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Material Information
- Title:
- Neerlandia orgaan van het Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond
- Alternate title:
- Jaarverslag van het Algemeen Nederlands Verbond
- Alternate title:
- Neerlandia/Nederlands van Nu
- Abbreviated Title:
- Neerlandia (Gent)
- Creator:
- Algemeen-Nederlands Verbond.
- Place of Publication:
- Gent
- Publisher:
- Algemeen Nederlandsch Verbond
- Publication Date:
- 1896-
- Frequency:
- Verschijnt 1x per 2 maanden, vanaf 2010 4 per jaar
quarterly regular
- Language:
- Dutch
- Physical Description:
- v. : ; formaat varieert.
- Dates or Sequential Designation:
- [Jrg.] 1 (1896)-
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- Universiteit Leiden
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 840557167 ( ALEPH )
781589715 ( OCLC ) 0028-2383 ( ISSN ) PA0930722 ( CCP ) 147779 ( CTC ) 000069037 ( CLC )
- Classification:
- DJ1 .N4 ( lcc )
89.00 ( bcl )