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“...Return tickets are double the above rates. The s.s. Trinidad or the s.s. Pretoria sails every three weeks to Barbados direct, calling at the Islands to pick up produce on the voyage north. This is a popular passenger steamer, as it gives tourists an opportunity of making a quick but enjoyable trip to the tropics, and allows two nights and a day for tourists to go ashore at Barbados. Rate for the round trip $100 {£20, 16s. 8d.) to $I25 (£26, os. rod.). Fleet:—Pretoria, 3300 tons; Parima, 3000 tons; Korona, 3000 tons; Trinidad, 2500 tons, and Manoa, 3000 tons, for freight only. As the line is operated without any subsidy, it is largely dependent upon return freights for its existence. These freights are so...”