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“...ment shall be equal to so much of the unpaid portion (as of the date of the instalment) of the total principal amount as has not previously become payable, divided by the number of instalments that have not previously become payable. C. Interest will be paid to the United States Government by the Netherlands Government in dollars at the fixed rate of two percent per annum on $ 50.000.000 (which is agreed to be the net sum of such of the charges constituting the total principal amount as are attributable to the period before July 1, 1946) for the period from July 1, 1946 through June 30, 1947, and, accruing from Juli 1, 1947, on the unpaid remainder of the total principal amount. With res- pect, however, to charges made under the $ 30.000.000 line of credit, interest shall accrue from the first day of July next following the date on which each charge is made. With respect to the amount of any reduction in the total principal amount under the terms of sub-paragraph 6 D and parapgraph 7 of...”

“... The term „corporations”, as used in the first sentence of para- graph 4 of this Agreement, includes public bodies of United States nationality of whatever character, and, as used in sub-paragraphs 4 A (1), (2) and (4) of this Agreement, includes public bodies of Netherlands nationality of whatever character. 4. Arms, Ammunition and Implements of War As used in paragraph 9 of this Agreement the term „arms, ammu- nition and implements of war” means supplies of the types listed in Proclamation number 2717 of the President of the United States, dated February 14, 1947, 12 Federal Register 1127....”

“...2. The Research Council shall elect a Chairman from among its members. A Deputy Chairman of the Research Council shall be appointed by the Commission and shall serve on the Central Secretariat. 3. The present composition of the Research Council and of its Research Committees shall be deemed to be effective from the 1st day of January, 1946. Article IX. Functions of the Research Council. The functions of the Research Council shall be: (a) To recommend to the Commission the number and func- tions of the technical Research Committees necessary to provide specialized scientific consideration of Caribbean research pro- blems. (b) In the interest of the Caribbean area to ascertain what research haJs been done, to survey needs, to advise concern- ing desirable research projects, to arrange and facilitate coope- rative research, to undertake research assignments of a special nature which no other agency is able and willing to carry out, and to collect and disseminate information concerning research...”