De vrouw in Nederlandsch Westindië : uitgeg. vanwege de Westindische Rubriekcommissie van de nationale tentoonstelling van vrouwenarbeid
- Creator:
- Panhuys, Louis Constant van, 1869-1949
- Publisher:
- H.J.W. Becht ( Amsterdam )
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 66 p. : ; 20 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Vrouwen
- Nederlands West-Indië
- Spatial Coverage:
- Nederlands West-Indië
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...hundreds of
negroes, women and men, but women in four times
the number, were hard at work. The entire process
was by hand and basket, each basket holding from
eighty to a hundred pounds weight. Two planks
were laid down at a steep incline from the ships
deck to the...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publisher:
- Stanford ( London )
- Publication Date:
- 1907
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XX, 316 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...fertilised seeds germinated in the
ordinary manner. When about an inch high, the
tiny grass-like shoots are transplanted into baskets
and eventually bedded out in the experimental cane
grounds adjoining. Throughout its whole career,
each cane selected for further...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publisher:
- Duckworth ( London )
- Publication Date:
- 1910
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XVI, 317 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Edition:
- New and rev. ed.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...fertilised seeds germinated
in the ordinary manner. When about an inch high, the
tiny grass-like shoots are transplanted into baskets and
eventually bedded out in the experimental cane grounds
adjoining. Throughout its whole career, each cane selected'
for further...”
Die Ansiedelung von Europäern in den Tropen
- Creator:
- Sapper, Karl Theodor, 1866-1945
- Sering, Max
- Publisher:
- Duncker & Humblot ( München etc. )
- Publication Date:
- 1912
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- V, 171 p. : ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- German
- Dutch
“...fjeute im ©ebraudj (am auffalligften
finb barunter für ben Seifenben bie auêgegeidjneten roafferbidjten
SFèeifeförbe: Carib baskets).
Qft auf ben kleinen Slntillen ber 9luêfterbeprogef) ber Ur=
einrooper nod) nidjt gang abgefcfjloffen, fo ift bieê auf ben...”
Flora voor de Nederlandsch West-Indische eilanden
- Creator:
- Boldingh, I, 1879-1938
- Koninklijke Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut
- Publisher:
- De Bussy ( Amsterdam )
- Publication Date:
- 1913
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XX, 450 p. : ; 23 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Botany -- Netherlands Antilles
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...{Ben. W. EU.) . . Croton niveus.
gasil .....................{Bov. W. Eil.) . . Ocimum sanctum.
Basket hibisc ...... (Bov. W. Eil.) . . Hibiscus schizopetalus.
Basket hoop...................(Bov. W. Eil.) . . Smilax guianensis.
Bassoora die lieber .... {Ben. W...”
Daniel De Leon : the man and his work : a symposium
- Creator:
- Socialist Labor Party (New York) -- National Executive Committee
- Daniel de Leon, the man and his work
- Publication Date:
- 1920
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 2 dl in 1 bd (85, 177, XV p) : ill. ; 19 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...assembly was to be held at
Washington, D. C. This was in 1895. Sovereign and his
clique knew that their heads would fall into the basket. De
Leon, heading the delegation of District Assembly 49, together
with the honest elements in the order, could easily have got...”
Curaçao : the key to the West-Indies
- Publication Date:
- 1921
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...but in Curacao and Bonaire a more
systematic extension of the cultivation has
begun of late, by planting trees first grown
in baskets filled with sand in which seed
has been planted. The peas are dried in
the sun.
The divi-divi is very much sought after
in America...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies : British Guiana, British Honduras, the Bermudas, the Spanish Main and the Panama canal
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publication Date:
- 1923
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- X, 479 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Edition:
- [new and rev. ed.]
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...women, and it is interest-
ing to watch them swinging up the gangway with
baskets of coal on their heads while keeping up an
incessant fire of chaff and singing shanties. Each
basket holds 109 lb. of coal, and it is doubtful whether
there is any other part...”
The pocket guide to the West-Indies, British Guiana, British Honduras, the Bermudas, the Spanish Main and the Panama canal
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publisher:
- Sifton, Spraed & Co ( London )
- Publication Date:
- 1927
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XIV, 493, XXIV p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...when they are not the visitor who puts him-
self in the hands of an experienced local fisherman rarely returns
with an empty basket. One hundred and sixteen different kinds
of fish are found in Trinidad waters, of which eighty-five are
food fishes and thirty-one...”
Handbook of the Netherlands and overseas territories
- Creator:
- Nederbragt, J.A, 1880-1953
- Ministery of Foreign Affairs (Nederland) -- Economic Section
- Publisher:
- Ministery of Foreign Affairs, Economic Section ( The Hague )
- Publication Date:
- 1931
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- VIII, 405 p. : krt. ; 19 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...cricket as
nearly all cricket clubs play on fields which are used for
football during the winter.
A peculiarly Dutch sport is Basket Ball, which
outside the Netherlands is only practised in a small part
of Belgium. This sport, wichis practised by more than ten...”
The pocket guide to the West-Indies, British Guiana, British Honduras, Bermuda, the Spanish Main, Surinam and the Panama canal
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publisher:
- Sifton, Spraed & Co ( London )
- Publication Date:
- 1931
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XIV, 500 p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
- Edition:
- New and rev. ed.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- Suriname
- Spatial Coverage:
- Suriname
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...a ?x
.--CtDROS \
\ tacos?'-
Sifton, Praed & Co. Ltd.. S? James's St. London S. IV.
with an empty basket. One hundred and sixteen different kinds
of fish are found in Trinidad waters, of which eighty-five are
food fishes and thirty-one...”
Vocabulary and dialogues : English-Papiamento-Dutch
- Creator:
- Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953
- Publication Date:
- 1948
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 112 p. : ; 22 cm.
- Edition:
- [New ed.]
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
- Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
- English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
- Papiamento
- Dutch
Fish bone Weso di pisca Graat
Pishing net Reda, taray Visnet
Fish hook Anzu Vishaak
Harpoon Arpun Harpoen
Bow net, Fishing basket Canaster Fuik
Fisher-boat (Fishing-boat) Boto piscad Vissersboot
Canoe Canoa Kano
Birds, etc. Pahara, etc. Vogels, enz.
Vocabulary and dialogues : English - Papiamento - Dutch
- Creator:
- Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953
- Publisher:
- Hollandsche Boekh. ( Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1948
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 112 p. : ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamento -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
- Dutch language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
- English language -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
- Papiamento
- Dutch
Fish bone Weso di pisca Graat
Fishing net Reda, taray Visnet
Fish hook Anzu Vishaak
Harpoon Arpun Harpoen
Bow net, Fishing basket Canaster Fuik
Fisher-boat Boto piscad Vissersboot
Canoe Canoa Kano
Birds, etc. Pahara, etc. Vogels, enz.
Eldorado : maandblad ter behartiging van de belangen van Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen
- Publication Date:
- 1949
- Type:
- serial
- Format:
- v. : ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
- periodical (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...te verwijderen.
De Arubaanse sportsliedn hebben hun
krachten tegen hun Surinaamse collegas
op het gebied van voetbal, tennis, basket-
ball, tafeltennis en korfbal gemeten. In al
deze onderdelen hebben ze met sprekende
cijfers het moeten afleggen tegen de Suri-...”
Eldorado : maandblad ter behartiging van de belangen van Suriname en de Nederlandse Antillen
- Publication Date:
- 1950
- Type:
- serial
- Format:
- v. : ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
- periodical (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
De Arubaanse sportslieden hebben hun
krachten tegen hun Surinaamse collegas
op het gebied van voetbal, tennis, basket-
ball, tafeltennis en korfbal gemeten. In al
deze onderdelen hebben ze met sprekende
cijfers het moeten afleggen tegen de Suri-...”
The Netherlands West Indies : The islands and their people
- Creator:
- Poll, Willem van de, 1895-1970
- Dolman, Joop
- Publisher:
- Van Hoeve ( The Hague )
- Publication Date:
- 1951
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 60, [63] p.pl. : ill. ; 26 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Pictorial works -- Netherlands Antilles
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
- Dutch
on hoard the boats. The voluminous fishwives are particularly active
and, pushing and pulling, they try to “conquer” a basketful, for the
limited supply is quickly sold. After a while they come out of the crowd,
their faces beaming with delight and sa...”
A little guide English-Papiamento
- Creator:
- Hoyer, W.M, 1862-1953
- Publisher:
- Boekhandel Bethencourt ( Willemstad )
- Publication Date:
- 1952
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 51 p. : ; 24 cm.
- Edition:
- 3rd ed.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamentu -- Conversation and phrase books
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
- Papiamento
“......... Panekrab
Fish-bone ..... Wesu di pisca
Fishing-net .. Reda, taray
Fish-hook...... Anzu
Harpoon ....... Arpun
Fishing-basket Canaster
Fisher-boat .. Boto piscad
Canoe ......... Canoa
Birds, etc. Pajara, etc.
Cock.......... Gay
Hen .......... Galina
The pocket guide to the West Indies : British Guiana, British Honduras, Bermuda, The Spanish Main, Surinam and the Panama Canal
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publication Date:
- [1939]
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XVI, 525 p. : ill. ; 17 cm.
- Edition:
- [New and rev. ed.]
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Guidebooks -- Guyana
- Guidebooks -- Bermuda Islands
- Guidebooks -- Spanish Main
- Guidebooks -- Panama Canal (Panama)
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Guyana
- Bermuda Islands
- Spanish Main
- Panama Canal (Panama)
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...women, and it is interest-
ing to watch them swinging up the gangway with
baskets of coal on their heads while keeping up an
incessant fire of chaff and singing shanties. Each
basket holds 109 lb. of coal, and it is doubtful whether
there is any other part...”