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“...antwoordde, dat onderhandelingen
niet noodig waren. De verdeeling was in het leven geroepen door het Britsche
Parlement en kon door dat Parlement beëindigd worden. Zoolang die verdeeling
gehandhaafd bleef, kon er geen werkelijke en definitieve verzoening tusschen
Ierland en Groot-Britannië komen. Hij twijfelde niet of de tegenwoordige Britsche
Regeering begreep de situatie. „They must know”, zeide De Valéra, „that the
occupation of the Six Counties by Britain was a flagrant violation of the funda-
mental national rights and sovereignty of the Irish people; they must know that
they have no more right to occupy these Six Counties of our country than a foreign
Power would have to occupy some area of England in which there happened
to be a political minority opposed to the will of the majority, for example, the
Conservative South-East of England at the present time. So long as a minority in
any country is used, as our minority is used, to serve the interests of an external
Power, all attempts to...”