1 |
“...Return tickets are double the above rates. The
s.s. Trinidad or the s.s. Pretoria sails every three
weeks to Barbados direct, calling at the Islands
to pick up produce on the voyage north. This
is a popular passenger steamer, as it gives tourists
an opportunity of making a quick but enjoyable
trip to the tropics, and allows two nights and a
day for tourists to go ashore at Barbados. Rate
for the round trip $100 {£20, 16s. 8d.) to
$I25 (£26, os. rod.). Fleet:—Pretoria, 3300
tons; Parima, 3000 tons; Korona, 3000 tons;
Trinidad, 2500 tons, and Manoa, 3000 tons, for
freight only. As the line is operated without
any subsidy, it is largely dependent upon return
freights for its existence. These freights are so...”
2 |
Year. Revenue. Eto”di‘ Imports. Exports.
General. Bunker Coal. Total. ’ HI
1900 1901- 2 1902- 3 1903- 4 i9<>4-5 1905-6 £ 72,108 67.365 72.193 66,009 69,272 61,877 £ 64.75° 67,486 69,408 70,692 65,508 62,521 £ 4°3.597 302,652 326,324 351,086 370,706 285,986 £ 104,881 77.871 73.458 105,983 101,449 109,027 £ 124,555 110,196 84,295 63,506 70,581 102,626 £ 229,436 ' 188,067 j 157.753 169,489 1 172,030 1 211,653
The principal exports in the year 1905-6 were
Sugar . . • • £45.163
St. Lucia is damp, and therefore less healthy climate,
for Europeans than some of the neighbouring
colonies. The temperature varies from 59° Fahr.
to 95° Fahr., the coolest month being February,
and the hottest July. The rainfall is between
80 and 100 inches per annum. The death rate
is 20 per thousand.
St. Lucia derives its name from the fact that it History,
was discovered on St. Lucy’s Day, 13th December
1502. Its possession was a constant...”
3 |
riders, but not for carriages, and it communicates
with the Goldsworthy Road, which leads across
Dennery. the central ridge to Dennery, which also has a
central factory, and the eastern side of the island.
VaUe^U The Roseau Valley and sugar factory are about
and Sugar three miles farther than the Cul de Sac factory.
Factory. Perhaps the prettiest ride near Castries is that to
Piton Flor. pjton Flor, about five miles from the town along
a steep road; the scenery in this direction is
magnificent. This road also leads to Dennery.
With a good pony it is possible to cross the
main ridge by the Piton Flor Road, and return by
the Goldsworthy Road and Cul de Sac Valley; but
the ride is a trying one of more than 20 miles,
and there are no refreshment houses on the way!
A less fatiguing outing, but one through tamer...”
4 |
Pedro Cays, 100
Pembroke, Earl of, 61
Penal Settlement, 87, 88
Penn, Admiral, 105
“ Pepper pot” recipe, 8
Perkins, Mr. H. J., 79
Peru, 145
Peter’s Island, 246
Peterson, Lieut., 212
Petroleum, 59, 75
Philippsburg, 271
Phosphate of alumina, 203
Phosphate of lime, 203, 247
Photography, 29
Physicians, 5
Pickford & Black Steamship Co.,
Ltd., 13, 21
Picton, General, 141
Pigeon Island, 189, 199
Pigeon Point, 152
Pimento, 103, 104, 129
Pine-apples, 203
Pinzon’s voyage, 81
Pitch Lake, 132, 148
Piton Flor, 198
Pi tons, the, 189, 200
Pitons of Carbet, the, 252
“ Placer” washing (gold), 80
Plantain Garden River, 101
Plum Point, 35
Plymouth, Montserrat, 230, 233
Plymouth, Tobago, 153
Point Galera, 152
Point Mulatre, 240
Point Petit, 152
Pointe-è.-Pierre, 137
Pointe-è-Pitre, 18, 250, 252
Pointe Michel, la, 240, 243, 245
" Poison tree,” 212
Polo. See Sports
Ponce, 279, 281
Population, 41
Port Antonio, 101, 108, no, hi,
113, 129
Port Maria, 113
Port Morant, 113
Port of Spain, 131, 135, 137, 140