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“...tiling now stated, that we consider the foundation of colonial establishments as, generally speaking, inexpedient. — We entertain no such opinion. — We do not object to the establishment * of colonies, provided they be placed in advantageous si- tuations, but we do object to the trammels that have been laid on their industry, the interference exercised by the mothercountries in their domestic concerns, and the attempts to govern and to coerce .them after they have attained to maturity. — Every individual should have full liberty to leave his native country etc. H* culloch commercial dictionary art. colonies and colony trade. Edition 1847. The petty and insolent tyranny of upstart authority characte- rises the Government of most, if not all colonies; but Dutch, Spanish and Poruguese colonies are not less dis- tinguished for the remorseless cruelty of their several ad- ministrations. Sir RICHARD PHILLIPS. A great deal has been said about the slavery of the blacks, but nothing is ever mooted about...”