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Material Information
- Title:
- Eene reis om de wereld
- Alternate title:
- reis om de wereld: Zr. Ms. schroefstoomschip 1e kl. Curaçao in 1874 en 1875 onder bevel van den kapitein ter zee J. A. Vandevelde
- Creator:
- Hellema, D
- Place of Publication:
- Nieuwediep
- Publisher:
- De Buisonjé en Zoon
- Publication Date:
- 1880
- Language:
- Dutch
- Physical Description:
- VI, 246 p. : tab. ; 26 cm.
- Citation/Reference:
- Tiele ; 463
- Additional Physical Form:
- Ook beschikbaar in microvorm.
- Statement of Responsibility:
- door D. Hellema.
Record Information
- Source Institution:
- Leiden University
- Rights Management:
- All applicable rights reserved by the source institution and holding location.
- Resource Identifier:
- 843310529 ( ALEPH )
781607776 ( OCLC )