St. Francisco de Campetie
- Creator:
- Visscher, Claes Jansz, 1586/1587-1652
- Dasniets, Iacobus
- Publisher:
- Claes Jansz. Visscher, woonende inde Kalver-straat ( Amsterdam )
- Publication Date:
- 1633
- Type:
- Map
- Format:
- 1 map : print, copper engraving, uncoloured ; 42,7 x 62,6 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Mexico
- Yucatán
- Spatial Coverage:
- Mexico
- Genre:
- Yucatán. (gtt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...AO$$K#$53E5E%p#$##$$g$53"hFCFE5MF WE#DpJgKMMEKAAMKD#$AKA!&q5< A%E$$pFE#E5$L$$%pF$$'EpFMM53#pDEFFG99F5eE$$#E#$F#$3,WEAp6MM#E$3"REF j]%FE35W5"3"$eEe5BeE5FE$ EE5E35 6E$$$5W#$#EA5#FF+/F/;S/CF"F 5$$E5%p M#E$ !!5!!!!!$MA!$A$AFAdLLL%!F$AKAA##D^$FE5G#5MM53"$ #A$O...”
Reize naar de Caribische Eilanden, in de jaren 1780 en 1781 : aan boord van s'Lands schip van oorlog Mars onder bevel van den schout bij nacht Willem Krul
- Creator:
- Jong, Cornelis de, 1762-1838
- Bohn, François (Haarlem)
- Publisher:
- bij François Bohn ( Te Haarlem )
- Publication Date:
- 1807
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- X, 326 p., 1 uitsl. ill. : ill. ; 22 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“..., als veelvraten deed aanzien, daar
een hunner meer at dan verfcheidene dezer wilden.
Nu heeft men hier nog de Pifang of de Bananas,
welker ftam zeer graag van de Kabrieten of Geiten
gegeten wondt. De Jammes die grooter, witter en
van fmaak flaauwer doch anders...”
Het eiland St. Martin, cartographie van St. Martin, geschiedenis van St. Martin, beschrijving en statistiek van St. Martin, nog eenige bijzonderheden betreffende sommige rondom St. Martin gelegen eilandjes en klippen en omtrent den oorsprong van sommige benamingen
- Creator:
- Dornseiffer, I
- Publication Date:
- 1883
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...dAngole) bruine en witte boonen, zoete aard-
appelen, jammen, arrowroot en maniok.
Van de talrijke vruchtsoorten zijn te vermelden bananas,
of bacobas, mangos, zuurzakken, guaven en bijzonder
geurige ananassen.
Van het dierenrijk worden door sommige oudere
Voyage aux trois Guyanes, et aux Antilles
- Creator:
- Verschuur, G
- Publisher:
- Hachette ( Paris )
- Publication Date:
- 1894
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- IV, 367 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Description and travel -- Guiana
- Description and travel -- West Indies
- Descriptions et voyages -- Guyanes
- Descriptions et voyages -- Antilles
- Groot Guyana
- Spatial Coverage:
- Guiana
- West Indies
- Guyanes
- Antilles
- Groot Guyana
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- French
labyrinthe de verdure et de broussailles, d’oü émergent
de-ci, de-lè, les restes d'anciennes cultures; j’y aper-
gois méme bananas poussant a 1’état sauvage. Quelques
vieilles négresses a 1’aspect simiesque, accroupies
devant des cabanes menagant mine, .me...”
Curacao, Dutch West Indies
- Creator:
- Reilly, William Benedict
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 68 p. : ill., port. ; 26 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
American cents a bunch. A goodly sized
crop of sugar cane for home consumption
is also raised. Hundreds of bunches of
bananas are sold weekly in town. All the
products mentioned, except the cocoanuts,
are grown by irrigation. There are six-
teen reservoirs...”
Curacao, Dutch West Indies
- Creator:
- Reilly, William Benedict
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 68 bl. : ill. ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
American cents a bunch. A goodly sized
crop of sugar cane for home consumption
is also raised. Hundreds of bunches of
bananas are sold weekly in town. All the
products mentioned, except the cocoanuts,
are grown by irrigation. There are six-
teen reservoirs...”
Compendio de la gramática del papiamento ó sea método para aprender á hablarlo y á escribirlo en corto tiempo
- Creator:
- Evertsz, N.J
- Publisher:
- Bethencourt ( Curazao )
- Publication Date:
- 1898
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 107 p. : ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Subject Keyword:
- Papiamentu
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Esperanto
Piia, anasa.
Pira blanca, calal di
Pira brava, ccdalil di
Plantage comn, llan-
tn, plantein ( )
Platano, banana.
Pringamosa, bringa-
Quebracho, kibra ha-
Quinbomb, guingam-
b, gttiambb.
Kabano, konoltji, ra-
de is ()
Het Negerhollands der Deense Antillen : bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der Nederlandse taal in Amerika
- Creator:
- Hesseling, D.C, 1859-1941
- Maatschappij der Nederlandse letterkunde te Leiden
- Publisher:
- Sijthoff ( Leiden )
- Publication Date:
- 1905
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- X, 290 p. : ; 23 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Creole dialects, Dutch
- Antillen
- Kreolisch-Niederländisch
- Spatial Coverage:
- Antillen
- Kreolisch-Niederländisch
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...Mi lolo
na taphus, mi lolo suk stekki
sowed gut fo mi goj na pot.
Wat ju sal ha fo dinner?
Mi no weet, mi wel bak fes
mit bak banana; wen mi no
ka ha ander, mi jeet sowed
gut mit funchi.
Mi wonder, as di ha eniste
nyw na taphus; mi mankee
loop fo weet die nyw...”
Mijn tweede weerwoord
- Creator:
- Maduro, Mordy. S.L
- Publisher:
- Handelsdrukkerij ( Curaçao )
- Publication Date:
- 1906
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- 16 p. : ; 21 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...ontslag zouden aano-ebleven waren, om geen
als of 5 leden tijdeh]k te brengen,
stremming m behandelu ^ van die 5 leden
waf def ref "" dat nSn^
l:,erlee5l' SSISarnJ'Sd"'!;: Been kennis la-
C SemeS ian het -Kort Wom-d van protest .
In het...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publisher:
- Stanford ( London )
- Publication Date:
- 1907
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XX, 316 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...of 20
ƒ feet, the Barbados banana tree does not exceed
10 or 12 feet. From Trinidad the principal kind
of banana exported is the red banana, known in
America as the “Aspinall,” which is every year
becoming better known. Bananas require great
heat, moisture...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publisher:
- Duckworth ( London )
- Publication Date:
- 1910
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XVI, 317 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Edition:
- New and rev. ed.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...a height of 20 ft., the Barbados banana-tree
does not exceed xo or 12 ft. From Trinidad the principal
kind of banana exported is the red or claret banana, which
is every year becoming better known in this country.
Bananas require great heat, moisture, and...”
Flora voor de Nederlandsch West-Indische eilanden
- Creator:
- Boldingh, I, 1879-1938
- Koninklijke Vereeniging Koloniaal Instituut
- Publisher:
- De Bussy ( Amsterdam )
- Publication Date:
- 1913
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XX, 450 p. : ; 23 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Botany -- Netherlands Antilles
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands Antilles
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...bevestigd zijn; 3 van de bloemdekbladen zijn met
elkander vergroeid; de vrucht is besachtig.
St. Eustatius, Saba, St. Martin: Banana; gekweekt.
Curasao, Aruba, Bonaire: Banaana, Bakooba; gekweekt.
1321. Heliconia L.
Heliconia Bihai L.
Rechtopgroeiende plant...”
The flora of Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire
- Creator:
- Boldingh, I, 1879-1938
- Publisher:
- Brill ( Leiden )
- Publication Date:
- 1914
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- XIV, 197 p. : ill. ; 25 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...in Bull. Soc. Philom. (1793). Piëta vlas.
45. Musaceae.
1318. Musa Linn.
Musa paradisiaca Linn. Spec.(1753) 1043. Banana, Bakooba.
Cultivated. [India orient.] (Symb.).
47. Cannaceae.
1363. Canna Linn.
Canna indica Linn. Spec. (1753) 1. Canna.
The Dutch West Indies
- Creator:
- Sprenger, J.B
- Publication Date:
- 1919
- Type:
- Book
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
Concerning the banana export, Mr. Vlenkman informed
us, that this no longer exists; notwithstanding the special
ships with refrigerators etc., intended for the purpose,
this undertaking has been a failure. The cultivation of
bananas for export has not...”
Handboek voor de kennis van Nederland en koloniën
- Publisher:
- Nijhoff ( 's-Gravenhage )
- Publication Date:
- 1922
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- xviii, 602 p. : ill., krt. ; 26 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Economische situatie
- Economic conditions -- Netherlands -- 1918-1945
- Colonies -- Economic conditions -- Netherlands
- Nederland
- Nederlandse koloniën
- Spatial Coverage:
- Netherlands
- Nederland
- Nederlandse koloniën
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- Dutch
“...Hamburg, Amsterdam/Rotterdam,
Antwerpen, Bordeaux. Lissabon naar Las Palmas, Teneriffe, San Thomé,
Landana/Chiloango, Cabinda, Banana, Boma, Matadi, Ambrizette, Ambriz,
Loanda, Lobito Bay, Benguela, Mossamedes en bij voldoende ladingaanbod
eveneens naar andere...”
Venezuela : a commercial and industrial handbook : with a chapter on the Dutch West Indies
- Creator:
- Bell, P.L
- Publisher:
- Department of commerce. Bureau of foreign and domestic commerce ( Washington, DC )
- Publication Date:
- 1922
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- xv, 472 p. : ill., krt., tab. ; 24 cm.
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Economic conditions -- Venezuela -- 1918-
- Commerce -- Venezuela
- Economic conditions -- Netherlands Antilles
- Commerce -- Netherlands Antilles
- Spatial Coverage:
- Venezuela
- Netherlands Antilles
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...the Western Andean region around Truiillo
and Merida. J
Of the exportable fruits, the banana is the most important, though
only about $100,000 is invested in the banana industry commercially
possibly because the general scarcity of labor would make it neces-...”
The pocket guide to the West Indies : British Guiana, British Honduras, the Bermudas, the Spanish Main and the Panama canal
- Creator:
- Aspinall, Algernon Edward, 1871-1952
- Publication Date:
- 1923
- Type:
- Book
- Format:
- X, 479 p. : ill. ; 18 cm.
- Edition:
- [new and rev. ed.]
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Subject Keyword:
- Guidebooks -- West Indies
- Spatial Coverage:
- West Indies
- Genre:
- non-fiction (marcgt)
- Language:
- English
“...business) in the following yean Bananas are also
1 shipped from Trinidad, Grenada, St. Lucia, St.
6 Vincent, and Dominica by the Canadian Banana
I Company, which purchases them under contract at
e. 50 cts. per bunch.
II The Jamaica banana, which is the variety known...”