Neêrlands West-Indië in zijne belangen, en Dr. W.R. van Hoëvell in zijn "Slaven en vrijen" : slavernij, emancipatie, kolonisatie
- Creator:
- Belmonte, Benjamin Elie Colaço
- Publisher:
- Van den Heuvell ( Leiden )
- Publication Date:
- 1855
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- VIII, 246 p. : ; 23 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- 1800-1900
- Slavernij
- Kolonialisme
- Suriname (land)
- Spatial Coverage:
- Suriname (land)
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
new clothes with which to land amounting to two and one
half, on condition that both sums, Eleven and a half dollars
I shall pay in Demerara to the order of----------------------, by
one dollar monthly,, which shall be deducted from my salary
by the Honourable...”
Publicatien voor het eiland St. Eustatius : 1809 - 1844
- Publisher:
- Algemeene Lands-Drukkerij ( 's-Gravenhage )
- Publication Date:
- 1857
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XII, 320 p. : ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Sint Eustatius
- Colonies -- Netherlands -- Sint Eustatius
- Spatial Coverage:
- Sint Eustatius
- Netherlands -- Sint Eustatius
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“... when their owners shall have to pay for taking
them out, the usual fort fee of one piece of eight for each
slave, as also four bits to the schout of taken up by him, and in
case their owner or owners should refuse to pay the above men-
tionend fee, the said...”
Publicatien voor het eiland St. Martin, Nederlandsch gedeelte : 1816-1849
- Publisher:
- ter Algemeene Landsdrukkerij ( 's-Gravenhage )
- Publication Date:
- 1857
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XII, 160 p. : ; 23 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Saint Martin (West Indies)
- Colonies -- Netherlands -- Saint Martin
- Spatial Coverage:
- Saint Martin (West Indies)
- Netherlands -- Saint Martin
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...Government, shall not only be obliged to
pay the full value thereof, but shall be punished with jail arrest.
Article 65th.
Any officer who shall be deprived of his commission, shall
during six successive years pay a contribution of / 20 above the
Coleccion de frases = : Verzameling van spreekwijzen
- Publisher:
- Muller ( Curaa̧o )
- Publication Date:
- 1869
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 91 p. : ; 23 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Spanish
- Dutch
“...uwen zak? 59
No tengo con migo nwguno.
I Tiene v. dinero en su cosa ?
For lo regular se lleva un poco
de dinero con sigo en esie pais.
Mi primo ha dormido con mi
Hemos dormido casa de nuestro
I Donde esia v. alojado ? — Casa
de mi abuelo.
I Y con...”
Inventaire analytique et chronologique des chartes du chapitre de Saint-Martin, a Liége
- Creator:
- Schoonbroodt, J.G
- Publisher:
- Desoer ( Liége )
- Publication Date:
- 1871
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- VIII, 303 p. : ; 29 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- French
“...enen twintich daech in januario.
Record de 1'a Cour de Brust déclarant que ce village n’est ni du pays de Liége, ni du pays de
Fauquemont, ni d’aucun autre pays; mais qu’il forme une seigneurie indépendante appartenant au
Chapitre de St-Martin, h Liége. Orig...”
De natuurlijke hulpbronnen van de kolonie Curaçao
- Creator:
- Chumaceiro, Abraham Mendes, 1841-1902
- Publisher:
- Belinfante ( 's Gravenhage )
- Publication Date:
- 1879
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 91 p. : ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
- English
“...be mutually agreed upon between the
Company and the said Government and that the said Charles
Brodie Sewell should provide and pay all expenses incidental to
such applications and that the said Charles Brodie Sewell should
have the option of working the concession...”
Eene reis om de wereld
- Creator:
- Hellema, D
- Publisher:
- De Buisonjé en Zoon ( Nieuwediep )
- Publication Date:
- 1880
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- VI, 246 p. : tab. ; 26 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Wereldreizen
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
afhankelijkheid erlangden de Chilianen na den bloedigen slag bij de Maypo (5
April 1818) en noemen ze zich sedert „hyos del pais”, „zonen des vaderlands.
Bij den Chiliaan heeft de in geheel Amerika zoo algemeene zin voor vrijheid
zich geordend. Toch kwam...”
Schets van het Nederlandsch staatsbestuur en dat der overzeesche bezittingen
- Creator:
- Lenting, Lambertus Eduardus, 1822-1881
- Pekelharing, Baltus Hendrik, 1841-1922
- Publisher:
- Van Cleef ( 's-Gravenhage )
- Publication Date:
- 1883
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XI, 514 p. : tab. ; 21 cm.
- Edition:
- 5e uitg. -- bew. door B.H. Pekelharing.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Constitutional law -- Netherlands
- Politics and government -- Netherlands
- Colonies -- Administration -- Netherlands
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...ces dieux des paiens qui os habent
et non loquuntur, qui pedes habent et non ambulant.” de Gerlache, His-
toire du Royaume des Pays-Bas I, 467 vv.
Niet minder duidelijk sprak de afkeer,- die den Koning en zijne mi-
nisters bezielde, in de koninklijke boodschap...”
Corona funebre, junio 14 de 1886
- Creator:
- Zerpa, Víctor Antonio
- Publisher:
- Libreria ( Curazao )
- Publication Date:
- 1886
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- VIII, 216 p. : ill., portr. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Spanish
“...extensas relaciones, se con-
sideró venezolano, sirvió a la patria, casó
con una hija del pais y fundó familia ho-
norable. Los acpntecimientos politicos, que
envolvieron el pais eh guerra desastrosa, y
luégo en la anarquia, le obligaron, a tornar
Ia resolución de...”
Las cosas de Venezuela
- Creator:
- Lucrecio
- Publication Date:
- 1887
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- .. dl. : ; 25 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Spanish
“...Aclainacin, que: el pais entero
anteeuyos triunfos ban desapaiecido,
por boiirados, lo.s partidos. : He aqui
el sulfato de la ignoraneia qoaa)kica dal
gen. Guzinan! ^ uales sou los boura-
dos, los triunfos los partidos "1 j Y
, ciiio puede un pais entero teuer esos...”
Geologische Studien ueber Niederlaendisch West-Indien auf grund eigener Untersuchungsreisen
- Creator:
- Martin, K, 1851-1942
- Publisher:
- Brill ( Leiden )
- Publication Date:
- 1888
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XIII, 238 p. : ill., krt. ; 28 cm, 8°
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Geology -- Netherlands Antilles
- Geology -- Suriname
- Geologie
- Bonaire
- Surinam
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles
- Suriname
- Bonaire
- Surinam
- Curaçao
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- German
in welchem er in 10 m Tiefe ansteht, bedeckt von aufgelockerten Massen derselben
Nur in der Nahe von Klein Mai Pays traf ich einen körnigen Diabas an,
welcher den dichten Diabas gangförmig durchsetzen könnte. Ersterer bildet hier
unter andern...”
Bericht über eine Reise nach Niederländisch West-Indien und darauf gegründete Studien
- Creator:
- Martin, K, 1851-1942
- Publisher:
- Brill ( Leiden )
- Publication Date:
- 1888
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 2 dl. : ill., krt., pl. ; 27 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Geology -- Netherlands Antilles
- Description and travel -- Netherlands Antilles
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- German
in welchem er in 10 m Tiefe ansteht, bedeckt von aufgelockerten Massen derselben
Nur in der Nahe von Klein Mal Pays traf ich einen körnigen Diabas an,
welcher den dichten Diabas gangförmig durchsetzen könnte. Ersterer bildet hier
unter andern...”
Nederland tusschen de tropen : aardrijkskunde onzer koloniën in Oost en West
- Creator:
- Schuiling, R, 1854-1936
- Publisher:
- De Erven J.J. Tijl ( Zwolle )
- Publication Date:
- 1889
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XII, 656 p., [29] p. pl. : ill. ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Geografie
- Nederlandse koloniën
- Spatial Coverage:
- Nederlandse koloniën
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...e handelsbetrek-
kingen met de stammen in den midden- en bovenloop der
rivier; de naam is waarschijnlijk ontleend aan de kom-
pai, eene rietsoort, welke langs de rivieroevers veel
voorkomt. — De derde groote linkerbijstroom is de Kajoe
Tangi of rivier van...”
Voyage aux trois Guyanes, et aux Antilles
- Creator:
- Verschuur, G
- Publisher:
- Hachette ( Paris )
- Publication Date:
- 1894
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- IV, 367 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Description and travel -- Guiana
- Description and travel -- West Indies
- Descriptions et voyages -- Guyanes
- Descriptions et voyages -- Antilles
- Groot Guyana
- Spatial Coverage:
- Guiana
- West Indies
- Guyanes
- Antilles
- Groot Guyana
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- French
“...ce brouhaha infernal, d’apprendre quelque chose sur
la situation du pays.
Void en quoi se résument les dernières nouvelles: il
y a des combats et des escarmouches dans 1’intérieur
du pays, surtout autour de Valencia, mais la Guayra,
Puerto Cabello et Caracas...”
Vistas del Colegio "Santo Tomás", San Fuego, Curazao, Antilla holandesa
- Publisher:
- The Albertype ( New York, NY )
- Publication Date:
- 1896
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- [15] p. : ill. ; 14x18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Spanish
“...^. -
.-; 'U -"'^UX i
Gr upo de algunos alumnos. .Y > r*.>. ^
"! .
~V V /'
^,. ... .. * I
'PfiW WPffl
ipftiW a C'i
Bajo los auspicios del Illmo. Senor Obispo
Vicario Apostlico de Curazao.
Drigido por los...”
Een nieuwe cultuur voor de kolonie Curaçao
- Creator:
- Hamelberg, J.H.J
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...mme temprature que 141
celle de St. Domingue, et quil y croit les mmes fruits; que
Ie terrain y est uni presque partout, et ie pays fort dcouvert
par ie peu de bois quon y rencontre. La terre en bien des
endroits y est presque strile, et rapporte peu a ses maitres...”
Curacao, Dutch West Indies
- Creator:
- Reilly, William Benedict
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 68 p. : ill., port. ; 26 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...policemen cross free. Be-
tween 6,000 and 8,000
people pay toll on this
bridge every day, and
Mr. Smith is being re-
warded for the courage
of his convictions in
building it, as it is prob-
ably the best-paying of
all his public enterprises.
There is a telephone...”
Curacao, Dutch West Indies
- Creator:
- Reilly, William Benedict
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 68 bl. : ill. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...policemen cross free. Be-
tween 6,000 and 8,000
people pay toll on this
bridge every day, and
Mr. Smith is being re-
warded for the courage
of his convictions in
building it, as it is prob-
ably the best-paying of
all his public enterprises.
There is a telephone...”