No. Title Date
1 Chist
2 Un drama den hanch'i Punda
3 Su rival?
4 Ars et vita
5 Sint Maarten op de Montparnasse : een bundel bijdragen van Groninger schrijvers
6 Lagrimanan di Virgilio
7 Un huerfano : Novela original
8 The poetic legacy of Daniel Thaly
9 Reconciling differences: Michael Anthony's Green Days by the River
10 There's always the other side: agency and authority in creole initiation
11 Screaming silence: testimony and trauma in Shani Mootoo's Cereus Blooms at night
12 Jamaica Kincaid: image, manipulation and perception
13 Does a thread of magical realism pervade Roderick Walcott's Malfinis?
14 Obeah and cultural paradox in Annie John
15 Olga
16 Con sordino
17 African agency in the emergence of the Atlantic Creoles
18 Poetics of intimate voices: exploring identity politics in US Virgin Islands' poetry
19 (Re)Visiting Dominica's past, (Ad)Venturing into her future: interrogaring identity formation in Marie-Elena John's Unburnable
20 Language variation as 'verbal resourcefulness and aesthetic completeness': the sociolingistics of Derek Walcott