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“...(5330); K (5463). . — Aschenberg, — Suringar, — Britton & Shafer (3082). Aruba: Jam (6306); Cank (6384). — Suringar. Bonaire: Rk (7051); Macb (7122); Soebh (7274); Bonk (7489). — Suringar. Generally spread in parts with well developed woods; on Curasao 28 finding places noted, especially in the Western part and on the Western border of the Eastern half; on Aruba 7 finding places noted and on Bonaire 18. Baham., Antill. (Symb.). Coccoloba uvifera Jacq. Enum. Syst. 19; Gris. FI. 161. Dreifi die laman, Zeedreifi. Curasao: Suringar, — Britton & Shafer 2951. Aruba: Mand (6290). Bermud., Florida, Baham., Antill., Mexico, Amer. centr., Venezuela, Guiana. (Symb.). 2210. Triplaris Loefl. Triplaris coriacea Krst. in FI. Columbiae II (1862—69) 131. Manggel die sabaana....”

“...curacies in the determinations occur is obvious. I also became aequainted with a publication by Hurtado1 2), who in an appendix gives a survey of the Curasao flora. This appendix contains a very large number of mistakes. It seemed preferable not to quote the plants from the three publications mentioned and to elaborate in this flora only the data from recent collections, found in the Utrecht herbary. 1) G. J. Simons. Beschrijving van het eiland Curapao. Oosterwolde 1868. 2) 0. Hurtado. Compendlo di botanica elemental. Curazao. Benthencourt e Hyos. 1891....”

“...Vernacular Names. 171 Djoekoe = Caesalpinia ciliata. Dreifi die laman = Coccoloba uvifera. Dreifi sjimarón = Coccoloba diversifolia. Ekaakes = Chrysobalanus icaco. Elefanti = Polygala angustifolia. Fantasiea = Ceratosanthes corniculata. Ficus = Ficus elastica. Flaira = Jatropha gossypifolia. Flamboyant = Poinciana regia. Floor die sangger = Lantana camara. Foema = Vitex umbrosa. Foengfoeng = Desmodium molle. Foengfoeng homber — Sida spinosa var. angustifolia. Frikampeeuw — Opuntia tunoides. Geelhout = Casearia bonairensis. Giambo == Hibiscus esculentus. Giambo sjimarón = Malachra alceifolia. Gieni gras — Panicum maximum. Goeaana — Beureria succulenta. Goeaazoema = Guazuma ulmifolia. Goeajaaba = Psidium Guajava. Goeaako = Mikania scandens. Goeamaatsjoe = Peireskia bleo. Goorda kapaa = Desmodium molle. Granaatappel = Punica Granatum. Grijze manggel = Conocarpus erecta. Haabriman = Dactyloctenium aegyptium. Hielo die diaabel = Cuscuta americana. Hoerihoeri = Capparis cynophajlophora. Hooba...”

“.... . 302 R. k. = calcareous hills near Rincon, Bonaire .... 157 R. k. = calcareous top of Ronde Klip, Curasao . ... . 33 R. t. = gardens in Rincon, Bonaire. . . . . . . . 161 S. = hofje of Siberië, Curasao .............................. 340 Sa. h. — hills near Sahanilla abau, Aruba...................131 Sav. h. = hills near Savaneta, Aruba........................148 Sav. k. = calcareous hills near Savaneta, Aruba 147 and 149 Sav. k. = calcareous soil near Piedra Cruz, Aruba . . . 188 Sav. k. z. = seashore in the neighbourhood of Piedra Cruz, Bonaire. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 189 Sav. w. = road near Savaneta, Aruba . . . . . ... 146 S. C. — road from Savonet to Christoffelberg, Curasao . . 338 Se. h. = hills near Seinpost, Curasao . . ... 98 Serg; h. = slope of the Seroe Grandi, Bonaire . 200 Serg. t. = hofje near Seroe Grandi, Bonaire.................201 Ser. k. = calcareous hill Seroe bianco, Aruba. . 141 and 151 S. h. = hills near Savonet, Curasao. . . . . / . . 337 Si. = hofje of Siberië...”