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“...and weld them into our organization; we must work unceasingly to help build up the revolutionary organization of Labor on the economic field; we must each serve our movement with what capacity nature has endowed us with and to the extent our individual circumstances permit. In a country like ours there will always be men and women in sufficient number to hold aloft the banner of the S. L. P. so long as the S. L. P. is true to itself. We owe it to the memory of De Leon, we owe it to ourselves, and wc owe it to the working class never to lower that banner, never to be switched aside from our course, never to barter ulti- mate aim for temporary gain no matter what the allurements In the words of De Leons favorite hymn we must Dare to be a Daniel, Dare to stand alone; Dare to have a purpose firm. Dare to make it known----- and when we arc approached by such as cry "peace whe* there is no peace, or propose "unity with something there can be no unity with, it is for us to knock that proposition...”

“... How do you expect to unite those men who are in the Republican and the Democratic parties into a political party? I would ask him. How do you expect those workmen who are Democrats and Republicans today to unite in an economic organization to overthrow the Democratic and Republican capitalists? The political action is the wedge to get in among those men, it is the wedge that emancipates tjiem from the thrall of political errors, and when all political errors are removed from their minds, then wc have a negative united political action, we at least would stand negatively united upon the political field, and when it comes to that, the man who cannot vote right will do everything else wrong. To imagine that you can leave those men there in that position, that we can leave them there, and try at the same time to organize this body, why, it is the old story of Madam Partington trying to sweep the Atlantic ocean away from her back yard. You cannot do it. You may unite a Republican and a Democratic...”