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“...o OK J( GERMANY HOLLAND FRANCE SPAIN NEW yo&K AFRIKA CURACAO VENEZUELA O /r. O t>' $A\ PERU BOLIVIA VS AM US. Red. D. Line of Steamships & Caribean Steamship Co. -f- New Orleans and South America Line Eng Ing Brit. Leyland Line + Harrison Line -|- Ital Ital Ital. La Veloce Societa Nazionale di Navigazione + S. V. Lijnen die Curagao aandoen. Lineas de vapores que toean a Curasao. Steamship lines calling at Curagao Harbor. Hol Hol Hoi. Koninhlyhe West Indische Maildienst -f -j- Duitsdr Alem German. Hamburg Amerika Linie "l- Horn Line -j- Sweden Zwed Sueco. Person Line -f- Fransdi Frances French. Compagnie Generale Transatlantique %> Spaansch Esp. Span. Compania Trasatlantica Espanola -j- Passagiersbooten Buques de Pasajeros Passengers steamers -f- Cargo booten Buques de Carga Cargo steamers....”