1 |
made my investigation easy. These are: Messrs. C. C. B. Gorsira
of Malpais, Pastor Hendriks of Westpunt, H. van der Linde
Schotborgh of Savonet, Joubert of Wacao and Barber, A. Statius
Muller of Siberie, I. van Lier of Hato, H. H. R. Chapman of
Yalentyn, A. Land of Klein-Da velaar, Ch. Debrot of Choloma,
J. H. Penha of Koraal Tabak, Henriquez of van Engelen, de Wind
of Waterloo, Ph. de Haseth of Patrick, G. Heldewier Yignon of
Knip, M. van Uytrecht of St. Kruis, C. S. Gorsira of Klein St.
Martha, G. H. van der Linde Schotborgh of St. Jan.
On Dec. 20 I went to Aruba. Here I particularly mention Messrs.
Ecurie and W. F. Peiliker, Pastor Th. van Sadqlhoff, R. J. Beaujon
jun., Pastor A. Ellis at St. Cruz, Beaujon of Belaski, Pastor G.
Potter of Savaneta, de Veer of Seroe Colorado, C. de Veer of
St. Nicolaas.
On Jan. 18 I departed to Curasao, from where I left for Bonaire
on Jan. 28. There I was from Jan. 30 to Febr. 14 the guest of
Pastor P. A. Euwens at Rincon. I further mention...”
2 |
“...guadalupensis Moröng. in Mem. Torr. bot. Club III. 2 (1893)
p. 60. t. 67;
Najas microdon A. Br. var. curassavica A. Br. in Sitzungsber.
ges. naturforsch. Freunde Berlin (1868) 17.
Curasao: Britton & Shafer 3083.
Cuba, Florida, Mexico, Venezuela. (Symb.).
15. Alismaceae.
75. Echinodorus Engelm.
Echinodorus cordifolius Gris. Kar. (1857) 109; Gris. FI. 505;
Echinodorus rostratus Engelm. in Gray Man. of Bot. II. ed.
(1856) 438; Buch. in Eng. Pflanzenr. Heft 17 (Alismataceae) 31.
Curasao: Md (4893); Malpais. — Britton & Shafer 3115.
Baham., Antill., Amer. sept. (Symb.).
17. Hydrocharitaceae.
85. Halophila Thou.
Halophila Baillonis Aschers. Journ. Linn. Soc. XIV (1874) 317.
Onra^ao: v. Breemen: Spaansche water near Brakkeput.
St. Thomas, Guadeloupe, Martinique. (Symb.)....”
3 |
“...(5030); Hk (5131a); Rih (5324); Pk
(5467); (5735). — Suringar, — Went 1120, — Lens 845, — Britton &
Aruba: Hoh (6363); Savh (6534). — Suringar.
Bonaire: Rk (7068); R(7090); R(7142); Plh (7292); Math (7308);
Montkz (7403). — Suringar.
On all the islands observed in nearly all places visited.
Margarita. (Johnston).
Antill., Mexico, Venezuela, Equador, Peru, Buenos Ayres,
Galapagos. (Gris. FI.).
Acacia villosa Willd. Spec. Plant. IV (1805) 1067;. Gris. FI. 221.
Matagalienja, Nigieta die Malpais, Watapaana sji-
marón, Wild divi divi.
Curasao: Ri (4647); Nasw (4689); Cas (4787); Mah (4860);
Sc (4978); Hk (5131 e); Hw (5560); M 7. — Aschenberg, — Suringar, —
Went 1118, 1320, — Lens 820, — Britton & Shafer 2943.
Observed only on Curasao in the Western part and in the Western half
of the Eastern part; 45 finding places noted.
Cuba, Jamaica, Mexico to Panama. (Gris. Flor.).
3447. Leucaena Benth.
Leucaena glauca Benth. in Hook. Journ. Bot. IV (1842) 416;
Gris. FI. 220. Toembaraboe.
4 |
“...breviores, Ses-
siles, trigonae, dense tomentosae. Flores in fasciculos collecti. Alabastra
mitraeformia perpauce acuminata. Pedicelli flliformes. Calyx expansus 0,6 cm.
latus, laciniis patentibus, acuminatis. Discus planus pentagonus. Stamina
laciniis calycinis multo breviora. Filamenta antheris duplo vel triplo longiora.
Antherae ovöideae. Ovarium disco semi immersum, stylus conicus. Drupa glo-
bosa, 0,6 cm. longa.
Bessji kabrieto, Paaloe die bessji. Plate VII.
CurasaoCalcareous hills near Malpais (4894); Hills near Siberie
(4976) (type-); Calcareous hills near Siberie (5267); Calcareous soil near
Knip (5580); Hills to the east of Westpunt (5441); Seashore near
St. Jan (5693). — Suringar, — Britton & Shafer 8056.
Bonaire: Rincon (7063, 7060).
Occurs only on Curasao and Bonaire, 15 finding places noted.
4875a. Krugiodendron Urb.
Krugiodendron ferreutn Urb. Symb. Ant. Ill (1902) 314;
Condalia ferrea Gris. FI. W. I. (1859) 100.
Bonaire: Fk (7334); Boiko (7369). — Suringar.
Florida-, Key Ins...”
5 |
“...longa. Pedunculi 1-3 cm. longi,
puberuli. Involucrum pentaphyllum, foliolis inaequalibus, acutis, integernmis,
nervosis, hispidulis. Receptaculum planum, paleaceum; paleis oblongis, obtusis,
nervosis, glabris, margine ciliatis. , ' _
Flosculi masculi noU vidi. Flosculi feminei: Corolla flava, tubo 0,05 cm.
longo, ligula 0,15 cm. longa. Stigma 0,1-0,15 cm. longa. Akenia palea arete
inclusa, 0,25 cm. longa, trigona, apice irregulariter tuberculata.
Plate IX.
Curasao: Hills near Domingito (5638); Malpais (M. 14) (type).
Bonaire: Rincon (7003, 7401).
9138. Parthenium Linn.
Parthenium Hysterophorus Linn. Spec. (1753) 988; Gris. FI.
369. Bassoora die lieber.
Curasao: No (5434); Ent (5440). — Aschenberg, — Suringar, —
Lens 816, — Versluys 1422.
Aruba: Locality unknown. — Suringar.
Bonaire: Suringar.
Margarita. (Johnston).
. Bermud., Florida, Key Ins., Baham., Antill., Amer. cont. trop.
6 |
Oct. 28—30 Malpais, Blaauw, Klein Piscadera.
Nov. 1—2 Westpunt.
jt 2—4 Savonet, Christoffel.
n 5—10 Wacao, Hieronymusberg, Antonieberg.
n 11—13 Siberie, St. Pedro, Fontein, Ascention.
n 16 Plantersrust.
n 18 Hato.
n 19 Ronde Klip.
n 20 Valentijn, Schottegat.
n 21—22 KI. Davelaar, Zuürrak, Brakkeput ariba, Beekenburg, Choloma.
n 23 Choloma, Groot St. Joris, Koraal Tabak.
n 24 v. Engelen, Waterloo, Noordkant.
V 30—Dec. 1 Kleine Berg, Patrick, St. Kruis, Knip.
Dec. 2—4 Knip.
11 5—6 St. Kruis.
n 7—8 KI. St. Martha, Dokterstuin.
11 8—9 St. Jan.
n 9 St. Jan, San Sebastian, Siberie, Hermanus.
n 14 Priesterberg.
Jan. 24 Caracasbaai.
n 25 Malpais.
Aruba: Dec. 21—Jan. 18.
Dec. 22 Oranjestad.
11 23 Jaboribori.
71 24 Jamanota.
n 25 Mansheba.
n 27—28 Noord, Alta Vista, Calabasha, Seroe Plat, Kristalberg, Boeshiribana, St. Cruz.
to 29 St. Cruz—Ajo.
ii 30 Hooiberg, Canashito.
Jan. 1 Seroe Soempinja, Andikurie, Daimarie, Sabanilla abau, St. Cruz.
11 4 Belashi.
11 5 Belashi, Mir la mar, Fontein,...”
7 |
“...bare and show small complexes of some-
what higher Acacia villosa, Croton flavens and Caesalpinia coriaria,
but for the rest the only flora is formed by Bouteloua Humbold-
tiana and Aristida Swartziana, small plants of Jatropha gossypi-
folia, Evolvulus sericeus, Corchorus hirsutus, Tephrosia cinerea,
some Cereus plants, Sida procumbens and Diodia rigida. When
on these hills more Acacia tortuosa and some other shrubs deve-
lop, they are more overgrown. I mention as a specimen:
The Hills near Malpais.
Here is a rather dense shrub-growth of Croton flavens, Phyllan-
thus Euwensii, between which Cereus griseus and high shrubs of
Acacia tortuosa; especially Acacia villosa abounds here, while
Caesalpinia coriaria, Haematoxylon Brasiletto and a few Casearia
bonairensis belong to the higher forms with Bumelia obovata,
Randia aculeata and Myrtaceae; an occasional Guaiacum officinale
is also found on such grounds.
As a more central low hilly part we mention:
The hills between Wacao and Dokterstuin...”
8 |
Mata galienja = Acacia villosa.
Mata komblees = Ammannia latifolia.
Mata paaloe. = Ficus Brittonii.
Mata piskaa = Jacquinia barbasco.
Mata poorko = Boerhaavea erecta, Boerhaavea coccinea and Boer-
haavea paniculata.
Mata ratón = Glïricidia sepiüm.
Meloen = Cucumis Melo.
Melon die seeroe = Melocactus.
Mispoe = Acfaras sapota.
Moesti. sambo = Pisonia bonairensis.
Montdnja = Desmanthus depressus.
Moora = Mentzelia aspera.
Naranja ='Citrus.
Neboeba = Passiflora suberosa.
Nigieta die Malpais — Acacia villosa.
Nopal = Opuntia tuna,
Oebaada = Acacia tortuosa.
Oenkoe = Cyperus articulatus.
Olieba = Bontia daphnoides and Capparis jamaicensis.
Olieba maatsjoe = Capparis Breynia.
Olyfi = Bontia daphnoides.
Oreegano = Cordia globosa.
Orengga = Moringa oleifera.
Otaheite = Thespesia populnea.
Oude wijven = Vigna unguiculata.
Paaloe die bessji = Condalia Henriquezii.
Paaloe die Bonaire = Casearia bonairensis.
Paaloe die heeroe = Machaonia Ottonis....”
9 |
“...hills near Malpais, Curasao ... . . . . 317
Ma. ko = calcareous soil near Tanki Maraka, Bonaire . . 204
Mam. h. = slope of Mamarie, Bonaire . . . ... . 220
Man. d. = sandy seashore near Manshebo, Aruba . . . 105
Man. k. z. = calcareous seashore near Manshebo, Aruba . 104
Mans. z. = seashore near Savaneta, Aruba . . . . . 150
Man. w. = road from Manshebo to Oranjestad, Aruba . . 106
Mat. = Salina Mathijs, Bonaire..............................177
Mat. h. = hills near Salina Mathijs, Bonaire .; . . . . 179
M. d. = hills near Malpais, Curasao. . ... . . , . 321
M. d2. = hills near Malpais, Curasao . . . . . . . 822
M. h2. = hills near Malpais, Curasao . .................. 319
Mi. = near San Maria, Curasao . . . . . . ... 364
Mir. h. = slope of Miralamar, Aruba ........................136
Mir. w. = road from Belashi to Miralamar, Aruba . . . 135
M. = Malpais.................."... . . . . . .
M. k. = calcarfeous hills near Malpais, Curasao .... 320
M. k2. = calcareous hills near Malpais, Curasao...”
10 |
M. s. = seashore near Michielsbaai, Curagao ....
M. t. = hofje of Malpais, Curagao......................
N. = from Waterloo to Noordkant, Curasao , .
Nas. k. = calcareous hills near Fort Nassau, Curagao .
Nas. w. = road to Fort Nassau, Curagao . . . .
Ne = neighbourhood of Newton (Knip), Curagao. . .
Ne. h. = hills near Newton (Knip) in the direction of Christof
felberg, Curagao.....................................
Nic. k. = calcareous soil near St. Nicolaas, Aruba .
N. k. = calcareous hills near Noordkant, Curagao . .
N. w. = road from Oranjestad te Noord, Aruba..
N. z. = seashore near Noord, Aruba . . .
O. k. = calcareous soil near Oranjestad, Aruba . . .
O, k2^ = calcareous soil near Oranjestad, Aruba. .. .
O. k. z. = calcareous hills and seashore near Onima, Bonair
Paard. w.)f= seashore near Paardenbaai, Aruba . .
P. B. = road from St. Patrick to Barber, Curagao . .
P. C. = road from Barber to St. Kruis, Curagao . .
Pe. k. = calcareous soil near San Pedro, Curagao. .
Pe. w. _==...”