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“ morning, when their owners shall have to pay for taking them out, the usual fort fee of one piece of eight for each slave, as also four bits to the schout of taken up by him, and in case their owner or owners should refuse to pay the above men- tionend fee, the said slave or slaves will be publicly flogged. Done in court, held at St. Eustatius, 13 November 1810, by Commandant and Council. By Command, {get.) T. G. Gboebe, First sworn Clerk. 1811. N". 5. PROCLAMATION. We Thomas Barrow, Brig. General and Commandant of the Island of St. Eustatius, and the Council of said island, Whereas the many robberies of canes, sugar and syrrup, com- mitted by the negroes on the different sugar plantations, and...”

“...give immediate notice thereof to the Fiscal. Done in court, held at St. Eustatius, 28th February 1811. Ey Command, {get.) H. W. Pandt , Secret. Prev. 1815. N°. «. PROCLAMATION. We Thomas Barrow, Major General in service of His Bri- tannic Majesty, and Governor of the Island of St. Eustatius, and the Council of said island, . ; Whereas it has been represented to us, that notwithstanding the frequent orders issued by Government, that all boats and canoes should be hauled up at the Scale House every evening, some persons continue to haul up, and suffer their boats and canoes to lay in the different bays and other landingplaces, as well aback as in front of the island, Governor and Council having therefore duly considered the ill effects that may result therefrom to the inhabitants in general, as well by the desertion of their slaves, as by the clandestine exportation of produce etc., _ Do hereby order that from henceforth no boats or canoes shall be hauled up, or suffered to lay at any bay...”

“...1824. N*. 30. 41 continues silent, the sentry must challenge him for the third time; should the sentry receive no answer or an improper one, he shall then call out to said person to stand, and if said person does not obey, the sentry shall call to his officer and others of the guard for assistance, and such person shall be put under civil arrest, and a report of it made in the morning to the General. Article 5th. Any person, without distinction, who insults the guard or the rounds, shall be conducted to civil arrest in the Guard House, and reported the following morning to the Genl.; but should it be proved that the guard or the rounds arrested any person without reason, then the officer of the guard or the rounds shall be subject to the punishment, which a court martiall may award. Article 6th. It shall not be permitted to any officer totally to excuse any person from doing his duty on guard, except on account of sickness or absence from the island, and, if necessary, enquiry in to it...”