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“...53 — Dagelijksche gang van de Temperatuur °C. Para- St. Pa- mari- George lem- Band- Ban- jermas- Padang joe- Bui- ten- Ba- ta- - Decima Nacht bo ■ d’Elm. bang sing wangie zorg via Winter Lente Zomer Herfst 12 25.4 24.92 24.70 24.78 25.07 24.3 24.17 4.41 12.06 22.96 16.30 13 2 49 53 69 24.69 1 12 17 11.75 70 15.98 14 23.8 29 29 30 54 0 23.90 3.94 42 58 62 15 5 06 03 04 20 23.8 70 80 20 67 41 16 2 23.72 23.82 23.88 23.92 5 51 99 06 78 10 17 0 79 87 82 75 3 33 4.31 31 95 14.96 18 24.25 7 24.20 96 76 76 3 19 70 94 23.37 15.67 19 25.4 25.30 25.29 24.34 25.06 5 52 5.49 13.49 24.24 16.96 20 26.60 26.3 26.26 26.67 25.70 26.35 24.6 24.60 6.35 14.53 25.09 18.45 21 29.00 27.1 27.28 27.86 27.41 27.87 25.4 26.20 7.28 15.10 84 19.59 22 7 28.04 29.31 87 28.31 26.0 27.45 80 59 26.13 20.02 23 28.0 84 30.37 28.39 58 4 28.36 8.04 98 31 40 Midd. 0 29.62 3 29.68 31.71 28.70 28.87 6 28.91 26 16.26 59 70 1 74 4 30.39 86 99 97 8 29.11 45 51 83 88 2 0. 89 72 29.04 95 8 04 60 63 96 86 3 27.8 31.31...”