di palabra i ekspreshon (Di dos tomo)
- Creator:
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Lauffer, Pierre Antoine
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel St. Augustinus ( Korsow Willemstad , Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1974
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 2 dl. : ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Folklore
- Papiamentu
- Spreekwoorden en gezegden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Taalkunde
- Schoolboeken
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...ltimo silaba nos ta skibi:
Rask i sumpia (rask di)
Dol i djente (dol di)
Sinti i hende (sinti di)
64 5. No tin espasio den kaso di:
saki plaka (saku di) koi kns (kos di) buki misa (buki di) bleki lechi (bleki di).
Pero tin espasio den:
kas i tabia stel i wea...”
Ta asina o ta asana? : abla, uzu i kustumber sefardí
- Creator:
- Henriquez-Alvarez Correa, May
- Publication Date:
- 1988
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XVI, 122 p. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Joden; Nederlandse Antillen
- Papiamentu; woordenboeken
- Spreektaal; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...sus., un boka di awa, f otro lkido sea pa spula boka f pa tee un ratu den boka. P.e. ta tuma buche di awa ku salu ora kaba ranka djente f buche di kamomil pa kualke iritashon di lenga o ensia. sp. buche, burzju, ath., sus., hende bon par, di shrtu posishon...”
Rèspètpagrandiichikí : rimanan pa grandi i chikitu
- Creator:
- Mercera, Gabriël (Gaby) Raymundo
- Coffie, Norwin
- Dammers, Geraldine
- Publication Date:
- 2004
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- [47] p. ; ill; tek. ; 21 cm
- Source Institution:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Holding Location:
- University of Netherland Antilles
- Subject Keyword:
- Kinderliedjes; Nederlandse Antillen
- Poëzie; Papiamentu; Nederlandse Antillen
- Language:
- Papiamento
“...sod, want'un ratu kue un blo.
Pasa dushi, pasa bon, pero laga droga keda'f £Keiru, £Ke¡ru djente
M'a lanta fo'i mitar di shete, prepara pa skeiru djente. Pone pasta hr garganta. Skeiru, skeiru aki banda, skeiru, skeiru e otro banda Skeiru ariba, skeiru abou...”